The Ro'meave Siblings

They were in are pajamas in Garroth's room. Zane was a black cat, Garroth was a blue bunny, Vylad was a green bunny, and Elisabeth was a blue cat.

Elisabeth: Yeah! We finally get to wear are pajamas.

Garroth: Yeah. There still big on use.

Zane: Why am I doing this?

Vylad: Come on Zane. You need to be nice to Elisabeth.

Zane: And why exactly?

Vylad: It's her birthday and she doesn't have have any friends.

Zane: Well that's her fault.

Elisabeth: You meany.

Garroth: Come on Zane. You need to be nicer to Elisabeth.

Zane: Well she's being mean to me.

Elisabeth: If you weren't a jerk face then I would like you as a brother.

Zane: And if your not a annoying then I wouldn't be mean to you.

Elisabeth: You're so Annoying.

Zane: You too.

Garroth: Stop fighting!

Vylad: Yeah. Zane you need to be nice to Elisabeth.

Zane: Well if she's not as annoying as an orange then I would be nice to her.

Elisabeth: Now I want an Orange. I'm going to be gone for a while.

She stood up and walked out the room. Vylad and Garroth looked over at Zane.

Garroth: Say sorry to her when she comes back.

Zane: Why should I?

Vylad: Wow you don't even know her.

Garroth: Zane, she hates oranges.

Zane: She does?

Vylad: Yeah.

Garroth: Somethings I don't know what's on your mind.

Vylad: Yeah you black cat.

Zane: Stop it.

Garroth: Now go say sorry to her.

Zane: Fine.

When he stood up the door opened and a bunch of oranges hit Zane's head and he fell to the ground. A laugh came from the door and she revealed herself.

Elisabeth: Zane you should of watch what you were doing. Also I made a new game.

Zane: Which is?

Elisabeth: Hit-Zane-in-the-head game.

Vylad: Can I play?

Elisabeth:Of course you can.

Vylad: You're so nice older sister.

Elisabeth: I know younger brother.

Zane and Garroth: The game got though there heads.

Elisabeth: Hey Zane.

Zane: What do you want?

Elisabeth: What does black magic mean?

Zane: You mean you never know what it was all this time.

She nodded she head and Zane sighed.

Zane: Black magic is basically a type of magic humans, witches, werewolves, and other creatures can use it. You can only be born with black magic. Only 3 people a generation can have it. There are 3 different types of black magic. For example you have the fairy magic which allows you to heal and use elements. Black magic also is so powerful. You can destroy half a race in one blow with it. So yeah.

Elisabeth: Vylad is there something wrong with me. I think Zane made me confused.

Vylad: Me too. Garroth your are only help.

Elisabeth: Don't let are death be in vane.

Vylad and Elisabeth: You can do it.

Then the two of them fell on the bed and pretend to be died.

Zane: How was that confusing?

Garroth: That's something we have in common. 

Zane: Really?

Garroth: Yeah really.

Zane: Well this could be some pay back.

Then Zane grabbed Elisabeth's legs and through her across the room. She hit the wall and a trail of blood come when she fell down. 

Garroth: Zane! What did you do?!

Zane: Nothing. I just through her. 

Vylad: If she dies then I will kill you Zane.

Garroth: And I'll help Vylad out.

Zane: Why am I so hated?

Then the three of them walked over and pointed her. She didn't move and they panicked. Then there mom came in the room and looked over at her and sighed. She picked her up and took her out the room. 

Zane: Now what are we going to do?

Vylad: We just got to hope the best for her. 

Garroth: You're right Vylad.

Zane: She will die and we will cry for hours on end and when we stop crying then you guys will kill me and I would be died and you guys would just cry. Yeah that would happen.

Vylad: Ok Garroth the plan is you attack him while I'm talking to him.

Garroth: Yeah that's a good plan.

Zane: You know I can hear you guys right. 

Vylad: Oh no are plan and it was amazing.

Garroth: You're right.

Zane: Garroth stop acting like the younger brother.

Garroth: Then quite being mean to Elisabeth. From this point on I'll protect her from any harm or anything else. 

Vylad: I will join you Garroth.

Zane: Well count me out. 

Garroth: Hey black cat. You're count in. 

Zane: And what?

Garroth: I'll tell her that you wore her underwear.

Zane: You wouldn't.

Vylad: Zane you did that.

Zane: Fine, count me in. 

Garroth: Good. 


Sorry about not updating. It's just school and school and homework. I'll try to fit my time into this as best as possible, but yeah. I just got into middle school and I'm not really set in stone on school yet. 

Once I am I will be updating more chapters at a time. So I hope you enjoy this chapter and the story so far. So yeah.

Zane: Just get the next chapter over and done with.

Wendi: Why don't you try and make a story.

Zane: Fine. I'm in charge of the next chapter.

Wendi: WHAT!!!

Zane: You heard me.

Wendi: No this is my story and mine alone. 

Zane: Well if you didn't update so slow then I wouldn't have to.

Wendi: You jerk.

Zane: If you don't update in 5 days then I'm updating.

Wendi: Fine, Fine, Fine. I'll update. 

Zane: Good. 

Wendi: See you guys later. If the next one about Zane then Zane did that. Smiles.
