The Vow of Love

It's been 4 months since Gulf propose to him. Everything going smoothly. They have been decided the time of their wedding, but the place, theme, or decoration still in their head. They didn't want to hurriedly decide everything. Their friends thought that they would be married a month after the purpose, but they are wrong. The main couple happily living their life, as usual, wake up beside each other, a debate about the laundry, take breakfast before Mew going to work, and of course the long night together

Today is another long day off. Since morning they both doing the long exercise till noon

Gulf takes his shower first, while Mew sits on the edge of the bed. His eyes focused on his phone screen, he is watching the proposed video from his beloved

"Can you stop watching it?" Gulf comes out from the bathroom, his hands were drying his wet hair. The smell of vanilla and sandalwood lingering in their bedroom, it's come from Gulf. His smell always nice, mainly after he finishing his shower

"You have been watching it like a thousand times, aren't you bored?" He standing beside him

Mew put his phone down on the desk beside the bed, his hand pulled Gulf's waist. Sniffing Gulf is his ecstasy, his neck is Mew's favorite part to sniffing him.

"You are so cute in that video, I saved it with thousand different names in my drive" His hand run underneath Gulf's bathrobe

"Don't start it, we just finished doing it, and I just finished the shower" slightly he push him back. Mew chuckled. Mew giving him a little peck on his lips before going to the bathroom

Day off is Gulf's favorite. He really doesn't want to going around, shopping, or go somewhere. Watching television with him while he laid his head on Gulf's lap is the best thing for him.

His simple mind, always makes Mew amazed him. Gulf never asks something if Mew didn't offer it to him. He always said that cuddle with him all day long is more than enough

"Look, they are so funny" He enjoyed his favorite skit program on the work point channel. Mew really didn't into it, while accompany him watching tv, he playing with Gulf's fingers on his chest.


"Hmm..." His eyes focused on the tv while answering Mew

"Look at me..." Mew pledge.

His right hand take the remote, decreased the volume, then put it back beside him

"What?" He stroked Mew's hair

"For the wedding, where do you want to hold it?"

"Just make it simple, anywhere is okay"

The bright smile appeared on Mew's face, "I have some list" He stretches his fingers to count his list, "Japan, Korea, Bali, Europe, or Maldive"

Gulf frowned. His hands were stopped from stroking Mew's head while heard Mew's list, "Are you doing vacation or wedding? Why are those places so far? I don't want"

"Aww..." Mew wake and sit down properly beside him, "Why?"

"Don't spend too much money, just doing it as simple as possible. We can be doing it in Bangkok or other cities. Nor I won't marry you"

Mew's act sulk is another cute side from him. He is sulking now, but he laid back his head on Gulf's lap

"Alright then" He buried his face again Gulf's belly

Seeing his beloved one acting sulk and cutely Gulf just smiled and continue focused on his favorite program

A month before the wedding

Mew's Mom already prepared for their tuxedo. They have been doing the fitting 3 days ago. Gulf's Mom and his sister were preparing for both family uniform dresses. Just both fathers who unbothered and keep working for their sake

Everything was ready. The invitation has been spread to family and college

As Gulf's request, they just invite the close and family. 

Tul has organized everything for them. It's still a month, but he flew to Bangkok to discuss it with them. Every detail has to discuss together. The way he takes care of everything and considering both Mew's and Gulf's thought make the grooms really can depend on him

They decide on the color theme. It is blushed dusty and navy blue. The decoration has to set up the theme. Gulf choose navy blue as Mew's favorite color, Mew get along with Gulf's choice, then Tul added the blush dusty to keep it beautiful and elegant

For the decoration, flowers, and the place both of them not seeing it yet. They just give the named place that Gulf want, for the rest Tul and his team take care of everything

3 weeks before the wedding

Mew busy with his work. He wants to finish everything before their wedding, then they can take more days on a honeymoon or just spent their new days together

The sound of the clock made everything seems in slow motion, especially for Gulf. Mew didn't give him permission to leaving the house until their wedding time

He just wants to keep Gulf safe. Waiting for Mew back home feels like forever for him. He still counts the time to their wedding, sometime Gulf can sleep just because of his thought about the wedding

2 weeks before the wedding

Techno has come. He waiting Gulf in the living room

While Mew and Gulf still debate about Gulf's decision in their bedroom

"Why? Don't you say you want to marry me?" Mew can't accept Gulf's reason

"I did" Gulf hold Mew's arms tightly, "It's just 2 weeks. I will marry you after this. I just want to spend 1 week with my family" He tried to keep his voice low as possible, he didn't want another quarrel

"So, another week?"

"I'll give you homework, you should finish it before D day"

"But you don't allow me to meet you"

"The first week you can't contact me, the second week you can send me messages and call me, then let's meet at our wedding" Gulf explains everything with his sweet smile. No, He doesn't leave him. It's just he wants to have the feeling of missing him.

Mew dazed at nothing. He really can't accept this

"Please..." Gulf added after long silence from them

"Alright, but I don't allow you to go outside"

Giving him a hug as a reward and a promise to not break his promise to not going outside

"So...?" Techno asked when they come out

"Let's go" Gulf answered

Mew grabbed Techno's arm, "Please take him safely, take care of him for me"

"Don't worry" Techno giving his best smile to him

Gulf handed a box. On the box written "My husband's homework", "The homework. You can start today"

He accepts it. Put it on the table. Mew hugs him tightly, sniffing his belove before they separate. His back was caressing by Gulf's hands

"I love you," Mew said

"I'll answer it 2 weeks later" He walked with Techno and leave him alone in the living room

2 days have passed

Mew didn't dare to open the box. He has been brought it everywhere with him

"Should I put this back to the car?" Run said while lifting the box in front of him. They are at the office right now, and in 2 days Run has to bring the box to Mew's room. At least he can't open it until he back to their apartment

"Just put it here" His palm tapped on the table

"You won't do anything with this anyway" Run knows about the box and their promise. Mew told him

"I'll try today" He sighed, "Did I have any schedule?"

"You are free until 2 months later after your wedding. Everything has done"

"Thank you. Please don't allow anyone to come in, ask me first" He sit on the chair behind his table

Run nodding and leave him with his box alone

Just staring at that box makes his heart swell. He is scared will find something that breaks his heart. He keeps reciting the sentence on that box "My husband's homework".

Finally, he opens it after 30 minutes just staring, hesitate, and afraid by himself

At first sight, he sees a little note on every book. The blue note "First is me". He takes it carefully. There is not a title on the cover book, just dried leaves. Opening the cover slowly, then the first word he read is the date of something

"21 march 2019"

What happened on this date. His brain flashback

"Ah... 4 days after we broke up" he mumbled

21 March 2019"

I miss you like hell

Mew's mouth hangs up a bit. There are pain and happiness at one time, but it's more aches his heart

Around 10 pages have the same time and same words.

23 March 2019

Doctor Champ gave me this to write anything. So I write about you

26 March 2019

I've been known, that my Mom visited you often. She has your smell on her blouse. You hug her tightly, right?

27 March 2019

How are you

He wrote to the next page, but the page has not the date. That's mean it's on one time with previous

I miss you

I miss you

He can't hold his tears anymore. It's rolling down on his cheeks. He clenched his shirt on his chest

3 April 2019

My first therapy. I hope you were here

6 April 2019

Ahh, I've been received the flowers. No need to send it every day. But I like it

11 April 2019

I miss you

He kept writing the same sentence for almost 2 weeks. There are no other words on the page

Just three words but it makes his heartaches. He hugged the book, sobbing while hugging it. He has not known that not just him who is hurt because the broke up, that not just him who through the pain, that not just him who is missing him like crazy

That time is enough, the hardest and the pain is enough. He doesn't want anymore. His half-life has disappeared, the future seems blurry because he can't find him. That time is enough

Run heard him sobbing and crying. He always asks permission first to go inside his room, but now no more ask. He opened the door and walked closer to Mew

"What's wrong? Are you sick or what? Should I tell him? He just sends me messages to look after your lunch and schedule" He places his hand on Mew's shoulder

Mew's eyes redden, gazed at him with teary eyes, he shook his head

"No, It's fine" He wiped his tears with his backhand, "Don't tell him anything"

Run sighed, caressing Mew's shoulder then left him

The next book. Just telling about his therapy, the way Champ treated him, taking him to walk around at the park, the whole Champ's team treated him very well. Made him forget about the pain, and missing him. But he never forgot that he missing his beloved. On some page, Mew found the three words again, and again

Confession. This is the title on the cover of the book

3 July 2019

I'll tell you the 7 reasons why I love you

6 July 2019

You have seen me at my worst

8 July 2019

You know how to calm me down

9 July 2019

I miss you

I can depend on you and I can trust you

11 July 2019

You are always there for me

15 July 2019

Because you are mine

17 July 2019

Miss you like crazy

21 July 2019

Because you are my everything

22 July 2019

Looks your flowers were dried. I made something with it

30 July 2019

Because I love you...

Mew has arrived at his parent's house 45 minutes ago. And now he sobbing again reading the book, it's have been 6 days, and he still can't handle it like an idiot

He will be reading it, again and again, every book. It makes him not finished yet and take a long time to read all the books

5 August 2019

I have this thought while doing my therapy

What if I never forget you? What if when I finish this and back to you, you have found the new person? How supposed I live?

It's hurt

6 August 2019

It's my fault. My choice to broke up with you is my big mistake

17 August 2019

Do you still love me?

I love you

The words "I love you" here just written twice in all the books. He rarely says it, but when he said it, it truly makes Mew's swell of love

The last page of the last book. It has no date. He wrote it in the middle of the page. The longest sentence in his books

"I wish I could show you how much you mean to me. I wish I could let you look into my mind so that you would see how in love with you I am. You are my world and I will spend every day for the rest of my life proving this to you"

"Please wait for me, Please still loving me, Please don't forget me. I'll be back soon for you. Only you"

In their circle of friendship and family. When they say not to tell, it's meant definitely must be tell

Run keep updating Gulf about Mew's condition. About his schedule, lunch, and his sobbing suddenly while reading his homework. Run didn't know why Gulf asked to not contact him if Gulf still asked him about Mew. He never understands their relationship.

Gulf stopped asking to Run when Mew decided to sleep with his parents until the D day. It's better for him than living alone in that huge apartment

2 days before the wedding

This week they always doing video calls at midnight. Just talking randomly like they always have done when they are together

"Have you done with your homework?" Gulf asked while packing some clothes

"All done. How about the souvenirs?"

Gulf doing by himself the souvenirs, they just invite around 50 people to their wedding, and he wants the souvenirs are special. So he doing it by himself

"A half has done. My sister, your Mom and your sister help me"

Mew frowned, "My Mom and my sister too?"

"Aww..." He stopped his activities and looked at the screen, "Don't you know? They've been here lately to help me and prepared another thing"

"They even didn't tell me" He answered with a sulking voice

Gulf giggled, "If they told you, and you want to come here, I won't allow it too"

Mew sighed

"How about tomorrow?"

"I'll go first in the morning. My family will be going with you and your family in the evening, right?"

Gulf nodding

"Why? Nervous?" He chuckled

He takes a deep breath then released it, "Don't you?"

"Hmm... tomorrow maybe, after I look at our decoration and everything"

Gulf continues his packing. But he didn't turn off the video called

"Tul will provide the flowers for you tomorrow, you can arrange it by yourself. And he booked a different room for us, you will share a room with Techno. Next day you will move with me, and Champ will replace you next day" Mew explained everything

"I really want to meet your friend, I asked about the bouquet but he offers me if I want to arrange it by myself, then now he gave me the flowers. I want to thank him"

"Don't you want to meet me instead?"

He shook his head while smiling, "See you tomorrow"

"Gulf..." Mew called before he turns off the connection


Mew hesitate. He wants to say something, in another hand, he doesn't want to say it now

"Never mind. I'll tell you tomorrow"

Mew gets his earlier ticket to Phuket, he going there by plane. Everything has settled down, he was rented cars for their family, and pick up buses for the guests.

Around 10 am Mew has arrived at the airport, he went with Run. They need around 1 hour 10 minutes, then continue to their chosen place

The first thing that he does when arrives is visiting the venue. Tul chooses outside near the beach, and both of them agreed. Run following behind him, while taking care of their luggage and asked the staff to bring them to Mew's room

"Can I join?" Run asked hesitantly. He afraid that he probably ruin his first sight

"Sure. Why not" He answered while walked hurriedly

Then he followed him

"You arrive!" Tul looked at them when Mew finally standing beside him. He greeted Run in silent

The venue not 100% done. It's just a concept, Tul's staff marking it with chairs. There are no flowers or other things, just chairs. But it's already have shaped. The way Tul arranged the chair of the guest is not like an ordinary one

"I like it," Mew said

"What do you like? There is nothing, just chairs"

Mew gazed at him, "You choose the unordinary arrangement of guest's chairs. The glass box welcome sign and the view that We and the guest will get when We are saying the vow"

Tul looks at his best job. The proud over him. He really gives them his best, gives them an unforgettable wedding. Because both of them have through a hard time

That's why he chooses the unordinary arrangement, a wedding doesn't have to follow any rules. There's no set format or equation that you need to perfect so that your big day turns out memorable. All you really need is the love of your life and a heart ready for forever

"This will done tomorrow at noon, everything has ready. I just don't want my best job will ruin your big day, so I'll place everything by tomorrow morning"

A beautiful smile appeared on Mew's face

Tul asked them to take a rest first, but Mew keeps eyeing him from afar. Not as a boss, he just want to enjoy every progress before the D day tomorrow

His gazed really makes Tul annoyed. He asked Run to take him to the hotel. All their needs have been placed in Mew's room, including the flowers, their photobooks of pre-wedding, and a set of their costume for the dining party after the ceremony

"You should take a rest. I have enough time, I won't go anywhere" Mew waved a tulip in his hand, "I want to try to make a bouquet"

Run nodding and leave him. Run admit in his heart that, Mew's eyes, his eyes are so bright, full of love, full of hope, full of cherishing. This sight of his eyes never can be found except related to his beloved

His mind having an idea, he would make a bouquet for him. The one and only bouquet that ever he has done.

When it came to the bouquet, "I definitely did not want perfectly round," Mew remembers Gulf's answer some day before.

He starts to cut and tried to arrange the flowers. 

After some time, he created a simple arrangement that included trailing greens and white-and-cream garden roses, tulips, orchids, and ranunculus

He giggled alone by himself, "Beautiful"

Then he put it in Gulf's room and left it there

Tul takes him to the reception table. The dining party after the ceremony will be held in the hotel's Hall room

It has done. Mew's mouth hanging a bit, his eyes are dilated looked at every corner, and every decoration in the room. He never expects that Tul will give him this much, Gulf just asked him to create a simple one. But in front of his eyes, this is so beautiful

He knew his friend enjoying his work, he patted his shoulder, "Go take a look"

His words like a hypnotist word. Mew take a step to look around the room

Meanwhile, Run picks Gulf, his family, and Mew's family up in the airport. They have arrived earlier than scheduled. He doesn't have a chance to tell Mew that Gulf has arrived

At the hotel, everyone comes into Gulf's room to drop his belongings, like the suit, shoes, and the souvenirs

Gulf finds the bouquet on his bed while helping his Mom. He picks it up carefully

He remembers that I didn't want the round shape. It's beautiful

"Where is Mew?" He asked in the middle of the crowd of two Moms. Their Moms paused a moment when heard Gulf's question. The sentence that can make others person's hearts flustered by just hearing it. The first word that comes from him since arrived in Phuket is looking for Mew

"In the Hall room. Let me take you there" Run answered.

Hurriedly but carefully Gulf put back the bouquet. He walked following Run. He keeps biting his lip, the nervousness, the missing filling up his heart. It's been 2 weeks, he really misses him. In his imagination, Mew will pick him up, but since the plane was landed he can't contact Mew. This is the reason he keeps silent on their way to the hotel.

"Oh you are coming earlier," Tul said when Gulf in front of the room. He knows, without Gulf ask or says it. His eyes say more than his mouth, "He is checking something inside. You can come"

"Oh, already here?" The familiar voice that makes his heart pounding, "You comes earlier"

"So, it's good Gulf is here. You can check it together, let me know if something missing or want to change something" the sentence of taking leave before both of them ask the other person

There is no word from them, just gazing at each other. Gulf wants to utter something, but his mouth denied his own will. It keeps shut. His right leg take a step to move forward, he spread his arms, and reach Mew first for a hug

Even they spend so many times together when Gulf act first it still makes Mew's heart want to jumps. In the second he can't think what should he do, then he hugs him back. He can feel Gulf buried his face on his neck crook

"Tell me," Mew asked

Gulf shook his head

"Just tell me" He keeps asking

"I miss you..." He hides his face through Mew's shoulder

Mew smiled happily, hearing him says it first, "Me too. So much" he tightens his hug

"You should take a look. You will love it. Tul gives us the best day ever tomorrow" Mew mumbled after a while the hugging agenda. He takes Gulf's hand to the room

The two long wooden tables in the middle of the room welcoming them. Gulf stared at Mew, then the view in front of him, then back to Mew again. Mew giving him a nod, Gulf take his step closer to each table

The wooden table has a striped fabric table runner combine with greenery mixed with eucalyptus and baby's breath, then dotted with candles. The striped fabric table and baby's breath were landed on the ground at each end of the table, it makes the decoration more incredible and giving the rustic theme

The long wooden table not only is beautiful and romantic, but they're perfect for facilitating conversation among the guests. Because they just invite around 50 persons, that's why Tul divides the table into two long wooden tables. The wooden Tuscan cross-back chairs were chosen by Tul to complete the perfect complement.

The delicate place settings included glass chargers, matte gold cutlery, navy blue tulip-shaped glasses, and blush dusty porcelain plates. Gold rims added an extra touch to the tableware. The menus, offering Thai menus except for seafood, were printed on light blue cards. Place cards were tied around the napkin with a hand-dyed silk ribbon. Each place setting had light grey napkins and a delicately calligraphed light blue.

The ceiling of the room was hanging the dried flowers that were made by Gulf before when he was hospitalized. Tul added some to make it even bigger and beautiful to fit the ceiling room. There is a mini stage too, the round stage. The stage was decored by pampas grass and eucalyptus

"How?" Mew's gripped Gulf's waist by his left hand

"So beautiful, too much. Didn't I say just a simple?" He complained but he never refused, or want to change it. The admiration in his eyes was seen

Mew hugged him from behind. He chuckled, "But you like it, right?"

Gulf nodding while smiling. There is no one who dislikes it when everything so perfect and wonderful. He can't imagine if he asked Tull to make it glamour, he will give his best more than glamour

"Have you done make your own vow?" He asked

Yes. They won't use the old vow. They want to make it by themself, the different from usual

"I'll make it tonight. So don't come to my room. It won't special if you know first before tomorrow" Mew answered with a teasing tone

"The bouquet" He paused a moment, "I like it"

"You saw it?"

He is nodded, "Thank you"

Mew tightens his hug. Resting his chin on Gulf's shoulder, inhaling his favorite scent

D day 10 AM

"Didn't I said to take a good sleep?" Techno scolded him, in the morning he just woke up. He found the dark circle under his eyes

"I've tried. But I can't sleep" Rolling his body on the bed while answering Techno

"Maybe because you share the room with me?"

"What the hell, no. I just... I can't sleep"

They share a room like Mew said before, but they have 2 beds for each other

"I'll pick up doctor Champ and the other guests. Do you want me to tell Mew?"

Gulf keeps his mouth shut. He is playing with his own fingers


Then he looked at Techno when he calling him the second time, he looked at him with puppy eyes. No one can resist it

"Okay... okay, I'll tell him" Techno walked away from the room

On the way Techno looking for Mew. He sees their Mom busy checking their tuxedo and shoes, their Dads talking with the staff to check other things. The grooms take their time to calm down and take a rest before the big time

Mew was standing near the venue, he grabbed a tablet, beside him there is Tul who explain the venue to him

"Hmm... Excuse me" Techno disturbed them carefully

Both of them looked at him

"Hmm... I think you should come to Gulf's room, he can't sleep since yesterday night. He has a dark circle around his eyes"

No need to answer. Mew handed the tablet to Tul, and take his big steps to go to Gulf's room

He has an access to Gulf's room, so he didn't need to knock or waiting for his answer. Carefully he opened the door and see Gulf rolling his body nonstop on the bed. He wants to laugh but he can't do that, his beloved must be so nervous right now

"What are you doing?" He asked, sitting on the edge of the bed

"Oh!" Gulf jumped and hide his body in the blanket, "How can you come in?" His voice hoarse because covered by the blanket

"Let me see you.." he asked with a soft voice while pulling the blanket



"I can't sleep, I have a dark circle under my eyes"

"Then, let me see. Come on"

Slowly he gives in. Mew opens the blanket and found him underneath. His dark circle too obvious, Mew never seen it after spent so many times with him. He needs to calm down. His worries and nervousness disturbing him

"Let sleep together then, we have plenty of time"

Gulf starts pouting his lips slowly. If he doing this that means he wants to refuse but wants to do Mew's offer

"It's okay. Let's see the venue later before the ceremony"

He moves closer to him. Gulf leaning forward to him. Mew chuckled, he just needs some words to make sure everything was fine then Gulf will give in easily. His right hand underneath Gulf's neck, he pulled him closer, the other hand wrapped him by his waist

"Is it okay to sleep together?" Gulf asked innocently make Mew burst of a laugh, "Don't laugh at me"

"Okay okay..." He holds his laugh, "it's okay. Let's sleep, no one will complain anyway"

"Finally I can sleep here again after 2 weeks" He mumbled while caressing Mew's chest

"Have a good dream" He pulled the blanket then give him a kiss on his head

30 minutes before the actual time of the ceremony

Mew was done with his make-up and hair. He wearing the classic black tuxedo, with a white shirt underneath, a black bow tie, and a white flower pinned on his left chest

He was talking with guests while waiting the time

The rings were prepared beautifully inside the box surrounded by petals and leaves of eucalyptus. Tong honored to carry the little box. He looks more nervous than the grooms, he is afraid will make a mistake and dropped the rings. Champ makes fun of him, added by Run and Techno

They just hiring one make-up artist and hairstylist, and now the hairstylist doing Gulf's hair. He wearing the same color tuxedo as Mew, but he doesn't have a flower pinned on him. The bouquet ready to behold, his mom put it on the desk beside him

"It's done," The hairstylist said

"Thank you so much"

"Good luck"

He smiled. He keeps shaking his foot under the table, his hands are cold. Nervous, yes.

Mom takes her step closer to him, hold his hands, "your hands are cold"

"I nervous"

"Do you need Dad to walk with you to the aisle?" His Dad coming from his Mom's behind

"Dad, I'm a boy" He frowned

His parents tried to make him more relaxed. They giving him the last hug before the ceremony

"Let's meet at the venue. It's so beautiful" His Mom caressing his back

They both come down first to the venue, leaving him alone and give him some more time. As they come down that is a signal that Gulf will come down too in a minutes

He looks at himself through the mirror. So handsome, perfect, and beautiful at the same time

"Please, don't make mistake, don't make me fall" He mumbling while looking at his legs

"Let's go" The last words he gives to the bouquet that waiting for him

From afar he can hear jingled from piano tuts. The song echoing the sand, and the beach is I Choose You by Ryan Darling was sung by Jom Mew's sister. He can see that the guest was standing in front of their chair waiting for him, the main lead of this ceremony was standing handsomely waiting for him to come

Gulf remembers when his Mom said the venue was beautiful. He doesn't want to see the venue before and this is the first time he sees it. So wonderful, so beautiful this view will be stuck in his brain and heart forever

There is a glass box welcome sign, filled with native foliage and laceleaf blooms, that greeted guests upon their arrival to the ceremony site. The glass box is written "Mew and Gulf's future life". The arrangement of the guests' chairs is a half-circle, it's mean they were surrounded by their guests while saying their vow. Each chair has a transparent pouch in the behind of the chair, it filled with the souvenir that Gulf made before

The down path of the aisle has pampas grass, blue tisle, Vendela rose, white ranunculus on the edge of the path with a big candle in the glass box

A ground-level arch of pampas grass, blue tisle, and baby's breath were decorated behind the officiant and his to-be-husband. Beautiful, right?

Gulf took a deep breath before he took a step to the aisle. Everybody looking at him, with eyes full of love, and happiness. He smiled and walked forward slowly

Mew waiting for him in the middle of the aisle, then they are meet, looking at each other eyes. He offers his left hand, Gulf takes it and holds it with "The My Lady" handhold style, they were walking together.

"I've heard you both written your own vows?" the officiant said

Both of them nodding

Then, "You go first" He gazed at Mew

Mew released Gulf's hand, and took a piece of paper in his pocket, he took a deep breath while looking straight at Gulf's eyes

"Gulf, thank you so much for letting me come into your life, thank you for letting me know your bad and good about yourself, thank you for come back to me after a long time, and loving me again" He can't hold his tears, Gulf shook his head while smiling sign "Don't cry", "For the rest of my life I want to share the hard time, bad, and good news together with you. I want to share every happy moment with you. You can lean on me on every hard time, and I want to lean on you too. Let's grow old together" He finished it with a smile and tears on his cheek. Gulf wiped it with his thumb

"My dearest Mew, thank you for coming into my life. Having you in the hardest time of myself is such a miracle, thank you for always loving and waiting for me to back to you. I'll share every breath and spend the rest of my life with you" Gulf finished with trembling lips while he smiling and tried his best to not tearing up

Tong comes closer and offering the rings

"With this, I'll give you all my love, my heart, and myself. In healthy, poor, sick, and wealthy. I promise to take care and love you" Mew said while slipped the ring on Gulf's, and Gulf said the same too while putting the ring on him

"Your wedding rings are the outward and visible sign of the inward and invisible bond which already unites you two hearts in love. May your life together be blessed with prosperity and good health. May you always share open and honest communication with each other. May you respect each other's individual talents and gifts and give full support to each other's professional and personal pursuits" The officiant said, "You may seal this declaration with a kiss"

Mew with his teary eyes, looking deep at his official husband, pulling him by his waist, the other hand holds his hand with the bouquet between them. Their lips connected, softly he kissed with intimate, with so much love and passion. Gulf clung his free hand on his neck, bring him more closer to kiss. As their background kiss, the sky starts to darken itself, the sunset, and the arch ground level decorated the best moment in their life

Everyone cheers on them while they are having their kiss. Their Moms hugging each other as shed tears on their cheeks, their Dads hold each other hands and smiling happily

"Shit, this is so beautiful" One of Gulf's friend

"I cry," the other said while wiped with tissue

"Good job everyone," Champ said to Tul, Techno, and Tong who are always beside both of them

Champ back to sit again in front of the piano. Gulf's sister standing beside him while holding the microphone, they both nodded. Then start playing and singing Season of You, written by Mew Suppasit dedicate to his husband

Gulf stared at them and laugh, "My sister," He said while looked back to his husband

"Surprise" He answered

Before the night dinner. Mew and Gulf take several photos on the venue and the beach

Everyone giving them plenty of time and waiting for them in the Hall room

The shoes and bouquet were put on the sands. Then they walked barefoot while holding hands, the sunset make their moment more special

"Thank you for not giving up on me," Gulf say first

"Thank you for your hard work that I don't know if I wasn't read your books"

They both chuckled

"So much happiness from both" The cameramen give them praise when taking every movement of them

They having a dining party, listening to their parent's speech, their friends' praises, and wishes. The dance time was intimate, they could see Champ and Techno dance together, while Tong chooses to not doing anything. After some time of dance time, Mew takes his time to chat with his relative and his friends, Gulf too. But not that long, he back gathered with Techno. Champ and Tong joined with Mew chatting with their college

"Are you tired?" Techno asked

Gulf nodding. He looked at Mew from afar, he just can see his back, hoping he realized his gazed and come to him

Realizing his gaze, Techno added, "Tell him. You are now officially his husband, it's okay sometimes needy"

"It's okay. It's our day though"

He still hoping Mew will bring him back to his room to take a rest. Too long socialist make him too tired and a bit dizzy

Mew knows Gulf well even he is busy. He knows that his partner needs him already after a long time chattering with others. He can see from the way he stands seems restless. He needs to greet some of his friends before come to him.

"Waiting for me?" He asked while slipped his arm between Gulf's waist and hand


"He is tired" interrupted Techno

"Let's go then"

"The guests, how about them?"

"I'll back after walked you to my room"

"Is it okay if I take a rest first?"

"Of course" He tugged him and make their left

"Sorry for make you waiting, they are our old friends, so I need to greet them first" He explained while walking to his room

Gulf nodding. He was too tired to answer him

"Take a shower first, then go to sleep don't wait for me," he said when arrived at Mew's room, "Your stuff already moved here. Just hanging the suit next to our tuxedo"

Gulf holds the edge of Mew suit, "I love you"

Mew smiled happily, "I know. Go take a rest"

In the early morning. Their first day of being husband officially

Gulf wakes up first wearing a bathrobe, standing at the balcony watching their friends were playing near the beach. He giggling alone

"What are you giggling about?" Mew hugged him from behind

"Look, Techno has thrown by the others" he pointing

"Let's join them"

Gulf eyes dilated, happily

"Change your bathrobe into a t-shirt, I don't want people seeing you like this" his jealous voice is so sexy for Gulf

They walked to join them while holding hands. Gulf felt having the best time of his life, owned the universe, is the happiest person in the world just by having Mew beside him

Mew couldn't wish any better for this time. Living his own life together with someone he loves the most. Seeing his happy laugh, smile, and giggling from yesterday's ceremony is the best time in his life. He won't let him faced any struggle alone from this time, he won't let him broke their married if someday Gulf asked. Because both of them having the same hardest time and a big wound

-Today seems like it's the start of a new journey, but I already belong to you. It feels like we are finally going home- Mew to Gulf

-I may never find words beautiful enough to describe all that you mean to me, but I will spend the rest of my life searching for them- Gulf to Mew

Thank you so much for following this silly long story. I really like writing stories but this is the first time I post my AU. I hope my-not-good-at-word didn't disturb your reading 

sorry for the wrong grammar and typos please follow them MewGulf for a long time Let's grow old and walk together thank you so much
