Elisabeth P.O.V

I woke up from someone shaking me and I looked over my shoulder and saw Sprinkle shaking me. 

Elisabeth: What is it?

Sprinkle: Jaiden and chocolate is making breakfast outside!

I nodded and got up and I put on my scarf and I sighed and I started to fold the blankets and I felt Sprinkle staring at me and I just let it go. When I was done I got up and went out of the cave and I saw that Jaiden and Chocolate was making some food. 

Elisabeth: Where did you get the food?

Jaiden: No way.

I know that look on her face. She stole something. Probably money but today I'll let it go. 

Elisabeth: All right. 

I went back into the cave and Sprinkle stopped me and I looked down and he was mad. 

Sprinkle: Smile!

Elisabeth: I can't. 

Sprinkle: Smile!

Elisabeth: Let go of my leg. 

Sprinkle: Smile! 

Elisabeth: Why should I?

Sprinkle: When you smile I feel safe!

I sighed and I looked at him and made the best smile I could which was a small smile. He frowned and pulled me down and he went to my face and put his fingers in my mouth and put it into a smile and then pulled them out and the smiled faded. 

Sprinkle: Smile!

Elisabeth: Get off me.

I picked him up and he smiled and I sighed and placed him down on the floor and I grabbed the blankets and pillow and carried them out of the cave and put them in a bush. 

Elisabeth: Come on. We have to get going. 

Jaiden and Sprinkle nodded and Jaiden put the food in a plastic bag and we went back into the forest and we walked around and then a guard come up to us and he looked tired. 

Guard: Have you seen someone with black hair?

Elisabeth: Um... No.

Guard: Well if you do yell.

I nodded and we went running off and we kept walked and stubbed along a village and it was kinda pretty. I saw a Elf running up to me and he looked scared and he went up to me and looked straight at me. 

???: Are you Elisabeth?

I nodded and he looked around. 

???: The Elder wants to see you.

Elisabeth: Well then can they come with me. 

???: No, sorry. But the Elder said to give you a place to stay so I'll do that.

Elisabeth: Fine. Just let me talk to them in privet. 

He nodded and I turned around and I kneeled down and talked to them. 

Elisabeth: If they pull anything just us your powers to go back to the cave and get the pillows and blankets out. If I'm not back until Nightfall I want Jaiden to stay awake and then during the day Sprinkle can be in charged and Jaiden can sleep. 

Then nodded and I stood up and he lead me to the river and told me to followed the path and I did. When I was done there was a forest and I went in and started to follow the path. I saw a man and I walked towards him and I stood there and he turned around and he smiled. 

Elder: You must be Elisabeth?

Elisabeth: Yes I am.

Elder: Well are you friends with a girl name Aphmau?

Elisabeth: Yes I am. 

Elder: They went back to there village to find Zane and then come back here. 

Elisabeth: Oh, is that right.

Elder: Yes, but while you stay here, Can you do somethings for the village?

Elisabeth: Of course. It's the least I can do for the village. 

Elder: Thank you. Well you see there's a girl I need these given to. Here's a map of the forest to help. 

He gave me a small bag and a map and I grabbed it and I nodded. 

Elisabeth: I'll come back when I'm done. 

I went out of his presents and I went to the village and got directed to my room we'll be staying at and when I got there Sprinkle and Jaiden was running around and they saw me and ran to me and hugged me. 

Sprinkle: The people here are nice. 

I nodded and I stood up and went to our room and I set my stuff down and I went out. 

Elisabeth: I'm going on a mission and I want you two to stay here. If night comes you guys go to sleep. Jaiden is in charge. 

They nodded and Sprinkle was frowning and I went out of the village and followed the map and it took a while. I had to travel pass a river and I jumped on rocks and I was almost there and it was midnight when I got there. I knocked on the door and a girl white hair and was an elf answered and I handed her the bag and she grabbed it and opened it. 

???: Thanks you very much. Would you like to stay the night?

Elisabeth: If it's no trouble, yes. 

Zoey: Ok, well my name is Zoey by the way. 

I nodded and I went in and she got a blanket and pillow for me and I had to sleep on the floor. I set my stuff down and I laid down and I closed my eyes and I went to sleep. I woke up 2 hours later and I was sweaty and tired. I got up and I decide to put some water on my face and something was pulling me down to the basement and when I got there I saw a door and I walked over and it was very dark and I went closer and a hand went around my neck and squeezed it and there was a face that I couldn't remember but he looked familiar. 

???: It's you. I'm going to kill you. 

It was getting hard to breath and someone pushed me and I passed out on the floor. 
