Part 16

2 days have passed

I close my locker as I've grabbed my math books. "You look worse every day you know?" "Takes one to know one." I say, but she's already walked past.


In the cafeteria for the first time in a long time alone. First Jade and then the boys, but never alone. I didn't think of Jade for a long time. Is that bad? I do actually miss her even though it may seems like I totally forgot about her.

"Ari!" Jin shouts in my ear since he's the one today that has to keep an eye on me like I need babysitting. "Hi." I say forcing a smile on my face. "Hey, what's wrong you have a tear on your face." "I'm sorry, it's nothing." I say fake smiling again as I didn't feel like this in a long time since the boys kinda made me forgot about all of it. "I just though about something from long ago."

"Ladies first," I say as I let her go in first. "Are you a lady?" She asks almost shitting her pants of laughter. "Nope, I am a man who's secretly trying to date you." She laughs louder letting go for a second of the wheel.

My head hits the side window as I see a boy in front of the car and we land. My vision is blurry with white dots everywhere. My eyelids feel heavy, but I also know that I need to stay awake at least if the series I watched were to be true. The boy still stands there making me question everything. Why is he just standing there? Jade? Jade? "help."

That boy? "It's Hosoek, isn't it?" "What? Omg, Ari you're tearing up. Ari are you sure you're okay." "Does Hoseok have a phone?" Jin nods and looks at me confused. "You've known him all this time and you don't have his number? How could you?" Jin says shocked making me crack a smile. "Here," he says smiling warmly.

"Hoseok we need to talk." "About what I'm k-kinda busy right now." I forgot they're training of course. "I'll come by later than, okay?" I ask and after he says yes he hangs up. "And?" Jij asks full curiosity? "Well you heard I'm gonna have to visit. I kinda forgot they were training." He nods


"Felix have you seen Hoseok?" He shakes his head and I continue, but just thought of something what makes stop walking. "Hey Felix, I was wondering-" he nods "-if I could maybe also train." "Yes I don't see why not, but you know how hoseok is." "Yeah, but he ain't the boss of me." I say feeling like everyone thinks I'll just listen to them it makes me so irritated. "Okay fine, come back here after an hour okay?" I nod exited to be able to train.


I walk inside a room with a big box ring in the middle and two people fighting Hoseok and Namjoon. Hoseok dodges Namjoon his punch and takes the opportunity to punch him back hitting him right in the face. "Time!" I yell and they look at me Namjoon pinched his eyes together probably from the hit and Hoseok waved with the same heart smile he always has.

"So what's up?" "Ah, yes, well, I remembered something from a while ago and it kinda made me release." "Were you there? On the day of the accident?" I say feeling my nose tint and a tear escape. "Yes," he says as his expression becomes sad. "Why didn't you save her? She deserves just as much a life as me!" "We are profited to interfere with humans." I need time alone, He was there. Jade is dead because of him or me? "Ari, I know what you're thinking, but I really couldn't do anything if I did they'd kill me." That sentence made me stop. I can't blame him for wanting to live or just following orders. "Then it's still my fault." I laugh softly to myself. "How lamé of me of wanting to blame you." "Hey, it isn't your fault and it's neither mine we couldn't have done something to prevent it." I nod hugging him tight. "Thank you I needed that." It's okay," he says as he caresses my hair.

One week later

"Shoot again." I do as he says and grab the bowstring, touch the chin, aim and shoot. "Nice shot. You're natural at this." Felix says as he pets me on the shoulder. "I'm gonna continue." I say as he leaves the room. Each day I've been getting better and lucky enough to avoid Hoseok while I'm at it.

I take an arrow from my quiver and take a deep breath as I lift my bow, aim and "Ari?" "Fuck I lost the shot." I say as Hoseok made me jump. "Hoseok?" "What are you doing?" "What I'm supposed to do. Train, they almost killed me and you think I'm just gonna let that slide?" "You shouldn't have that weight on your shoulders you know you'll have to kill someone?" "Not someone something they're dicks and do you think I wouldn't be able to kill someone it's not a fucking movie where I'm the damsel in destress." "But you don't understand do you if you're there then, then-" "then what??" "I'd be distracted cause the only thing on my mind would be if you're okay, cause Ari- he takes a step closer and cups my cheeks -you make me funderble.
