Halloween Special

Elisabeth P.O.V

I was going to take take Nekoette and Dmitri out to trick-or-treat and after that I was going to have a sleepover with Cristina, Serena and the others. I was going to be a butler because Cristina suggested it and I was about to leave my apartment when the door bell rang and I grabbed the treat bowl and I opened it and it was some kids in there costumes and I grave them there candy and they left. I put the bowl of candy in the front of my door and I got my phone and I started to walk to there house and I got some looks from girls and guys were checking me out. I finally got to Dante's house and I rang the door bell and Dmitri answered it and he smiled. He had a dinosaur hoodie with jeans on and green sneakers.

Dmitri: Kawaii~chan is in the kitchen making sweets.

I nodded and he welcome me in and I walked to the kitchen and saw Kawaii~chan dress up as a maid and she saw me and smiled and ran over to me and hugged me.

Kawaii~chan: Elisa~chan. You look so good with your hair in a ponytail. You should do it more often.

Elisabeth: Thanks Kawaii~chan. So when is Nekoette ready?

Kawaii~chan: She's in her room getting dressed. You can wait in the living room.

Elisabeth: Thanks.

I walked over to the living room and Dante was siting and dressed as a pirate. I smiled and I sat down and watched what ever he was watching.

Dante: So how's your fiances?

Elisabeth: Good. They said we'll have the wedding in about 6 mouth or so.

Dante: You better invite me.

Elisabeth: Don't worry, I will.

Then Nekoette came down and she was dressed as a maid also and I got up and said bye to Dante and Kawaii~chan and I took Dmitri and Nekoette out to treat.

~Time Skip~

We finished getting candy from every house that had candy and I was carrying there bags of candy and we finally got to there house and I knocked on the door and Kawaii~chan opened it and we went in and I put the bags of candy on the table and I sighed.

Elisabeth: I better get going.

Kawaii~chan: Elisa~chan should stay and Kawaii~chan can make you some lemon cake.

Elisabeth: I wish I could have your lemon cake, but I got to go.

Kawaii~chan: Ok. You can get some lemon cake tomorrow. Does that sound good?

Elisabeth: Yeah sure. Well see you guys later.

Dante: Have a safe one.

Nekoette: Yeah Elisa~chan. Also don't forget to take me to Freddy Fazbear Sister Location.

Elisabeth: Oh yeah. I promised you didn't I. Dmitri you wanna come?

Dmitri: Yeah sure.

Elisabeth: Ok then. Well see yeah.

I left there house and I went to Serena and Cristina's house and it was a mile from my apartment and when I got there it was 10:32. I rang the door bell and Cristina opened the door and she was a witch for Halloween.

Cristina: Oh Darlings here. Well come on in.

I nodded and came in and took off my shoes and I went in the house and Serena was on the couch passed out and she was in a bunny costume that showed too much cleavage. Cristina went to the kitchen and she started to make some curry.

Cristina: What kind of Curry?

Elisabeth: Any would be fine.

(If you don't know what curry is it's a Japanese dish that is like soup, but not soup with meat and potatoes and other stuff. You have half of that and you mix it in with rice. It's pretty good. Otaku here.)

Cristina: Ok. How about spicy curry?

Elisabeth: Ok.

I went to a closet and grabbed a blanket and I placed it on Serena and she was blushing in her sleep. I smiled and went to the kitchen and she was making the rice while the curry was on the stove and I opened the fridge and got some milk and poured it in a cup and I walked back to the living room and I sat down on the couch and I started to drink the milk. It took about an hour for the curry to be done and she placed a plate in front of me and I smiled.

Elisabeth: Thanks Princess.

She was blushing and had an emotionless face.

Cristina: No problem Darling.

I started to eat the curry and it was pretty good. Then Serena woke up and she wrapped her arms around me and she was digging her face in my back.

Serena: Sweetheart. Can you sleep with me?

Elisabeth: Um.. How about Cristina?

Serena: She can sleep in her own bed.

Cristina: If Darling sleeping with you then I'm sleeping with you.

Serena: Fine. If I get to sleep with my Sweetheart. Then I'm fine.

Elisabeth: So you guys wanna go out somewhere?

Serena: Can we go get tacos?

Cristina: Yeah. Can we go to that 24 hour taco place?

Elisabeth: Yeah sure. Anything you want.

I got up and we left the house and we took a 20 minute walk to the taco place and they had a descant when you wear your Halloween costume. We got a table and Serena ordered the meat and potatoes tacos and Cristina got the vegan tacos. I got the fish taco and we ordered some drinks.

Cristina: There's some guys checking you out.

Serena: Well that's too bad.

Cristina: I guess so.

Elisabeth: Do you want my jacket Serena? You look cold with all the skin showing.

Serena: Please.

I took off my jacket and gave it to her and she snuggled with it and are orders came in and she gave me all her potatoes and I ate them. Serena put a lot of hot sauce on her tacos and I sighed and just kept eating my potatoes.

Cristina: Hey Serena. You should stop with the hot sauce.

Serena: But if I don't then I won't be a strong girl.

Cristina: That what dad always say.

Elisabeth: Have I ever met your dad?

Serena: I don't think so.

Cristina: He was always working and my mom or aunt would take care of us.

Elisabeth: Oh yeah. Your aunt. Never liked her.

Serena: Yeah we didn't either.

Cristina: Hey Elisabeth. Do you like tomatoes?

Elisabeth: I guess so.

Cristina: Well here.

She gave me a spoon full of tomatoes and I took the spoon and ate the tomatoes in one mouth full and I continued to eat my tacos. About 30 minutes later we went home and they gave me some clothes to change into and I was going to sleep in Serena's bed and Cristina was going to sleep with me as well. I was texting Garroth in the bed and Serena snuggled with me and I guess Cristina got jealous and she started to snuggle with me and I sighed and turned off my phone and I put it on the night stand and I pulled the blanket up to my chest and lowered my head in the pillow and I turned to my side and Cristina snuggled her head in my chest and Serena put her arms around my neck and her legs around my legs. I sighed and just went with it.

~Next update is the 8th to the 12th~
