??? POV~~~

I looked down at her picture.
"Awe she's so cute!!" I squealed.
"That was her 7 years ago." My husband told me.

"I know that! Now wheres the picture of her friend?" I put my hand out waiting for the picture.

"Awe, there both adorable!!!" I hugged the picture to my chest.
"And they both grew into beautiful young lady's!" Ranka said, showing me pictures of them from a week ago.

"They will be perfect models!!" I said, then looked to my husband with pleading eyes.
"I don't know if my client would like being a model..." He trailed off.
I pouted out my lower lip.
"Ughhh...fine.. I'll asked her." He gave in.
Me and Ranka highfived.

I'm so glad we became friends.

**two days later**

Kayla's POV

I was wrong!!
Something happened! Something horrible.
"I'm can't do this!" I yelled about to jump of that model platform Mrs.Hitachinn had me on.
"Oh stop complaining!" Ranka (Haruhi's dad) yelled at me.
"Now look cute!" Mrs.Hitachinn ordered.

I sighed then put on the cutest face I could.
"Awe!!~" they squealed and took over 100 photos.

When they stopped I slumped back into my mopy mood.
"Imma need some hardcore liquor after this.." I whispered to myself.
Sadly Kyoya heard and gave me a look that said. 'Try and I will tie you up'.

"Alright Kayla! It's lunch break!" She said then her and Ranka ran off to eat.

"Lunch break? Meaning there more!?!" I fell backwards in exhaustion and stared at the sky.
"Cute bunny panties!!" Honey complimented.
Shit! I stood up and pushed the skirt down.
I forgot I was wearing a dress and that the others were here for me and Haruhi's photo shoots.

I saw the guys and Haruhi blushing. They've been doing that a lot...
"What's with the cutesy underwear?" Hikaru and Kaoru asked in unison.
" ummmmmm...." I couldn't think of an excuse.
Truth is I love these underwear, their cute and have a pink bunny on them...which I now realized looked strangely like usa-chan.
That's awkward....

I didn't notice we had wasted our lunch time until Ranka and Mrs.Hiatachinn walked in with three more outfits.
"These are from my cosplay line of fashion!~" Mrs.Hitachinn stated proudly.
She then handed me one and pushed me to the change room.
"Try it on!" She demanded.

I put it on and cringed it was a school girl outfit, and the skirt was a little big...

I walked out and glared at my boss's wife.
She just smiled back.
I walked to the platform, but tripped on my way there.

I heard a couple gasps.
Looking down I saw the skirt fell down and was showing some of my bruises.

I quickly stood up attempted to zip it back up, but the zipper was jammed.

"Damnitt!" I hissed.
Then I ran back into the changeroom, threw on my regular clothes and ran out of the house.

The last thing I heard was sweet little honey asking why I had bruises.
