The 6 month start

Serena P.O.V

I was tying the brother's of my girlfriend up to a chair in the basement and when I was done I turned around and saw Zane awake and he was struggling and I giggled and walked up to him and he was looking straight in my eyes.

Serena: I have no idea how you're related to Sweetheart. Your eyes are so sour and horrible.

He tried to broke out of the ropes I tied on him and he didn't even untie an inch from the rope. 

Serena: Hahaha. You're so determent to get out of that chair. Well you can't. Sorry.

Then the door opened and I saw my twin sister standing at the door and she had a smirk on her face and I looked at Zane and he was looking at her. 

Serena: So how was Sweetheart?

Cristina: She's in her room. Darling was so quite when she was in her room.

Serena: So who's this girl here?

I pointed to a girl behind me and she had black hair and she was still sleeping.

Cristina: She's Aphmau. Well at least I pay attention to there names. She's also pregnant. 

Serena: Interesting. Well see you guys later.

I waved back at the and I went out of the basement and I went to Elisabeth's room and I laughed a little and I started to open my door.

Elisabeth P.O.V

 I was on the bed just staring at the ceiling and I was bored out of my mind. I heard the door open and saw my two girlfriends there at the door and Serena was smirking and she went in and Cristina closed the door behind her and they walked to me and they stood there at the end of the bed and I just looked at them and I was scared.

Serena: Hey Sweetheart. So your friends are here, but don't worry there not going to die.... yet.

My eyes widen and I sat up and I was angry and scared at the same time. 

Elisabeth: If you even dare hurt them. I will hurt you.

Serena: Oh. Let's make a deal Sweetheart. 

Cristina: Yeah Darling. You're being so mean.

Elisabeth: What's the deal?

Serena: We are going to let you go with your friends, but you have to promise to marry us.

Cristina: Yeah Darling. When we meet you again we're going to get married. So deal or no deal Darling?

I was scared and terrified. This deal would either make my life good or bad. I had fear in my eyes and I nodded and Serena smirked and she hugged the side of me and Cristina hugged the other side of me and then Serena slipped a ring on my finger and I looked down and the ring had a light blue jewel in the middle and I wrapped my arms around the both of them and they were smiling with there eyes closed.

Serena: I'm glad you accepted the deal. Now we're going to live a happy life.

Cristina: Yeah Darling. Tomorrow we are going to let you go and you have 6 month to come back to us. Ok. Or we are going to come to you.

Serena: Yeah Sweetheart. 

Cristina: Come on. You need your rest Darling. Go to sleep.

Elisabeth: Ok Princess. You should get some rest too.

Cristina: I'll only sleep with you.

Serena: Yeah Sweetheart. 

Elisabeth: Ok. 

I got up and I got some pajamas and I went to the bathroom and I changed and I came out and Serena and Cristina was in there bras and underwear we bought today and I almost got a nosebleed. I sighed and I went to into my bed and Serena and Cristina went to the side of me and I pulled up the blankets and Serena and Cristina hugged me from both sides and I sighed. 

It was the next day and I was in my room of Red Sakura and I looked around and I was in my room and I found a note on my night stand and I read it.

Dear Elisabeth,

It's your fiances and we thought to put you in your room so you won't  have to do anything cause Sweetheart is very tired. So we will be waiting for you sweetheart. I can't wait to get married to you and I if you are wondering I'm not happy that I'm sharing you, but if I have you then I'm fine. When you come back we are going to share a room and your phoenix friend is going to have your room. Also that Nekoette is pretty cute.

From Darling.

When I was done reading it I was chills down my spin and I looked at my hand and it had the ring I got and I got up and I found my clothes we first met in and I put that on and then there was a knock on the door.

Elisabeth: Come in.

Then the door opened to reveal Aphmau and I smiled and she ran up to me and she hugged me. 

Aphmau: We thought you died.

Elisabeth: I'm sorry.

Aphmau: Also when you were gone I gave birth.

Elisabeth: Awesome so what's the baby name?

Aphmau: I don't know. 

Elisabeth: What do you mean you don't know?

Aphmau: Me and Aaron never really agreed to a name.

Elisabeth: First of all. What's the gender?

Aphmau: A boy.

Elisabeth: Does the baby have black hair or brown hair?

Aphmau: Black. 

Elisabeth: Ok let's make a name.

Aphmau: Ok.
