Part 8


My brain feels weird. Does that make sense?

Where am I?

I recognize it. It's Hoseok's room, but why am I here?

It's 8 am, shit, I'm late. I quickly put on my clothes and go downstairs to get some fast breakfast, but trip over my own foot hitting my head on the ground revealing a loud beeping sound that is so high it makes me grasp my hair and rip it off.
Hoseok, yesterday, I saw something in his eyes or was it a dream? Yes it must ha- "Ari!" Hoseok runs down the stairs in a hurry. "Are you okay? Did you hurt you're head again? Why are you up so early?" "I'm okay, I have to get to school." Then he bursts out in laughter. "Why? What?" "It's just, just-" his laughter continues making it impossible for him to talk. "It's Saturday." He continues laughing hard. I've gotten out of bed for no reason and the thought of being late had me already woken me up.

"Come let's get you back. I'm sure you'll fall asleep." "No, it's no need. The-what are you doing." "Nothing why?" "I can walk you know." "I know it's just that I like this better." He says as he lifts me up bridal style and walks back to his room.
"I'm not tired Hoseok." Hé shushes me and lays me down carefully on the bed. "But I am." He goes to the other side and lays beside me. Awkward, why does he act like this all of a sudden. Seconds later he snores softly like a baby pig. It's cute, no, wake up! The best what I can do is try to sleep to then?

I wake up not even remembering having fallen asleep also not hearing that little snort making me know that Hoseok is already gone.

"Hey, Ari you're awake." Jimin greets I nod and also notice that Taehyung is staring at me like he's about to cry. "Are you okay?" I ask concerned for him as I see a tear fall down his cheek. "Yes just a bit emotional from a movie I've watched." Okay. "Oh, Ari this Jungkook he's also staying with us." "Nice, wait, who said I was staying?" Tae pouts, "I thought you were going to stay with us?" "No, just because Hoseok keeps bringing me to his bed doesn't mean anything. Okay, that came out wrong but you get what I mean. Also, my house is still kinda creepy now I'm leaving once I don't feel like that anymore." I say feeling like I gave a whole speech. "Let's just eat," I say as I go sit with the rest.


"Hoseok?"  "Hmm," "can I ask you something?" "What?" He asks as he turns his gaze from the book he's reading to me. "The day when we went to the bar. What happened after I fell down?" "Depends, what do you remember?" "I fell down and I saw something shining on your face. I only saw your back so I didn't see it clearly, but I'm sure I saw something." "I think you hit your head too hard." He says keeping his face emotionless and he goes back to the book he's reading. "I'm going for a walk," I say as I leave the room but get stopped by Hoseok as he grabs my wrist. "I'm coming with." "Why?" "I also want some fresh air."


The whole time we haven't said a thing and it's killing me. "Where did you live before you came here?" "Somewhere close," he answers dryly.

"I'm going," I say as I leave him alone sitting on the bench. "Ari!" I turn around as I hear Hoseok scream my name. He runs at me, but not in normal speed or am I imagining things again? I look sideways and a car heading my way the driver looks too shocked to react. nothing flashes before my eyes as people say it does, then a warmth surrounds me as I see the car move out of my sight or am I out of his. My chin rests on someone's shoulder as I get dragged away from the spot I was standing on.

"Ari, are you okay?" Hoseok says as he pulls me away from his embrace his grip on my shoulders tighten with my feet still off the ground. He's definitely hiding muscles under his loose shirts. "How'd you run that fast?" He smiles softly as I see his eyes getting teary. "Adrenaline I think." He again embraces me in a hug this time with my feet on the ground. "Are you crying?" I ask as I hear some sniffs. "I dunno, I've never felt this before. I don't cry." He says as he pulls away. "Of course you do. You're happy I'm safe." I say feeling weird that I need to explain something like that, but also happy that he saved me. I hug him and his hands just hang at his sides.

"Actually I have to confess something." I say as he pulls back from the hug straightening his back. "I actually wanted to look for other apartments, but didn't want to tell you since I haven't found one yet." "Let me help you." He requests and I nod not minding the extra help.

"Okay so I saw one in the newspaper and it's close by," I say as I grab his wrist to show him where it is.


Hoseok POV
We walk into the apartment and it's not small, but also not big but it's big enough and with furniture, it's be cozy. "I love it." She says as sparkles show up in her eyes. "You should buy it then." I say as I feel a smirk appear on my face. "should I?" It appears buying this apartment makes her filled with joy. "Wow, look at this view," she says as she runs over to the open window with a view at the city. I walk over to her watching the same view as she does. "It looks fantastic." She says with a bright smile as she turns around shocked that I'm so closed she slips and her upper body goes through the open window, but I luckily grab her before she actually falls. This is insane. "Ari, are you okay?" I ask as I pull her back my hands on her back afraid she might fall again. "Let's get you home. Now." I say as I grab her wrist wanting to get out of here as fast as possible.


"Hoseok are you mad?" "No, sorry did it seem that way?" She nods and I feel the anger rise again. "I need to go somewhere please don't go outside till I'm back." I bellow as I'm afraid something might actually happen in those few minutes I'm gone.


As I arrive in heaven I open the doors with a loud bang. "I demand an explanation." "What about?" "Another one of the assistants of Gabriel asks. "Why does it seem that Ari receives expiration dangers?" "Well, I thought you knew why?" "Why would I know why?" I ask suddenly becoming interested. "It's your prayer." "What does that have to do with anything?" "Don't you know?" I sigh wanting him to get on with it already since I don't know what is happening on earth now. "Prayers have an impact. Those of humans or angels don't, but those of archangels have." "Why only archangels?" "It's hard to explain exactly why, but to put it short it's because your body's complexity." "Why didn't people tell me about that?" "To also put it simple, people believe what they want no matter what you tell them. We tried, but that generation of angels didn't want to believe us and we gave up trying to warn people, but they never listened." "So why is it my prayer that causes this?" "Well because of your prayer she's alive when she is supposed to be death. So let's just say that God is trying to rebalance things." I stay silent knowing whatever I'm gonna say it's not gonna be good. "What's that? Are you actually having sensations? No, that isn't possible I must be tired, right? Oh wait I can't be tired." "I think you are indeed tired." I say trying to have a straight face as much as possible.

I walk down stairs to get some chocolate, Hoseok disappeared and I don't know where he went. "Ari, are you okay?" I hear Hoseok say as he walks in. "Yes, I know today is a bit messy, but 3rd time the charm." I say smiling, but still a bit shaken from almost dying 2 times today. "I'm sorry." He says as he suddenly hugs me tightly.
