Part 2

Hoseok POV
I sit in class with Namjoon, Jimin and Tea in the empty seats as that's more comfortable than the floor. Since her birth, I've kept an eye on her and she's getting more and more beautiful with the day. "It saddens me that we can't even say hi," I sigh. "Hyung, you know you can't do that right?" Namjoon asks and I nod. "We are only supposed to keep watch and help them on the right path," Jimin adds, "Even this morning with lunch she sacrificed herself for her best friend. I couldn't even do anything," I say as I clench my nails into the inner part of my hand. "Yah, don't work yourself up too much," Tae yells, I let out a chuckle as if he's reading my mind. 

The only time we may interfere is when told so by someone higher than us, but that is highly rare. Some people who got to pretend to be a mortal in there times as people didn't come back from their mission they made special rules that are assumed to help one when pretending as a mortal.

We wait with the rest of the class till the bell rings since it's only five minutes. Tae, Namjoon and Jimin's responsibilities are sitting right in front of them one checking out his looks while he talks with his friends while the other is talking with Ari. I glance and Namjoon and see him staring at his responsibility with a small smile. He's checking out his looks while he talks with his friends. I know he has sensations for Jin even though he isn't supposed to, but that is not everything to it. "Hyung," I shout whisper as he breaks his gaze from Seokjin to me. "You're showing you know," I warn, he looks down with a sadden expression knowing he isn't supposed to feel at all.

The same goes for Tae with a boy who's sitting in the corner reading to himself as I also advise him just like I have to remind Jimin gazing in awe at the drooling boy.


She has been really picky about what to wear. Even though practically everything fits her perfectly. After trying all her shirts and blouses and then throwing them frustrated on her bed.

She tries a skirt which no one has ever seen her in. She only tries them when no one is watching. She looks in the mirror doubting herself but then sternly nodding proudly to wear it.

As the bell rings and she scurries downstairs excited to see her friend and opens the door to hug her. Jimin and Tae standing behind Jade making eye contact with me as soon when the door opened.  "Hey Hobi how's she been?" Jimin asks with a slightly worried tone. I shrug as things are going the same as always.


We fly above their car well Jimin and me at least. Taehyung is sitting on top of the car with the wind in his hair as he redoes the titanic. I glance at Jimin and see him staring into the distance with a small smile probably thinking of that boy he saw. I know he has sensations for that boy even though he isn't supposed to, but that is not everything to it. "Jimin," I shout whisper as he breaks his gaze from the distance to me. "You're showing ya know," I warn, he looks down with a sadden expression knowing he isn't supposed to have those sensations at all since we were made without them.

Then Tae jumps as the cars suddenly start to make sharp turns before making two flips and then landing back on its wheels. I grab my heart feeling like it stopped for a moment, I've never felt that before.

When I look around again I can't see Jimin or Tae since they probably took her friend. I look inside the car to see Ari and her friend I can feel Ari her worry for her friend and I can hear her panting heavy as she bumped her head into the window while they were rotating.

"Help." She softly lets out ith her eyes fa-facing me. Does she see me? But that isn't possible even if she's on the brink of dead it would only be possible if you're dead dead. "Please help us." She begs again still looking at me with blood running from her head to her chin and dripping down from there onto her white blouse. I walk backwards not knowing what I'm feeling and shocked that I'm shocked or even am feeling. I'm not supposed to feel. I stumble backwards landing on my butt. Her heart starts to slow down and I start praying as that's the only thing angels can do.

Let there come an ambulance fast, please. Let her live for a little bit longer.
