
Aphmau P.O.V

We were in a forest because someone wanted to talk to me and when we were done here we're going to get Elisabeth back from the nether. We came and the elder wanted to speak to me and I went over to him and he looked at me and smiled.

Elder: You must be Irene.

Aphmau: Yes, but please call me Aphmau. 

Elder: Alright Aphmau. 

Aphmau: Um.. What did you call me for?

Elder: You have a friend name Elisabeth?

Aphmau: Um.. Yes. 

Elder: Well did you know she is the powerful Saber?

Aphmau: Um.. Who's she?

Elder: Of course you don't know. Well Saber use to be Irene friend. 

Aphmau: What do you mean use to?

Elder: Well let me tell you the story. 


Irene P.O.V

I was at my castle sleeping on my bed when I heard someone shouting and I got up and went downstairs and saw Saber walking around. 

Saber: You got a good house Irene.

Irene: Why do you come when I'm sleeping?

Saber: Well, you sleep forever and you got to have some fun in your life. 

Irene: You know if anyone finds out if we're friends they are going to kill you. 

Saber: They can't kill me. I'm Saber the Lord of the nether. 

Irene: And I'm immortal. Now go because I got some guest over. 

Shad: Irene. Where are you?

Irene: Hid. 

I pushed her behind the pole and Shad come down and had a confusing look on her face and I laughed. 

Irene: Hey, Shad. What's up?

Shad: Who were you talking to?

Irene: No one at all. 

Shad: You sure about that?

Irene: Of course I am. I better get some sleep. 

Shad: Ok. 

I followed him upstairs and I looked over and she was sad. I sighed and just went to my room and I went back to bed. 

Saber P.O.V

I was walking home and when I got home I went to the library and decide to read something about Irene. I got out a book and sat down and started to read. I didn't really know about Irene and because she didn't have time for me I never could get to know her. A guard came up to me and he saluted me and I saluted back. 

Guard: We have a guest that wants to see you!

Saber: All right. 

I stood up and followed him to the front door and he opened it and I saw that it was Shad and the guard left and it was just me and him. He looked pretty mad and I waved and he didn't.

Shad: Were you hanging out with Irene?

Saber: No. 

Shad: Lier! 

He stomped over to me and grabbed my collar and looked straight in my eyes. 

Shad: I don't want you around her! 

Saber: I already told you that I don't hang out with her.

Shad: Then who was it that she was hanging out with tonight.

Saber: I have no idea and that's your problem. Not mine. I already got a lot on my shoulders so don't bother me any more. 

I teleported to my door and he tried to get in and I closed the door and I sighed and I went back to m library and started to read. I was a little sleepy and I went to my room and I put on some pajamas and I went to sleep on my bed. 

~End of Flashback~

Elder: Now do you get it?

Aphmau: Ok. So, Saber and I can't be together or talk together or Saber would get killed?

Elder: Yes. That's why there realms in this world.

Aphmau: What do realms have to do with this?

Elder: Have you ever wondered why we have realms? Why can't everyone just live in one world. 

Aphmau: No. I never asked myself that. 

Elder: Well the reason is because everyone doesn't get along with each other and if they were to. That wouldn't be so good.

Aphmau: All right. So, what does this have to be about Saber?

Elder: Don't save her from the nether.


Aphmau: Why?

Elder: If you did save her she would be killed for letting someone like Irene save her. Also her faith was sealed when she met the Shadow Lord. 

Aphmau: Elder. I'll think about it. 

Elder: I hope you do. 

I walked out of the elders presents and I was confused on what to do. 


Shadow Lord P.O.V

I was going to have a meeting with the king of Red Sakura and I was in a ride which was pulled by Phoenix and I heard that she was a powerful ally to have and I wanted to have her on my side. We arrive and I went out of the ride and I saw a castle and everywhere I saw was Sakura trees. I went in and I was directed to a room with a meeting desk, a food stand, and a whiteboard. I sat down waiting for her to arrive and I heard the door open and I looked behind me and saw a girl with light pink hair and she had it down with a long sleeve shirt and a skirt with tights. She went over to the stand and she got some food. 

???: She's just getting ready. 

She sat down and she took a bit of her cookie and looked at me. 

Tiana: It's a pleaser to be in the presents of the Shadow Lord. I'm Tiana, Elisabeth's maid. 

Shadow Lord: So, I'm presented by a maid?

Tiana: Yep. I take any order from her and she ordered me to be here. 

I nodded and understanding and I heard the door open and I saw a girl with her hair in a ponytail that was held up with a red ribbon and she sat down and bowed. 

Elisabeth: I'm Elisabeth and I'm the king of Red Sakura. 

Shadow Lord: I'm the Shadow lord and I would like to make an Alleys with you. 

Elisabeth: Of course. Just tell me what war or reason you have?

Shadow Lord: I was the power of your unit and we could make an excellent team. 

Elisabeth: True. Red Sakura is in fact the most powerful unit in the whole nether. We even beat you. 

Shadow Lord: Of course. I understand that. 

Elisabeth: Good. I would have to think about it first. If you mind?

Shadow Lord: I don't mind at all.

Tiana: Mistress. Can I leave?

She nodded and she got up and left the room and I looked at her and she was thinking about something and I just stared at her because she was really pretty. 

Shadow Lord: Have anyone told you how beautiful you were?

I was wondering if she had a boyfriend and she shook her head.

Elisabeth: Not really. I was just the one to obey my parents. 

Shadow lord: Oh really? 

She nodded and I saw her blush and she looked don and I still could see her blush. She was thinking about me being her boyfriend and sleeping in bed with me and I laughed. 

Shadow Lord: You're funny. 

Elisabeth: What do you mean?

Shadow Lord: I mean. I didn't you have feelings for me. 

She blushed more and started to move her hands and I laughed more. I was going be happy if she does make an allies with me. 
