The Truth About Me

It has been 3,745 days since I lost most of my memories. This is the day I was told my family. The day I started my new journey. The day I searched for my brothers. I was siting on the edge of the boat until Jason came to get me. 

Jason: Elisabeth. You are the daughter of the Ro'meaves and your brothers are Garroth, Zane, and Vylad. They all disappeared.


Jason: Then how else would I tell her.

Sara: A nice way.  Like. I'm sorry that you are not my daughter or something like that.

Jason: That's not my style.

Sara: Well this is not my style to del with you.

Elisabeth: So your saying that I'm the Ro'meave daughter.

Sara: Yeah. You have to find your brothers. If there even Alive....

Elisabeth: So Ember we have an adventure now.

Ember: Well I guess we do.

Sara: Here.

Then she gave her a book. In the first page were 3 pictures.

Sara: Those 3 pictures are what your brothers look like. So where do you want to set sail.

Elisabeth: I really want to begin my journey at phoenix drop. I feel like I can do a lot there.


Jason: It will take about 5 minutes to get there.

Then they set sail and they were there in a flash. She got of the boat and waved good bye and a guy with blue hair came and attacked her then she ducked the attack and put her hand on his blade. 


Elisabeth: I just want to research here.


Elisabeth: Well a phoenix did true me. 

???: Like I would believe that.

Elisabeth: It's true. Ember so hows the island.

Ember: The island looks pretty good.

Then She flow in and perched on her shoulder.

Ember: There's a small town in the middle of the island. Well you took care of this island.

???: Wow it's a phoenix. So do you want to come in the village. We don't have a lord, but it's in good condition.

Elisabeth: Sure. So what's your name?

Dante: Dante. I'm a guard here.

Elisabeth: Well you are pretty good.

Dante: Thank you.

Then they walked to the village and went into his house an there was a little girl with blue hair and cat ears and a girl with pink hair and cat ears as well. She ran up to Dante and hugged him.

???: DADDY!!!

Dante: Hey sweetly. Nekoette this is... I'm sorry, but what was your name?

Elisabeth: Elisabeth and this is Ember.

Nekoette: Wow it's a phoenix. That's so cool.

Ember: Thank you very much.

Nekoette: And it can talk. That's so cool. Mommy mommy. Look at this Phoenix.

???: Wow that's quite the Phoenix you got there.

Elisabeth: Why thank you. Oh what is your name if it's not rude?

Kawaii-chan: I'm Kawaii-chan.

Dante: Just to make sure I am not fully trues you. 

Ember: That's fine with us. So are you sure that you should keep that portal there?

Dante: Yeah I'm sure. you see are friends are in there. I's been about 14 years since that that very day. Tomorrow is going to be 15 longs years.

Elisabeth: I feel like someone I haven't met is in there.

Dante: So who is it?

Elisabeth: I have a request if it's not rude. If you see Garroth,Zane, or Vylad tell then that there's 4 ro'maeves kids still standing.

Dante: I'll be sure. I don't know what that's mean, but I'll tell him.

Elisabeth: Thank you.

Then she walked out and she went to the portable with ember and looked around it and it wasn't activated, but it looked in pretty good quality. Then an elf came and she was holding a bag.

???: Who are you?

Elisabeth: Elisabeth and you must be.

Zoey: Zoey and I am an Elf. 

Elisabeth: You must be the one who is trying to recreate the portable.

Zoey: Yeah so.

Elisabeth: Well if you do, well you will have to give up you eternal live and use what's ever is in the bag.

Zoey: How do you know?

Elisabeth: This may sound weird, but I have a connection with lady Irene. She was a lovely women and she was amazing.

Zoey: Well thank you for your help.

Then I walked to the path and went to the village and there was a house on a hilltop and I went to go see it and there was an upstairs and a basement. I thought it was the lords house and I went to a big tree and made a little hut in it. Dante was watching and he was very confused.

Dante: How did you do magic? Only elves and witches can do that.

Elisabeth: Well you see I learn from books and practice and I was surprised that I could do it.

Dante: I thought about what you said and I finally got it.

Elisabeth: Oh yeah. Well let's here it.

Dante: It means that one of the Ro'maeves had a kid and it's still alive.

Elisabeth: Well only part of that is true.

Dante: Then tell me.

Elisabeth: Well you see. One of the Ro'maeves died. Well she survived. That what it means.

Dante: Who is it?

Elisabeth: That's for me to know and for you to find out.

Dante: You really are secretive.

Elisabeth: Yeah I am.

Then she went up the tree and went to the hut and Ember flew up and she perched on a branch and the night pasted like it was nothing and she stood up and saw the white moon and she went out to sea and saw the water was calm and it looked wonderful and she took her shoes off and put her feet in the water and ran in the water and she jumped and she had fun. Then she went back to her hut and grabbed her violin and played be the sea shore. Then at midnight she went back and slept. Then day came and everyone was doing something and she walked around the woods and found a small village and there was cave leading to a nether portal and she left it alone. She saw someone in the village and he saw her and she went back to Phoenix drop and she went to the library and there was some books and she pick out a book and when back to her hut. There was Ember cleaning some stuff out and she was making her bed and Elisabeth sat down and read the book and she fell asleep in the middle of it and she saw a ship on the docks and she went to the village and there was new people. Then she went to write a letter and she walked around the forest again with Ember and went to the same village and she looked at some buildings and she ran int the same guy and she was holding a sword to her neck ad he was shadow knight.

???: Who are you? I don't take likely for stranger.

Elisabeth: My sorry I didn't mean to trespass I'm just looking.

???: Well you better get going.

Elisabeth: Well I'm Elisabeth.

???: The name of my sister. She's died those.

Elisabeth: Died hu. Well my brothers think I'm died, but I survived somehow.

???: Well I guess you might be the same one.

Elisabeth: Well you might be right about that. So what's your name?

???: Sorry, but I don't give my name to strangers. 

Elisabeth: Fine. Well so how's the Nether?

???: I can't explain. 

Elisabeth: Ok. So do you live here?

???: No.

Elisabeth: Ok then.

Then he went back to his human self he had brown hair and green eyes and I know I saw that face somewhere, but I did nothing about it. Then I went out of that village and I went back to Phoenix drop and I stayed there for 5 more days and I left to another Island. I promised Nekoette I would come back with exciting storys and I Traveled around the world and came back 2 years later and to my surprised there was someone waiting for me and I surprised I had to tell them. 
