Part 7

I wake up in Hoseok's bed oddly enough feeling fresh and more calmed down than I thought I was gonna be.
I walk out of the room seeing a boy with orange hair and earbuds talking to someone on his phone. "Yunki calms down what you saw wasn't real." That's curious? A hand grabs my shoulder and I jump as I see Hoseok behind me. "I'm sorry, I apologize. "Curiosity killed the cat." He winks and leads me downstairs. "There are many people in this house." Maybe not many but still for me it is.


I went to school with all of them and that guy that saved me, Jimin, Namjoon and Taehyung. Wait, I still don't know his name. I can't ask it's weird to ask now, right? Maybe if I avoid it someone will call him and I'll know. This is so embarrassing.

Yasmine walks past me and I let out a sigh of relief as she didn't do something to make my day feels worse. Something feels off most of the time she just at least spats some words at me, but now nothing.

I open my locker to get my books for the next hour and then a note falls out. I grab it not remembering putting it there. Maybe it's something from last year.

You're caught in a lie.
Be aware of the people around you.

I don't remember writing this it and it doesn't even look like my handwriting. It's weird. The words repeat in my head it's like they're implanted into my brain.

Namjoon POV
"Jin hyung, please stop." His breathing is on my skin making my own skin shiver. "Just stay still." He demands and I try my best to stay still. "Just one more." He says trying to calm my nerves.
"Done," Hé says satisfied as I turn to look into the mirror and see no pimple. "See makeup does wonders. Pimples are evil." He says as he pouts at the end. "Thank you," I say as I smile softly. "Aw, those dimples again." He says as he grabs my cheeks but then stops as he stares at me with his eyes moving to my lips.

"Jin," I say softly as I feel something new glowing inside me. "Don't worry no one is here." He says as his hands slide down my back while pushing me onto him. "I'll be gentle." He says as his breathing becomes heavier as he moves in closer eyes still looking at my mouth. Not being able to hold myself back I grab his head and pushes his lips onto mine. The kiss is soft, sweet and gentle, but quickly becomes unstable, deeper and I feel the desire coming off him.

"Hey, guys." I greet as they walk towards me. "Hey, Ari are you free this afternoon." Taehyung asks, "Yes," like every other. "Why?" Well, we thought it might be fun if we went to a bar." "I dunno I've never been to a bar before." "It'll be fun just trust us." Jimin pouts making me let out a chuckle. "I'll think about it." They nod and I close my locker again thinking of the letter that I found. Am I making it more seriously than I should?


I knock on the door and Namjoon opens it again shyly showing off his dimples. "Hey, you're just in time they're almost ready." I go inside to see all of them tying their shoes as a new someone I haven't seen before also waits until everyone is done. "Hi, I'm Ari." I introduce myself as the stranger turns around I find myself stunned at his beauty.

Why are all these boys so freakin hot?
"Oh," The boy I don't know the name of says as he walks down the stairs. "I thought you wouldn't come?" "Yeah, but my house is too silent and from what happened yesterday I don't feel that safe anymore in my own home.


We arrive at the bar and things quickly escalated. Jin who was the hot guy I just met was already drunk and laughed about almost anything and Namjoon was not doing a good job of trying to calm Jin down since he would laugh hysterically everything he said something.

Tae went home after Jin started to get drunk.

Jimin is standing somewhere talking with someone he knows from school. Yoongi was his name, right?

Then there is only the guy whom name I still don't know left. But he's currently busy trying to get all the girls off him and even some guys.

So it's just me myself and I at a bar with a lot of sketchy people walking around even though they say don't judge from the outside.

Then while I observe everyone as they do their shit while I sit loner drinking to myself.

"Come with me." Is whispered into my ear by a low voice and before I can talk or react I get dragged away as the male drags me along to outside the club. "Do I know you?" "No, but I know you." Okay, this is weird. "Who are you?" "I'm Felix."

"What right do you have to drag me outside?" I say almost getting lost into his eyes. "It's for a reason, but I can't tell you here." Okay, red flag already. "Why?" "Too many people who can listen." I look around since he clearly has gotten my curiosity and then another red flag appears as there is no one around. "Why don't you tell it here." He grabs my wrist and walks away from the bar. "Let go," I scream hoping I would at least get someone's attention. This is why I need to know his name. I try to get my wrist out of his grip, but fail. Then I scream as it does work but I hit the stone cold ground. He turns around with a cute but somehow a little frightening smile while he looks down on me. "Let me help you up." He says his deep voice as he crouches down to help me, but stops to look up behind me. "Don't you dare touch her.

He looks down at me as I'm still laying on the ground feeling the headache only worsen and feeling the blood that's flooding out of my head. Fuck. "How've you been Hoseok." Got his name. "Back away Felix." He says in a dangerous tone that I haven't heard before. "I was just gonna tell her the truth that you've been keeping from her." Hoseok goes to stand in front of me. His back is getting blurrier. Then for a second I see something light up I don't know what it is, but it looks like his eyes. No that's absurd that isn't even—

The hyungs went to the bar with Ari and I'm bored to death. "Hello?" I hear someone say outside. I walk to the window to look in de backyard but see no one. Then I open the curtains of the front yard and I see Jungkook panting and sweat on his head. I run to the front door to take a better look at his face. There's dried blood on his lip and blood coming from his forehead.

"Are you okay?" I aks as I hug him not too tight, but tight enough. "Is the offer still standing?" I nod glad that he came. "Do you want something to drink or play a game, maybe wash that blood off?" I ask as I look down on him not breaking any eye contact.


"Why don't you sleep on my bed, "I say as he looks up to me finally making eye-contact shocked of what I said. "I mean that I'll sleep on the couch so that you can sleep more comfortable." "I can't take your bed." He says just as shocked as he looks. "let's go upstairs I'll show you my room." As we walk up the stairs Jimin walks down with headphones in talking to somebody.  "Yunki don't be like that." He says and I and Jungkook leave the hearing range.

'Tada this is it." "Wow, it's big." "Then make yourself at home," I say as I turn to leave the room, but he grabs me by my wrist. "Can I ask you something?" "What?" "Why do you stick around." "Cause I'm able to."


I wake up sensing something nearing the house. The front lights, light up and the sound of the front door followed, "What happened?" I ask shocked to see Hyung coming through the door holding Air bridal style.
