Part 20

"Hoseok!" I run as fast as I can to grab his hand, but fail as he falls down the cliff his body spinning rounds in the air as he falls to the ground. I gotta get down there!

"Guys, something happened!" "What?" "Ho-Hoseok, he-" "calm down Ari breathe." How can you tell me to breath in this moment. "No time He fell," "hé what?!" "He fell of a cliff I saw him hitting, hitting the ground." "Ari, stay calm okay we're coming and remember he's an angel nothing bad can happen to him remember." He's right. He isn't hurt he can't be.

"Hoseok!" I scream at the top of my lungs. He's there, still on the ground, not moving a muscle. "Hoseok!" Blood, there's blood coming from his head. "Why the fuck would you do that."

Wait, has he fallen? Like become human?

"Wake up!" I punch his shoulder and he lets out a small groan as he rolls over his shoulder. "Ari?" "Yeah, you big idiot." "Hey, don't cry I'm fi- ouch." "Did you feel that?" He nods with a painful but also excited expression plastered onto his face. "What are you smiling about. You're bleeding." "Hey, no need to cry." He says as he pulls me into a hug. "It's alright." "I hate you." "No, you love me." He says showing a heart formed smile. "No, I don't." "The why're you blushing?" "F off," "I'm in love with you Ari. That's why I fell" "that's a stupid reason." "It's not cause it's you." Knowing I'll probably blush I hide my face in my jacket.

Oh, shit, the others. "Ari, where are you?" Under the cliff the fell down of. "I think I may know where that is." I hear Jungkook say in background. "Don't worry go to the base we'll meet you there." "You sure?" "Yes."


"We- we're here. He's heavy." "Hyung! Did you really fall?" "Well, my foot is broken so yeah." "Congratulations." Felix said looking sincerely. "What are we gonna do without you hyung?" "Maybe it's time for Namjoon to take charge."

1 year later
"Hoseok!" I wave as I see him walking through the halls. He runs to me with the familiair heart smile on his face. He lifts me up and kisses me. "You are too cliche." "Get used to it, I'm spending my every living moment with you from now on."  "Your sweet but also creepy." I laugh, "well, if you don't want to." "I didn't say that," I shout as he walks away and I run after him

For those who do read what till now is 0 thank you💜💜
