The Return

I was riding back to Phoenix drop when a huge storm crashed on me and we almost died and I was out cooled for about 1 day and Ember was screaming at me so I screamed back and we just laughed it of and we set contained are journey and we got there and there was some new faces. When I got there I tied my small boat to the small docks and a guy with light brown hair came up to me and put a sword at my head and he had a cool, but beep voice and when he looked at me I was kinda scared.

???: Who are you and what do you want here?

Elisabeth: If I'm not right this is Phoenix drop right.

???: Yeah. This is Phoenix drop.

Elisabeth: Good. I'm here for Nekoette and Dante. 

???: And why should I trues you?

Elisabeth: I'm here for a promise I made with Nekoette so if you don't want me to go to the village you can just get them for me.

???: Fine, but you better not move and what's your name?

Elisabeth: Elisabeth.

Then he put down his sword and walked to the village and I sat at the docks and I was so bored so I decide to just walked to the village and follow the path and when I got there everything was better then new. Then the same guy saw me at the gate and ran at me draw his sword and attack and he was confused that I appeared right behind him. Then I looked behind me and he was confused and so I stepped into the village and walked to the house that I remember Nekoette house was and I knocked on the door and a little boy with blue hair answered and he looked at me and I smiled back.

Elisabeth: Hey is Nekoette home.

???: Nekoette there a lady at the door.

Nekoette: Ok  I'm coming.

Elisabeth: So what's your name?

Dmitri:  I'm Dmitri and I want to be a guard when I grow up.

Nekoette came upstairs and she saw Elisabeth and she ran to her and hugged her.

Nekoette: You kept your promise Elisa-chan.

Elisabeth: Well I always do. So who's this?

Then she went to the ground.

Nekoette: That's my big brother Dmitri. He is teaching me how to be a guard.

Elisabeth: Cool. Your Nicole son right?

Dmitri: Yeah, but my dad is Dante.

Then Dante when to check on the kids and I hugged him and he welcome me into his house and I told them one of my adventures and they were so excited about it. Then Kawaii-chan gave me a cup of tea and it was the best tea I ever had. Then we heard knocking on the door and I opened it and it was Ember and she had my scythe and I felt a little clumsy. Then I put it on my back and Ember went on the table and took a sip of my tea and I sat down and Dmitri was so curious about it.

Dmitri: Wow I never seen a Phoenix before.

Elisabeth: I'm not surprised. Phoenix are really hard to come by.

Nekoette: Yeah. It was so cool and yeah.

Elisabeth: So do you know what that guy with light brown hair name is?

Nekoette: You mean Laurence. Well you two already met. Well he's one of the guards here.

Dmitri: What's that thing to got there?

Elisabeth: You mean my Scythe. That was my friends before he died.

Nekoette: I'm so sorry.

Elisabeth: I call it The Spinning Dragon. 

Dmitri: Why that it seems like a weird name for a weapon?

Elisabeth: Well you see. My friend was called the spinner because he was spinning so must to confused her fighter and then she attacked. I call it the spinning dragon because I liked Dragons and he was as strong as a dragon.

Dmitri: That's so cool.

Then Dante sat down and gave me a cookie and I gave it to Ember.

Dante: Hey I told Garroth and Vylad. The thing you told me and they had surprised looks on there faces.

Elisabeth: Well I know they would be surprised.

Dante: So Garroth is out on a mission and he will be back tomorrow. Vylad is here in the village if you want to see him.

Elisabeth: Now why would I want to see them?

Dante: Your not fooling anyone. The news a long time ago. One of the Ro'maeves drown. Her name was Elisabeth.

Elisabeth: Yeah that sounds like me.

Dante: So how did you survived?

Elisabeth: A group of people helped me.

Ember: It's time to tell him. You can't keep it from him or one of them.

Elisabeth: Where is he?

Dante: He should be at the shoppes. He's one one with brown hair and green eyes.

Elisabeth: Thanks you.

Then she stood up and went out the door and Laurence saw her and attacked and she dodged his attack and she kept walking and he attacked again and she kicked his hand and his sword flew out of his hand. Then she kept walking. Then she stopped.

Elisabeth: Laurence I have to tell my little brother something.

Then she kept walking and she got to shoppes and she looked around and and he saw a the guy and she walked to him and he was the guy that he met at that village and he smiled at her.

Vylad: So your here again.

Elisabeth: Yeah I am.

Vylad: So how are you?

Elisabeth: So did you know about your sister alive?

Vylad: Yeah well I don't by it.

Elisabeth: Well when you were little you didn't belive that Zane was going to be a good guy when he grow up.

Vylad: How do you know about that?

Elisabeth: The names Elisabeth Ro'meave.

Then Vylad was crying and she was crying as well and they hugged and they walked around the village and he gave them a tore of the whole village and she was so tired at the end that fell asleep in the grass and Vylad had to wake her up and she used her magic to make a hut appear and he slept in it for the whole night. 

Then the night flew be and she woke up and did some chores around the village and Ember helped her and she showed Nekoette and Dmitri some cool moves and some tricks. Then she walked around the village and she went up the tree and looked around there. Then Levin climbed up the tree and he looked out at the village from above. Then Ember was flying and the kids were following her.  Elisabeth was smiling and she was laughing.

Levin: So this is funny to you?

Elisabeth: Yeah. Is it to you? 

Levin: Sorry, but I don't think anything is funny.

Elisabeth: Wow your a lord and you don't even have a sense of humor.

Levin: Hey I do, but I don't think anything is funny.

Elisabeth: Just let a smile on your face. I mean I never seen you smile.

Levin: You really have a happy mind.

Elisabeth: I have seen blood before and some downside to my life.

Levin: That's surprising. You just smile a lot so I never knew.

Elisabeth: I just met someone and that said to me just keep smiling and don't feel down.

Levin: Wow. I'm surprised.

Elisabeth: Well gotta fly.

Then she jumped off the tree and she ran to Ember and she chased her like the kids.
