Part 15


I continue to follow him closely and this time he doesn't seem to notice me at all.
He talks with Jungkook and Jin who are as far as I know the only people he hangs out with, but Jin also hangs out with hyung and Jungkook to. They looked at me! I hide behind the corner I was standing and decide to calmly walk away hoping that is the best thing to do.


Okay it wasn't the best thing to do. Since I lost him. Where could he be? People are staring at me, but I don't care as I just found him again. "Stop following me, people are staring you know," "I don't care." "Well, I do." He says as he grabs my hand and drags me to his friends. "This is Jungkook and this is Jin." "We already know him Yunki." Yunki's expression goes unchanged as he shrugs. "Well then you already know what he is I guess." They nod and I hold his hand tighter as I don't want him to let go.

No Ones POV
Yoongi, Jimin, Namjoon and Jin return to Ari, Hoseok and Felix who are wondering where they are and starting to get worried. "Where were you guys?" "With us." Jin says not making eye contact as he can feel his face heat up. "What did we miss?" So they have explained what's happening to Jungkook. "Wow, okay, I didn't even know that could happen." Jin says, "because you've never been around an angel that much and that many." Yoongi shoots clearly annoyed and squeezing Jimin's little hand. "So why are they here?" Yoongi asks, "curiosity killed the cat, lil meow meow." everyone looks at Yoongi obviously confused. "Just tell me." "They're on our side with the war." "what why, I mean i obviously don't complain, but," "They didn't know about the things heaven does." No one says anything but just nod as the atmosswere has gotten silent and for some weven awkward. "Okay war doesnt wait, so lets start discussing, hmm."


They've been discussing every positing possible and every move that they can make, but even though it sounds interesting Ari wants to joins, but doesn't know how to ask or does she just join in, what does she know of war? Nothing, that's the problem. She takes a deep breath and "I also want to participate!" She shouts through the room so that no one can talk through her without having heard her. "Okay," "no" Felix and Hoseok say at the same time while exchanging a look. "Listen, they've tried to kill me literally. I'm not gonna sit around and watch from the freaking sideline!" "Calm down, I won't let you get hurt." Hoseok says with a serious tone no one has ever heard before. "You think I care about that, put that aside cause that is the only excuse u ever use." Feeling more anger rise in her Ari walks out knowing she'll probably regret her words.

Felix POV
"Okay so I think we need to get something out of the way." I say as I turn to Hoseok. "Your powers." "My powers? What about them?" "Well, your parents are angels right? So that means that you're not an archangel cause an archangel is from god and not from 2 angels." "What are you trying to say?" "With that in mind it means your powers can't be taken away that easily but maybe dimmed so I think there should be a way for you to get your powers back." "And you think that is?" "I don't know do I look like an angel? I'm only guessing we maybe should find a way for it." "Wow, that's a lot." Namjoon says.

I walk to the room where Jungkook is and turn on the light as it's pitch dark. "He's sleeping." I say feeling like I'm talking to myself, but also aren't. I hope he gets well soon and I hope Tae doesn't blame himself.

"Are you really asleep?" No answer, "did you know that Hoseok can be an ass? He's protective and I get that, but it's weird I get mad at him really fast and I don't know why." I'm just talking to a sleeping person nothing weird about that.

"Maybe you like him." "You were awake? Ass," "thanks, but I think you like each other, at least I ship you two." "Well was nice talking to you," "I'm serious Ari." "Yeah me too bye."

I don't like him, do I? No I don't even if I do I can't let myself get hurt. Is it worth it? I walk outside and see the boys probably training already. I see Hoseok all covered in sweat making me feel.. attracted to him?

"Ari are you going home?" He shouts, "yes," "let me walk you!" Is he just going to ignore what happened? Should I?
