A Secret to Keep

Be they way the picture is Elisabeth and Garroth. Elisabeth is the girl and Garroth is the boy on the right. I got the picture from Niseko it's a really good anime and you should watch it when you have the chance. I hope you enjoy this chapter and commented because not everyone had great ideas and you guys could have better ideas so yeah. I hope you enjoy. 


Nekoette P.O.V

It was pretty boring without Elisabeth. Maybe I should go and say hi to her and maybe she would make me her tea. Right now Elisabeth is in the forest and I'm scared to go in the forest alone. Hey why is Vylad and Garroth going in the forest. I should follow them. Yeah I should do that.

Then I went out and followed Vylad and Garroth secretly. Then I saw Garroth and Vylad talking and Vylad looked cool, but Garroth looked mad. I could make out what they said.

Vylad: Wait.... You wore My little pony underwear. HA HA HA HA. That so funny.

Garroth: No it's not. I had to wear Zane underwear because I ran out.

Elisabeth: Well I had to wear your boxers because I ran out of underwear.

Vylad: I remember that. It was so big you had to hold it up with your hands.

Garroth: Oh and remember the time I throw a book at you and you packed a bag of chips in my mouth.

Elisabeth: Yeah I do. You were crying so much.

Vylad: Hey Bleach-Head you mind if you My little pony boxers.

Elisabeth: Yeah maybe we should change your Nickname to Tiny boy.

Vylad: No I like Bleach-head better.

Elisabeth: Bleach-head you have a good sense of humor.

Garroth: Thanks.

Elisabeth: Hey Nekoette you should join use.

Nekoette: Ah I wasn't sneak enough.

Then I ran to her and she pet my head and ticked me and I told her to stop, but she kept going. 

Garroth: Your nothing like Lucinda said you were like.

Elisabeth: I get that a lot. 

Garroth: Your good with kids and friendly to everyone.

Garroth P.O.V

Elisabeth: Hey Nekoette you want some tea?

Nekoette: Yeah Elisa~chan. Your tea is so good.

Elisabeth: Ok then. You want some tea Garroth and Vylad?

Garroth: Yeah sure. I wanna ask you some questions.

Vylad: Sure.

Then we walked to the village and we had some tea in the tree and her tea was amazing. She gave me a piece of strawberry and I ate it. It was so good! 

Elisabeth: Hey Nekoette if you keep eating like that your going to choke.

Nekoette: Elisa~chan this cake is so good. 

Garroth: She's right. So how did you make cake this good?

Elisabeth: Bleach-head you really need a life.

Garroth: How about you!

Vylad: Hey Garroth can you please just shut up. I'm trying to enjoy some cake and tea someone really grateful gave to use.

Garroth: She's your older sister!

Vylad: Exactly.

Nekoette: Hey Elisa~chan can you teach me how to cook sweets like this?

Elisabeth: I already got a lot on my hands so I'll think about it. Ok.

Nekoette: Ok Elisa~chan. I'll wait for you to teach me.

Elisabeth: Ok.

Garroth: First of all are you dating anyone?

Elisabeth: No.

Vylad: Hey are you going to get a boyfriend?

Elisabeth: No.

Garroth: Are you going to keep call me Bleach-Head?

Elisabeth: Yes I am, Bleach-Head.

Nekoette: Elisa~chan can you come with me to go to Scaleswind.

Garroth: Yeah you wanna go.

Elisabeth: Scaleswind. I think not.

Vylad: Come on it's going to be fun.

Elisabeth: I don't know. I mean what are we going to do there?

Garroth: Visit Nicole.

Elisabeth: Yeah no. 

Nekoette:  Come on she's my mom-not-mom.

Elisabeth: Yeah no.

Garroth: We need to hang out more so your coming.

Elisabeth: Come on. Even if I wanted I can't come.

Nekoette: Why not?

Elisabeth: That's a secret. 

Garroth: Then your coming along. Ok little sis.

Elisabeth: Fine, but I'm not taking a step on there.

Vylad: Fine be alone then.

Elisabeth P.O.V

I cut another piece of strawberry cake for Nekoette and I stood up and walked to the forest and Ember perched on my shoulders. 

Ember: So are you really going to Scaleswind?

Elisabeth: Yeah, but I'm not taking a step there.

Ember: You know what your promise was Nicole.

Elisabeth: I know. I own her big time.

Ember: Well you hope that she doesn't figure out that your there.

Elisabeth: I know.

Ember: You better be careful course I'm going to stay here.

Elisabeth: Ok.

Then Elisabeth started to walk back and Aphmau ran up to her and smiled. 

Aphmau: Ok. I've been thinking about this for a long time, but can you be my guard?

Elisabeth: Your guard?

Aphmau: Yeah my guard. It's ok if you need to think about it.

Elisabeth: I'm so sorry, but I can't.

Aphmau: Why not?

Elisabeth: Because I just can't.

Aphmau: Well at least be Levin's guard.

Elisabeth: Sorry I can't right now.

Aphmau: Why not?

Elisabeth: Because if I did, then I would.... Have.... no.....time.......to........Wash my dog.

Aphmau: Wash your dog?

Elisabeth: Yeah. I meant Ember. You know how Phoenixes are so hard to clean these days.

Aphmau: I guess so.

Elisabeth: Yeah. So that's why I can't be your guard.

Aphmau: Fine, but if I catch you lying to me I'm going to force you to be my guard. Got it.

Elisabeth: Got it.

Then she walked off and I sighed and sat down. 

Elisabeth: I hope I don't have to tell them.


Hey guys. Kandy here. So comment down below what you think Elisabeth is keeping from the group. So if someone get's it right I will give you a shout out in one of my chapters. So yeah. Hope you enjoy. Also make sure you follow my cousin account call Kandybunny. She's really into One Piece so yeah.  
