
At least they spend two days in Pranburi, Gulf asked Mew to let him stay there for a while because he didn't want to hospitalized in Bangkok.

It's okay Gulf always get what he wants. Champ, Run, and Tong back to Bangkok first and left them behind. Although they are already in a good term, maybe they need some space together. So the three of them was let them in their time

Gulf charged today and he can leave the hospital. He wants to go to the beach before they are back to their routines. He always let Mew drove him, and he just sits on passenger chair enjoy the scenery

"Wanna walk or just sit inside the car?" Mew asked he stopped right near a beach, so they can enjoy the waves sound just from the car

"Here is okay" Gulf replied without looking at him

Mew just let him, and he plays with his phone

"Mew..." Gulf called him

"Hm..." He is busy with his phone now



In the second Gulf takes his phone from his hands

"What..." He paused when he looked at Gulf who tried to crawl onto his lap, "Gulf...what are you... we are outside"

He smiled, he wraps his hands around Mew's neck. He buried his face in Mew's neck. He feels Mew's hand are wrapping his waist, pull him closer, and hugged him tightly

"Kiss me" Gulf's whispered then looked at into Mew's eyes

Mew is hesitating in a second then he kissed his neck. Slowly he kissed it, licked it, then bite it leaving a red kiss mark

Gulf moaning quietly, he bites his lower lip, he grabbed Mew's back shirt

"Why so suddenly? Someone might see us" Mew whispering on Gulf's ear, then licked it

He can feel Gulf's hot breath around his neck. He shudders in excitement

"Oh, you like that idea aren't you?" Once again Mew sucking Gulf's neck, bite it and leaving a red mark again, and again. He climbed from Gulf's neck to his lips. He teased him, he just licked it slightly and didn't give any kiss

"Just... kiss me already," Gulf said with a hoarse voice

Mew smiled, "Why are you not try to kiss me then?"

Gulf gives light kisses on side lips, on the cheek, and Mew's eye. He smirks. He didn't want to lose first

Gulf linking his finger on Mew's head and whisper to him, "I won't lose that easily"

"I know... I'll give you the final pleasure" Mew whispered back

Their lips brushed together, Mew gives a slight kiss then he sucking the upper Gulf's lip, licking it, then bite it. He uses his tongue to explore Gulf's mouth. Their tongue collided.

Gulf sucking Mew's tongue, the voice of their saliva was echoing in the car. He grabbed hardly Mew's hair and pressed it on his face. He won't any gap, even the air disturb their intimacy.

Gulf sucked it greedily. He loosens his finger and stopped sucking Mew's tongue

"I can't breathe" Gulf out of breath

"Use your nose, I can't let you breathe after this"

Mew pulled him closer, more closer. His right hand under Gulf's hoodie, he plays with Gulf's nipple. Pinched it, squeezed his chest, while he kissed Gulf's neck.

Gulf's tilted his head give him more space to do his jobs. Gulf panting, moaning quietly every time Mew pinched his nipple and sucking his neck

"Nghh...Hm... More"

Mew stopped and looked at him, "Say it again"

Gulf with his horny face hides his face on Mew's crook. His ears reddened. He always shies when he can't control his moaning. He feels hot. He was hard

Mew recognized Gulf's sign and tighten his embrace. He feels it.

Gulf shivered on his lap, he does a small grinding to Mew

"You are hard" Mew whispered, "And you keep grinding it on me"

Gulf slowly unbutton Mew's shirt, take it off and throw the shirt on another side

He gives slight kisses on Mew's chest

Mew body was hot, it feels hot more than before. The way Gulf kept grinding on him, kisses his chest, and caressing his arm make him feels the jolt sensation

Mew was hard too

Mew gives him a message through his jeans

Gulf stopped grinding


Gulf shivered. He feels the best excitement just through a fabric

"Hmm...nghh..." He tightens his grab on Mew's shoulder and leaving the fingers mark

"Sst...Someone will come because your moaning, babe"

Hear those words made Gulf's harder, and Mew just giggled realized it. He keeps giving a message through Gulf's jeans while his mouth busy sucking upper Gulf's lip

"Please..." Gulf begged with all sweat covered his face. In second ago Mew succeed to take off Gulf's jeans, boxer, and hoodie

"What? Tell me what do you want?" Mew wipes Gulf's sweat

" it, Please"

"Sure" Mew was ready. He already fully naked, "you do it yourself since you are on top"

Gulf grabbed Mew's cock. He tried to do it himself, Mew grabbed Gulf tightly. Waiting he to succeed his first mission to insert it by himself

Gulf keep groaning, it just touches his hole but he can't keep his mind awake

"Nghh... I can't"

"I hold you, you can do it"

He tried once again, and the tip already go in

"Hmm...Mew... I can't"

"Almost, I already feel your warm"

Mew's sentences made Gulf shivered in pleasure, he spills his precum even more

Gulf does it once again, and his hole full of Mew's cock. Gulf hugged him tightly. Their hot temperature filling up in the car "It's...all in" Gulf caressing his belly that full of Mew's

"Move, babe" Mew's whispered while tightening his embrace, "Move up and down like usual you do on the bed"

Gulf didn't protest he does it. He does it what Mew says

He moves up and down slowly. He bit his lower lip enjoyed the best pleasure, Gulf kept moaning, groaning and shivering

"Good boy...hmm... that's good...keep going" Mew enjoyed it too

Mew was caressing Gulf's back again.

Give him the best support

Mew took a moment to appreciate the vision. The horny, greedy and aggressive Gulf has led the play

"I can't do it anymore... my legs..." Gulf said

"It's okay..." Mew gives him a passionate kissed while his cock getting bigger inside Gulf's

"Mew..." Gulf stopped him, "Call her"

Mew confused, "Who?"

"That girl who hugged you that day"

"Why? We are busy"

"I'll show her that you are mine. Only mine"

Mew didn't think this is a good idea but he didn't refuse too

Gulf called her

While Mew kept thrust his cock to Gulf

"Mew... it's rare you are calling me first... I miss you"

Gulf moaning in every thrust, "Ah..nghh..."

"Mew... what..."

"This is me, Mew's boyfriend. And we are in the middle of doing a very good thing. Do you want to hear him thrust me like crazy?"

Shit. I didn't know this side of Gulf. He can drive me crazy

"Damn...Nghh..." Mew moaning not in purpose for her. But he got the excitement while someone else hears it out

After that moaning, the phone was cut off

Gulf kissed him, sucking hardly Mew's lips, he clingy onto him

Mew thrust him faster, and harder

He holds Gulf's body by his waist

Gulf's cock against Mew's belly spill every precum.

Gulf's body tightening, his hand grabbed Mew's head, he moaning hardly...


He came all over Mew's belly,

His back beautifully arched

In the same time, Mew shoot his sperm in the inside of Gulf

He filling up Gulf's hole

There is rolling down on Gulf's thigh

They are panting

Look at other then chuckled

"You are a naughty boy" Mew teased him the give him a kiss on his nose. Mew covered Gulf's body using his jacket, "Stay still, don't move a lot. I'm still in your inside or you won't be able to walk in three days"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              They are giggled together, as Mew asked Gulf just stay still on his lap

Gulf hugged him. This is the first time Gulf hug him tightly and warmly
