A Conversation

It was about a week since we stayed here. I was walking around the castle because I was pretty bored. I looked at the sky and notice something different. I went outside and looked at the spot that didn't seem normal. To a normal human it would look normal, but that area is completely white and there wasn't a cloud on the sky.

The day was going by as normal and I sighed and just ignored it. Then Garroth came up to me and I turned around and pined his sword to the ground and I grabbed his sword and put it to his neck. 

Elisabeth: Your a Bleach-Head and has a Bleach-Mind. 

Garroth: I guess I do. I can't even bet my little sister.

Then I gave him a hand and he took it and stood up and I gave him his sword back and I walked back to the castle and I was greeted with a hug by Nekoette. 

Nekoette: Elisa~Chan you wanna have tea with me and Dmitri. I promise it's going to be fun.

Elisabeth: Fine Nekoette. If there cookies.

Nekoette: Don't worry I made you 5 cookies just for you.

Elisabeth: Well let the way.

Nekoette: Yeah! Elisa~chan is joining us to tea.

She looked so happy and she lead me to her room and Dmitri was siting there drinking tea. I sat down and I poured myself a cup of tea. 

Dmitri: So you wanna go train? I mean you are the head lord of my mom's guards.

Elisabeth: Yeah. Well if I have time I guess I could. 

Dmitri: You know you could just have told me you were head guard.

Elisabeth: If I did you would be telling everyone. 

Nekoette: Elisa~Chan are you going to stay here or go back to phoenix drop?

Elisabeth: Well I'm going to phoenix drop. I gotta pick up Ember. 

Nekoette: Hey. Why were you protecting Nicole more then yourself.

Elisabeth: I know it's dumb, but she is my lord. She's my first thought in everything. I'm a head guard so it's my duty to protect her. Even if I have to rise my very life. 

Nekoette: Hey you mine me asking. Do you have a boyfriend?

Elisabeth: No I don't. Really I don't get people.

Dmitri: Hey, what if my mom wanted to die. Would you let her?

Elisabeth: Well that's her life. She can do what ever to herself, But no one will even lay a finger on her while I'm around. I'm sure she won't and pulse she got your butt to take care of.

Dmitri: And my mom has your butt to care for too.

Then I smiled and walked over to him and put my hands as fist and rubbed it ageist the side of his head. 

Dmitri: Stop that hurt.

Elisabeth: You say stuff about me. I'll do it again but harder.

Dmitri: Sorry.

Then I stopped and I sighed and I sat down and took a sip of my tea and I ate a cookie and looked at Dmitri that was eating a cookie but also looked mad.

Elisabeth: Why in the world are you mad Dmitri?

Dmitri: It's nothing.

Elisabeth: Come on. Your eating your sisters cookies and they are delicious.

Nekoette: Thank you Elisa~Chan, but there not as good as you cookies and tea.

Elisabeth: Don't be. Cookies just need love and care to make it a good cookie. 

Nekoette: So do you like it Dmitri~kun?

Dmitri: Yeah there good. 

Elisabeth: Come on. Is a girl on your mine?

Dmitri: No way. I'm just thinking of something.

Elisabeth: Come on. 

Dmitri: I'm think of being Lord. Will I be a good one or a bad one. 

Elisabeth: You boys with your worrying mind. Just quite while your ahead. 

Dmitri: Quite while your ahead. What does that mean?

Elisabeth: When the times come you will remember those words and see how dumb you are.

Dmitri: I'm not dumb!!

Elisabeth: Yeah you are. Well gotta go. Thanks for the cookies and tea Nekoette. 

Nekoette: Your welcome Elisa~chan. 

Then I stood up and stretched and I left the room and I walked into Aphmau and she looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and I kept walking and I looked out the window and it was moonlight. I went outside and looked at the moon. When I was about to leave I was 2 figures in the ally way and I looked around and no one was on the street or no lights were turned on. I walked over and looked at the figures.  
