Tea Time

Nicole P.O.V

Elisabeth, Nekoette, Zane, Garroth, Katelyn, Lucinda, and me were having a tea party and we were talking.

Nekoette: Elisa~chan how are you related with a guy so mean?

Elisabeth: Sometimes I asked myself that.

Zane: I want another cupcake.

Nekoette: No more cupcakes for you Mr.

Lucinda: Now come on. This is are last day here. Let him be fat and have the cup cakes.

Garroth: Come on guys. Don't bully Zane like that.

Elisabeth: He older then me and he really is a cry baby.

Zane: You're too. 

Elisabeth: Takes one to know one. 

Zane: You're not picking a fight with me now are you?

Elisabeth: Now what if I am. 

Garroth: Brake it up. 

Elisabeth: Well at least I'm not as fat as Zane. 

Nicole: You better not be. If you were I think I wouldn't even hang out with you. Also you remember the promise you made with me. Right?

Elisabeth: Of course I do. I promised you that when I grow up I would be your head guard. 

Nicole: Yep and now you are. That's good right?

Elisabeth: Yeah sure. 

Garroth: You should have told me.

Elisabeth: If I did then you would train me day and night.

Nekoette: Hey Elisa~Chan. Can I ask you something?

Elisabeth: If it's not like the question like yesterday then I'm fine.

Nekoette: Why don't you have a boyfriend?

Elisabeth: Because I don't need one. I don't need someone who is going to drag me down. 

Nekoette: Oh. I see. 

Zane: And that's why she will never get a boyfriend.

Elisabeth: And you will never get a girlfriend. 

Zane: I already got a fiance.

Elisabeth: ..... You're lying.

Zane: No I'm not. 

Garroth: He's not. 

Elisabeth: If he got a fiance, then I'm going to kiss Nicole.

Nicole: No you're not. 

Elisabeth: Then who in the world is his fiance. 

Katelyn: Aphmau.

... ... ... 

Elisabeth: I can kinda see that.

Zane: YOU CAN!!!

Elisabeth: Yeah. Also you really are a loser.

Zane: Well at least I got a fiance. 

Nicole: Ex-fiance. She is having Aaron's baby. So she's out of the picture.

Katelyn: I wonder what it will look like. 

Nicole: I know. I hope it's a girl. 

Katelyn: I hope it's a boy.

Lucinda: I also hope it's a boy. 

Nicole: Why a boy?

Katelyn: Think about it. Elisabeth can kick his butt when he doesn't listen to what I say. 

Elisabeth: Wow. That was beep.

Lucinda: I want it to be a boy so Nekoette can have a boyfriend. But now that I think about it. She would be older so maybe a girl for her to play with.

Katelyn: I wonder who is going to be Zane's lover.

Nicole: Probably no one.

Elisabeth: Yeah I agree.

Katelyn: Hey. It could be you.

Elisabeth: He is my brother. I wouldn't date him even if he was the hottest guy in the world. Mother Irene hope that doesn't happen!!!!!

Zane: Pulse if she was Irene herself I wouldn't even kiss her on the cheek. She is my sister!!!!!!

Nekoette: Well I hope you two are happy together.

Elisabeth: SHUT UP!!

Nekoette: Ok.

Zane: I'm out. Before I have some cupcakes.

Elisabeth: You can go now. 

Zane: Fine.

Then he picked up some cupcakes and cookies and went out the room. I laughed and took a bit of my cookie. 


Hey guys it's Wendi. So school has been really hard on me and I think I'm going to update once every two weeks or two chapters every month. So yeah. I think this will be the only chapter this week cause I got a lot. I got a cruise in a couple of days, I got my birthday on the 12th, I got homework and classwork, I also got sick last week, and yeah. So I hope you enjoy this chapter so yeah. I hope you vote and follow me. And say cool.

Zane: Just get the next chapter done.

Wendi: You jerk.

Zane: Was I the one to write this no. So don't blame me. 

Wendi: I wish you would marry Elisabeth.

Zane: What was that?

Wendi: I'm naked.

Zane: No you're not.

Wendi: I'm going to the bathroom and taking a shower.

Zane: After you are done. I will force you to get writing. 

*Wendi taking off clothes*

Zane: Irene *Nosebleed*

Wendi: Yes he passed out. Now I need to take a shower and leave. See you guys later. Smiles. 
