Love Me Once (Again)

"Why are you didn't tell me about this?" Tong's voice can be heard through the phone and echoing his room. He throws himself on the couch and takes off his white gown

"I already sent you a message two weeks ago. Lately, you never read my messages" Champ tried to defend himself

"Oh.. really?" Tong sound relax when he knows he is the one who is wrong, "Sorry I got so many surgery schedules for over 3 weeks. So, how? Did Mew know about this?"

"No. I haven't called him for a long time. I think he is under your care, right?"

Tong sighed, "Alright, alright. So, do you want me to tell him?

"No. Just ask him to back as soon as possible"

"Anyone knows about this?"

"I have told Run, he is coming here now"

"Run will be picking him up and I just try to ask Mew to back here, right?"

"Hmm... You should talk with Tul first to make plans"

"Good. Alright, Sir"

While his friends busy making him back to Thailand. Mew enjoyed his free time for more than 2 months in LA. Sometimes he turns off his phone a whole week to avoid Run's or his parents call

He changed so much

He is thinner than before, he has mustache and beard all over his face, his long hair covers his ears and eyes

Since Gulf left him he never cares about his look

He never takes care of himself like before

It is fortunate he still wants to shower every day

He eats much all the desert that Tul prepared for him, but he never gains weight anymore

He smiled and laughed like usual, but after that, he will remain silents and keep thinking that he doesn't deserve to be happy

He spent more time on the bed. Staring on the ceiling and do nothing for a day

Tul said he was depressed

But he said he was okay

No one can help him even himself

He lost his light of life

His phone ring, he stared the phone from afar

Mew walk closer with laziness

He sighed, "Hmm...What?"

"How can you so cold toward me?" Tong complained since the first time he heard his friend's voice

He ignored the complaint, "It's already 2 weeks from your last called"

"I'm so busy. I can't even sleep tight"

"Good then"

"What? Do you mean it is good I didn't get enough sleep?"

Mew just chuckled

"When will you back?" He is serious now

"I won't"

"Why? Don't you need to meet your family?"

"They will understand"

Suddenly Tul grabbed his phone from his hand. Mew gazed him without move an inch from his position

"We will back next week"

"What!!" Mew shouted and stood up

"I already bought two tickets, I'll bring him back" he talked with Tong through the phone but his gaze still on Mew, "See you next week" Tul ended the call

"What are you doing?" He is angry with Tul's decision

"Let's go back, everyone will miss you, Mew. If something bad happens, we will back here again. This is my promise"

Mew grabbed his phone from Tul's hand. He left him without a word

Before Tong called Mew. He has talked to Tul, and he asked to help him

Tong will take responsibility for this plan

And Tul just agreed without any complain or ask

After they are ended the call. Tul booked the ticket, and he willingly back together with Mew

Even he didn't have any plan to go back this soon

He will help as long as his friend can be better

Tul followed him, "Mew! Listen to me!"

Mew keep walking leaving him

"Mew!!" Tul grabbed his arm

"What!!" He raises his voice

"You should go back. You can't be doing these anymore"

"You don't have any right to give me any advice"

"Right. I don't have any... but I'm your friend. Don't you know, look at yourself. You... you look like a crazy person, you keep run away from your problem, you didn't have any bravery to face it"

Those words make him freeze. Mew just stared at Tul and listen to his long sentences

"Do you think leaving your family and live here can solve any problem? Can solve their worries? Aren't you think you torture them? Would you live your life like this for the rest of your life?"

He is right

"You are a coward. You have been left everyone just because you lost someone. You are who didn't have any right to do this"

He is right

Mew doesn't dare to answer. He walked away to his room, closed the door. He sits down behind the door, leaning his back to the door, sighed the heavy breath, and gazed at the ceiling

"Do you fight with him?" Tong's voice can be heard through the phone

"Hm... maybe my words hurt him. He just walked away to his room"

"Is it okay to keep this plan?" Tong sounds worried

"It's okay. Don't worry he will be fine and talk to me in a few days"

"Thanks. Will be waiting for both of you here"

It takes more than 20 weeks

When Champ said he needs time to heal himself, he didn't lie

Gulf not always stayed at the hospital, start on his third month sometimes he back to his parents' home and stayed for two weeks per month

Today he is discharged from the hospital. The happiness was radiated from his eyes

Techno was helping him packed all his dried flowers.

As his promise Gulf already gave one to every staff who help him for a long period

They are packing on silent. Techno busy with his thought about how to tell him later about Mew

Gulf busy with his thought that he will be back soon at their apartment

"You will come with me, right?" Gulf asked without turn his body at Techno

"Hmm... Have you told your parents about this?"

"Of course"

"Didn't they tell you anything?"

"Like what?" He paused his activity and turn around at Techno

Techno lost his words. He blinked for several times, "I mean like they against you"

Gulf chuckled, "They never against my choice, No"

yes, absolutely. But you can't meet with him, he has left this country

Techno frustrated with his own thought. He keeps biting his lip and thinking what an answer to give to his friend

Run come with Champ to pick him up.

Every person has their part in this case. Champ has done with his part to take care of Gulf, even he should meet with him once in a month to monitoring him.

Now the other person will be taking their part to bring these two together

Gulf's stuff already placed in Run's car. They are ready to leave

Gulf sits at the backseat, while Techno sit beside the driver, Run

These two just exchange their gaze. Their gazed talked for them

Gulf looks so comfortable, he keeps staring outside mumbling a song, moving his fingers on his tight

He didn't even bother with the Korean song as the background in their journey

He looks better and bright than before, he looks lovely, or it is because he thinks he would meet his man

No one knows

It just... Gulf looks so much better now

They arrived

Gulf sighed after he put the box on the floor. He looks around

"Why is it so neat and quiet?"

Run and Techno stared at each other. Techno give him a sign with his gesture to tell Gulf everything

"He..." Run hesitated a moment, but he should tell him, "He never been here. He just comes here on a few days"

Gulf look at him. You can tell the lovely eyes was disappear suddenly

"If he comes, he never used the bedroom, he always slept on the couch, he was ordered the food and never used the kitchen even a single utensil. He brought his own clothes and never wear the clothes from the dressing room"

Gulf smiled slightly, the painful smiled. He never knew he has been hurt Mew so much

"He has the plan to sell this apartment after he comes back"

"Come back? From where? Where is he now?" Gulf asked

"He has been left the country for more than 2 months"

Gulf choked with his own breath. He holds his breath without he realized it, "I will waiting for him"

Techno and Run gazed each other, they are releasing their breath. They let Gulf to looks around the apartment, and these two unpacking the stuff

He walked to the kitchen. He touches the counter, the chair beside the counter

"He used to sit here. Eating breakfast together, then he will wash the dishes. It's still same with the last time I left this kitchen"

He walked to the dressing room. Nothing changed at all

The suit, the t-shirt all the clothes still hanging neatly, the room still have the smell of the softener that he used

He passed the bedroom. Gulf walk to the living room to help Run and Techno

"You can leave if you want to. I can do the unpacking" Gulf said, he starts unpacking his stuff

"Are... okay?" Techno asked

Gulf smiled and look at him, "Sure. I'll be waiting for him here, I don't care if it is needed for a long time"

"Should I sleepover tonight?"

"Me too, I can sleep over if you need" Run added

Gulf just nodding while giggling. He is not refuse their offer. Now, he tried to accept the other's help, he tried to rely on his friend more than before

Mew has been realized about Tul's words

He knew

He such a coward

He chooses to run away than faced his problems

He left his family

He looking for his own comfort without giving attention to his family, especially his Mom

Two days he didn't talk to his friend and avoid him. No, he doesn't mad at him. He just makes his mind clear, before he tells to Tul that he want to back with him

They are good now. They have just arrived at the airport

Mew takes a deep breath and closed his eyes

"How is it?" Tul asked

"You have to send me off" He ignored his question

"I should meet with someone, he was waiting in front of the gate" he walked first leaving Mew behind

Mew followed him, "What do you mean? I'm back alone to my home?"

"Back to your apartment it's closer, right? Aah... I see him, see you later" Tul really left him. He does little running

Mew sighed. He doesn't want to back at his apartment. He has plan Tul will send him off at his parent's home, but he just left him

He takes a taxi, he can't choose another choice. No, he didn't have any choice. Jetlag, neck pain, sleepy he feels all and he just wants to lay down as soon as possible. He chooses to back at his apartment

"He forces me to back with him, but he won't take any responsibility at all" He mumbling while took off his shoes.

He sees a pair of shoes on the floor. Unfamiliar shoes. He didn't think much, he just passed and walked to the living room

He left his luggage beside the couch. He took off his jacket, but he sees something that makes him freeze a second

"And now I get hallucination. How can I see him here"

Mew walked to the kitchen to get a glass of water. Again, he sees someone familiar entering his bedroom

He smiled slightly, "I go really crazy. I should sell this tomorrow" he gulped his water

"You back"

Freeze. He was frozen in the middle of gulping his water. The voice is so similar, very similar that can make his heartaches

He didn't dare to turn back his body. He scared that he just hearing nothing, he scared that he is a crazy person for real

"Welcome back"

Again. This voice. He can't hold anymore.

He turns, and his eyes were caught a beautiful, a best, a lovely creature ever

It's hurt. My heart hurt

"Finally you are back" Gulf take his step to walked closer

Mew step back. He still can't believe it

"It's me" Gulf keep trying to walk closer

He is here but my heart hurt so much. He smiling but I want to cry harder

He fell. He kneeling and crying. He cried like that time when Gulf break him up

Gulf comes closer and hugging him tightly. He caressing his back. He can feel Mew's tears at his shoulder

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry" Gulf said while hugging him. He tried to hold his tears

Mew cried even harder

His cry makes Gulf can't hold his tears anymore. It's hurt so much. His chest is hurt. The feels like something was burning in his chest

Mew looked at him with teary eyes, "It is you? For real?" He tried to touch his cheek, but he hestitated

Gulf reach his hand and placed it to his cheeks, "I'm back. It is me. Can you accept me?" The tears are rolling down on Mew's hand

Mew tears can't be stopped. He cried but he smiled too

He nodding, he wants to answer but he can't say any word

They keep on this position until Mew a little calm down

"You are back," Mew said, finally

"Why are you so thin? What is it mustache and beard, long hair? Who is it?" Gulf make fun of him, he chuckled while touching his beloved man's face

Mew doesn't answer. He hugged him tightly

"If you choose to back at me, you never can leave me again. No, I never let your hands"

Gulf nodding softly on his shoulder, "Sorry for break up with you, sorry for made you waiting so long, sorry for made you in pain"

Mew won't answer. He just wants to listen to him

"It is hard for me too. The hardest thing I have ever done is walk away still madly in love with you"

Mew hold Gulf's arms, he stared at him. The eyes that always he missed, the smile that always makes a bright day for him, the person who makes him a nearly crazy. Now he is here, in front of him.

"Let's tell Mom, she didn't know you have been back. Let's go" He grabbed Gulf's wrist. He stood up and pulled Gulf up


"Let's go. She will happy about this"


"Should I call Mom first?"

"Mew!" Gulf raise his voice and hold Mew's hand

Mew looked at him.

"Mom has been known. I have visited them before"

He can't believe it. He is confused, it is showed on his face

"My parents knew but they weren't told me"

Gulf laughed a little, "For now, let's cut your hair, clean your mustache, beard, and your face. Then let's eat, I cook for you"


"Let's go. Go take a bath first. You will look handsome again soon" Gulf smiled brightly

Mew didn't refuse, he just does what Gulf asked to him

His brain still can't process anything from this situation

After he finishes take a bath. Gulf was waiting for him in front of the mirror desk. There are towels, basin, razor, shaving foam, and an electric scissor

He patted the chair, give him a gesture to sit down on the chair

Gulf placed the towel on Mew's shoulder. He stands in front of him and starts to apply the shaving foam

Mew just stared at him. He grabbed the edge of Gulf's pajamas. Like a child grabbed their mom's shirt because of afraid he would be lost

Gulf shaving him carefully, he can't look into Mew's eyes. He stares at him, exactly the same with his first time said that he wants to have a special relationship with Gulf

No one can't stand his eyes while he staring like this. Everyone will be fall in love with him. He has beautiful eyes ever, you can see that he is in love, happy, or sad through his eyes. And now he has all of the emotion

"It's done. Look" He takes aside step, so Mew can see his new face in the mirror, "Very handsome, right?" Gulf giggling while cleans Mew's chin


Gulf walked to bring the basin and the towel. He stopped his steps while Mew hold his pajamas

"Where do you want to go?" He pulled him closer by his waist

"I want to throw the water, and put the towel away. I didn't go anywhere"

Mew hugged him and rubbing his hair on Gulf's belly, "If it is a dream, please don't wake me up. Let me sleep for a long time"

Gulf put the basin and the towel on the desk. He caressing Mew's hair, "This is not a dream. I'm here, hugged by you"

"Don't go"

"I just want to go to the toilet to put these things"

Mew looks up. His eyes have changed, from all emotion into lovely eyes

"I may never say this often before, but from now on I will say it often until you get bored of it. I love you"


I haven't heard this for a long time

Gulf blushing. His ears, his whole face was redden

"Let me put this away first" He tried to hide his shyness. He walked quickly, Mew just chuckled seeing his in hurry

The last thing he wants to do is his cutting Mew's hair. He just cut a little and make it neat like before. He actually never done this before, but he doing this right now for his beloved man

Finish everything about the cleanup and get the first dinner together after a long time

Now, Mew laid down on the couch. He put his head on Gulf's tight, he holds Gulf's hand on his belly

While Gulf enjoys watching his favorite program on television. His left hand on Mew's belly and right hand was caressing Mew's head softly

"I like this show, I have been watching this when got in hospital" he laughed

Mew followed him watching the comedy show, even for him it is not really funny at all

"Gulf... Can I ask something?"

"Hmm..." He still focused on the show

"Why... you did that thing... at that time?"

He can feel it. Mew can feel Gulf's hand was stopped caressing his head

He can see. Gulf sighed release the heavy breathing

"Sorry. You didn't have to answer it. Forget it" Mew hurriedly said it

"Do you remember?" Gulf starts to answer, "A week before that time. You were on phoned with someone, And I unintentionally heard it. You were talked about the children. You were said you really want to have it, and want to discuss it with me. But, did you know? I really don't like children. For one week I have been thinking that I didn't deserve you because of this. I shouldn't be your partner, but at the same time, I don't want you abandoned me. I don't want you to break up with me"

The answer really hit him hard. He didn't know about this, he has spent a long time with this person but he didn't know that Gulf dislike the children

Mew wake up and sit properly. He holds Gulf's hand, "I'm so sorry about this. I really didn't know. Sorry. If I talked it first with you maybe that incident never be happened. If you don't like it, I won't either. Just live the two of us"

"There is more..."

Tonight his answer really makes Mew worried. Every time he says it, he holds his breath and waiting for his words

"The same time you were said that you want to break up with me and told me as soon as possible. So I thought if later we would be break up it is better to do it now, but still, I won't you abandoned me. The bad thought really disturbing me for one week, then my extreme anger was exploded"

"That..." Mew thinking hardly, he tried remembering the past so he can make these things clear enough for both of them, "That is it not about you, I was talked with my sister. She said her friend was break up with her boyfriend and her friend tried to hit on you. That's why I said I will talk it with you"

Gulf makes a weird expression, "So I have heard it in the wrong way?" He then laughed

"I'm sorry, I was not made it clear" Mew truly said. He keeps caressing Gulf's hands

"It's okay now" Gulf followed Mew's gazed that looked down on his hands, "It's okay" then Mew looks up

The edge of his lips was pulled, and he smiled while nodding

"I love you... don't abandon me again"

The words make Gulf blushing again

"I'm not going to.... leave you again" he hides his slight smiled and his shyness

Mew sighed, then lay down and put his head on Gulf's tight. He knows that his man was shy, so he wants to see it by laying down on his lap

"When are you discharged?"

"Hmm... maybe 2 weeks ago?"

"Who's knows about your discharged?"

"Everyone knows"


"P' Run drove me here, Techno always beside me, doctor Champ absolutely knows, P'Tong he texted me that he still has full of schedule so he can't meet me that day"

Mew frowned, "Your mom and dad?"

Gulf nodding

"So everyone knows but I'm not? And... Wait. Did their plan brings me back forcibly is because you was waiting for me here?"

"Who's force you?"

"Tul. I had a fight with him about this"

Gulf laughs so hard. He throws his head behind while laughing

"Your friends are so funny, so great to having them right?"

Mew can't believe that he was fooled by everyone, but he thanked Tul that forcibly bring him back to his home. The home that always is number one home for him

They are spent the night by watching the movie, hugging each other, and hold each other hands

They finally sleep at midnight

For the very first time for along time. These two men used again their bedroom

For the very first time, Mew can see him while laying down

For the very first time, Mew can pull and hugged this person

For the very first time, Gulf can sleep on his chest again

He closed his eyes and feels Mew's breath.

It's very calm

I wish I could explain, how wonderful you are. How I could look into your eyes and never get tired, how the sound of your voice gives me butterflies how the sound of your breath gives me the best dreams. How much you mean to me, and how much I love you

Mew looked at him while caressing his ear to waking him up

Slowly he opens his eyes, he smiled slightly

Mew's hair was still a mess and in the bright morning sunlight he looked more handsome

Gulf take a deep breathe, "Good morning" he said

Mew gives him a soft kiss for the first time, "Morning"

It's a very perfect day for both of them

They are waking up next to each other. For today they don't want to do anything. They don't want to go anywhere.

They can stay on bed all-day

It's eating breakfast together. It's doing our own things, but still in the presence of one another

The perfect day is spending it with each other

It doesn't matter what they do

They just want to be next to each other 
