Part 11

It's a short chapter sorry. Well not like anyone reads this.😂

Tea pov
"Please I beg you. Don't tell the others about Jungkook if they know about him living with us I dunno what I would do." "Tae don't worry we won't tell anyone, but we need to figure out why he's getting weak." "I'll start researching tomorrow." I say just wanting jungkook to get better. "I'll come with you." Jungkook says as he stands up

I arrive at the bar looking around hoping I can find Felix, but no matter on how much I look I can't find him. Maybe Is he at that house of his? "I'm sorry." I say as I bump into someone's chest. "Yunki?" "Hey, Ari what are you doing here?" "My memory is a little foggy can you show me where that house is of Felix?" "Do you want to meet Felix?" I nod, "okay, follow me," ouch.


My eyelids feel heavy too heavy to lift. "Where am I?" I try asking but my voice just sounds sore and out of breath. The sound of a door opened and I hear footsteps walking through.

"Take it off." I hear Felix his voice which is too easy to recognize since he always has that low voice on. The cloth that covered my eyes is removed by a simple tuck. Quality, am I right?

"Felix, the fuck am I doing tied up in a chair?" I say weirdly feeling not one shed of fear in me, let's blame adreneline on that. "That's simple. I don't know whom's side your on." What the fuck is that supposed to mean? I'm too pissed of to even think about it. "Get me out of this chair." I demand feeling anger rise, but also feeling the robe burn against my wrists. "Take a breath." I do as told and suck in a big pile of air. "Listen, I just want answers and since he doesn't wanna tell me I've come to you." I say as calm as possible in this moment, okay maybe not so calm then. "I just want people to stop keeping me in the dark and give me a straight answer." "I'll tell you, but I'll only tell you about myself and I can also tell you why you shouldn't trust him." I nod keeping the tears in I need to get through this situation and then get home safely I want this to be over and the only thing I can do about it is nod and hope for time to pass quickly. "I'm a demon." "My foot, I knew you wouldn't tell the truth." I blurt out instantly regretting it, is he going to kill me? "It's the truth and you're stupid for not believing it. How else do you explain the moment my eyes turned black."

Does he take me for a fool? It doesn't exist in a world where everything is reality and nothing is fantasy. It isn't possible no way he's crazy.

"And Hoseok?" I ask trying not to yell in panic and just wanting to run and get out of this place. "Not gonna tell." He winks making my eyes roll. "But listen even though I can't tell you need to know that his kind killed people and maybe he even killed someone himself. They kill innocent people!" Wow he's definitely mad. "Now get out It's fucking 11 pm." "Then please get this rope off of me." He nods and someone immediately unties me. "Thank you and bye." He killed someone? Did he really? No, this is crazy he's crazy he should be in a ezylem or something.

"Hello?" I test to see if anybody is home. "Ari we need to talk." Hoseok says as he appears in front of me. "No." Is all I say before I go upstairs. You know let's just pack my stuff right now. "What are you doing?" "Packing my stuff." "Are you gonna leave us?" Tae asks making a pouty face with his hair all messy. "I'm sorry but I have to go." "We'll help you." "No thanks Jungkook." I smile looking as him standing beside Tae clinging to him witch the same messy hair.
I want to get out of here They are the reason all these things started happening. They started it and dragged me in I just wanna get out.

I open the door seeing that Namjoon just wanting to get inside, but stops as he sees me with the luggage. "Ari where are you going?" "My new appartment." "Do you-" "no, but thanks for offering." I say as polite as I can.
