Part 6

I try to sleep as I hear some glass break. Was that in my house? I run downstairs to see what, where or who it was. Okay, things I learned from horror movies:
Never ask if someone's there and further than that I don't know.
I'm screwed. I grab a knife out of the kitchen better safe than sorry. I look at the window that shows my backyard. Fuck. The broken pieces lay on the ground while the pieces that are still attached to the wall are glistening in the moonlight.

I hear something upstairs. Did it walk past me? I go back upstairs but as my foot lands on the first step I hear the door of the hallway open softly and I feel my adrenaline kick in as I run up the stairs not knowing where to hide I go into my room and hide in the closet even though it may seem dumb. Most people would think that it's stupid hiding in the closet, but as you live alone why would you need a lock in the bathroom or in my bedroom. Goddammit, I should have kept the locks. I call 911 and tell the situation, but as they ask me to keep calling with them I hang up.

Footsteps. It's coming.

I could make a run for it, right? If I push him really hard away maybe I could knock him down.

The footsteps are coming closer and closer. I see his shadow through the crack of the doors. Then I don't see anything, but black, is he standing in front of it? Then an eye looks at me and out of reflex I kick the doors open, but before I can run to door out of my room I see Hoseok standing out of breath in my doorway. "Hoseok?" "Go," he demands, "but how about you?"I ask worriedly. "Just go to my house I'll be there soon." I hesitate not knowing if it's a good decision to leave him behind.
Something in his eyes changes making me a little scared. "Go," he bellows me and I run out of my house as fast as possible.

As I arrive at his house I try to catch my breath when I see the front door left open like he knew what to do. I walk inside looking around as I see the messy living room with fried chicken and beer on the table. It wasn't like that when I came here right? I don't remember that at least I think I don't.
I shake it off and look outside through his kitchen window at my house hoping he'll be alright and with a million other questions going through my head.

Hoseok POV
As Ari leaves the room I go to the person that she knocked to the ground and punch him feeling something that burns in my stomach grow hotter as I think of the fear she felt.

before I can throw my second punch I hear police sirens as a sign that I need to stop. I let go of the man's colour as he falls to the ground and whimpers. "Hands up in the air where we can see them!" An officer shouts as he walks in. The officer grabs him and walks away with his arms tied to his back. "What happened?" Another officer asks me. "Do you live here?" I shake my head, "No, she's at my home." "Okay, could you take me there I would like to get a statement from her." I nod and lead the officer to my house.


After asking a few questions and also re-asking the questions the police left and the streets were silent again. Tae, Jimin and Namjoon also woke up when they heard the sirens and both Namjoon and Tae came downstairs tired, but Jimin didn't seem to have that much sleep.
I show Ari out, but before I close the door she turns around and looks at me with eyes full of dread and sadness. "I actually wanted to ask you something." "Shoot." I say smiling softly. "Could I maybe, if you want, you don't have to, say with you. I'm too afraid to go back." I freeze, "uhmmm... okay, then I'll sleep on the couch so you can sleep on my bed." I say thinking out loud. "I can also sleep on the couch you don't have to." "No, it's fine." I shrug feeling a smile appear onto my face.
