Part 1

Author note/ This story contains Namjoon/Taekook and Yoonmin ships, but please if it cut me some slack, since I've never written a BTS fanfic and those ships before. 💜

I never liked love even thoughI am simply a loner who has no social experiences. Except for my best friend Jade. I met her while my other friend threw me away when she got the chance to become miss popular.

Jade and I are eating lunch together outside when I see my ex-friend walking towards her behind. As a good friend I am and the predictable bitch she is. I jump over the table getting her food that was meant for Jade getting all thrown onto me. "Ari!" Jade says shocked looking at me with a speechless expression. "I'm so sorry I didn't see you." She says making me almost throw up because of her fake act. "Fuck off Yasmine before I punch your teeth in." I threaten as I grit my teeth. "You'll need to be able to throw a punch first, wouldn't you?" She mocks me, both knowing that if I punch her right now I'll get detention or be expelled. "Let's get you some new clothes," Jade says pulling at my wet sleeve. I walk away with her my fists are still tensed as I don't lose eye contact with Yasmine when I walk out of the cafeteria.

Then I stare at the floor knowing I probably embarrassed myself in front of the whole school. Everyone saw me getting splashed with her food. "I just wanna hide." "No, please don't you're such a good person. You saved me from that bitch." Jade says cheering me up a little. "We need to get you an award for the best saviour of the year." I let out a laugh and slam my arm around her. "Sorry, but just a reminder you're under the lunch lady's food." She says laughing as she avoids my arm. "Sorry," I say joining in laughing with her.

I change into the spare clothes of he lost and found as I continue to listen to Jade telling me about how cool I was saving her. "The way you slid over that table was awesome, but you need to practice it more often if you want to be super cool. Cooler than before I mean." "I get it okay?" I say laughing again. "Okay, I'll stop."


"Why don't I make it up to you?" She suddenly says while I'm trying to sleep in class. I raise my head from my arms and look at her with a questioning look, "a party." "Please don't," I pout as I let my head fall down again. "Come on, one time. Besides you don't know if it'll be fun, cause you never go." "Okay, but, but if I don't like it you need to make up for it another way." She nods as I try to hide a smile.


"Ari, What are you wearing?" "Why, is it wrong." "No, it's cute." She squeals out of overwhelmedness. "I'll be right back." I run upstairs as I quickly put on my normal pants again. "Nooo, Why, I liked the skirt." She pouts as I laugh at her reaction. "Let's go."
"Ladies first," I say as I let her go in first. "Are you a lady?" She asks almost shitting her pants of laughter. "Nope, I am a man who's secretly trying to date you." She laughs louder letting go for a second of the wheel.

Then everything goes slow-motion. Jade yells as she tries to keep the car on the right track. Everything goes to my mind, but also nothing as the pure shock is too heavy to stress about anything. I feel nothing as I see Jade panicking. Honestly, I don't want to die, but I'm also tired of living.

My head hits the side window as I see a boy in front of the car and we land. My vision is blurry with white dots everywhere. My eyelids feel heavy, but I also know that I need to stay awake at least if the series I watched were to be true. The boy still stands there making me question everything. Why is he just standing there? Jade? Jade? "help." I let out in a soft whisper as I'm not even sure if the words even come out of my mouth. His eyes suddenly widen as mine begin to feel heavier with every breath. "Please help us," I say again feeling the pain in my throat get more severe. The boy falls backwards that I can't see him anymore. While my eyes can't be open any longer than this. I close them.
