
Back together after for a long time is not easy

Some things might change but one of another didn't realize it, or he tried to pretend that all is okay

Particularly both of them living their lives in peace. For months after Gulf comes back, there are not any problems coming. Or it is just pretending to be okay.

Gulf spent his whole day at home, doing the household chores. Made breakfast, doing the laundry, ironing his own clothes, and his man's clothes.

Mew never asked him to do the household chores, he wants to Gulf to take a rest or hang out with his friends, but he chooses to stay at home. A good wife, right?

He will help to do the wash dishes every morning after breakfast and before going for work

Just an ordinary day is a happy life together

Mew starred at one by one the dried flowers in the frame. He never notices it from the beginning

"Why have you collected dried flowers? I can buy for you the fresh one every day"

"Stupid!" Gulf mumbling from the kitchen

Mew took one of them. At the background there is written something, he read it "You are my home"

Hearing those sentence Gulf run from the kitchen to the living room and grabbed the frame from Mew's hand, "Why are you reading this? You have never been done this before" He put back the frame on the desk

Mew laughed, "But where are these flowers come from?" He holds Gulf's hand

"You stupid! You send me this every day, so I kept this even they are dried" his voice softer at last sentence

"Really? You kept all the flowers?"

Gulf nodding shyly

How cute

He pulls the other man to sit on his lap, Mew wrapped his hands around Gulf's waist

"I should read the message behind the flower" He whispering to Gulf

"No need. I'll throw it all"

He is sulking. Cute

He pulled Gulf's chin so he can see his face clearly, then he kissed him. A slight kiss, at first

Then Gulf pulled Mew's neck. He asked more

He sucked it, Mew's tongue. Then he offers his own to Mew, they sucked each other

Mew holds Gulf'a shoulder, push him softly, "Enough" He wiped the saliva on Gulf's lip, "Let's take a breakfast"

He just can stare at him. He forcibly by himself sit on the couch and let Mew walked to the kitchen

Again. He takes the distance from me

He followed to the kitchen, sit next to him who is waiting for him to dig in together

The today breakfast menu is khao moo grob (rice with crispy pork belly)

Actually Mew is not a person who eats pork, but as long as his man who made it he will eat it. He will eat everything

Mew starts to dig into his breakfast. He eating while his left-hand slides down his phone to check up his work are settled

He moved his attention from his phone to Gulf who is coughing beside him. He caressing his back

"Let's go to the hospital, I'll ask Tong to arrange his time" He gives him a glass of water

Gulf sipped it slowly, "It's okay"

"You have been coughing from two days ago. You are too tired from doing everything" He still caressing his back even the cough is stopped

"It will be fine if I take a rest. Hurry finished your breakfast"

Mew just sighed. He can't force him if he says no.

"Should I just stay at home?"

Gulf didn't even look at him. He just didn't want to, "No. Go, you must work"

"Look at me while talking to me" He tried to get his attention

Gulf stood up, take Mew's empty plate and washed it

Something isn't right

He hugged him from behind, resting his chin on Gulf's shoulder.

"Then, I go now"


"I'll go"


"I really go"

"Just go already" He looked at him with annoyed gazed

"Alright" Mew gives a kiss on his cheek, "I'll late today, I have promised with the others"


"Are you mad with me?"


He is mad

Mew wants to ask more but he stopped, he just says it in his mind. Then he really going to work and left him

He tried to look for the answer by himself. Tried to remember all that he has done from yesterday to this morning, but he can't find an answer for this

It is not possible for my action. He never gets mad before since he back home, but today his gazed looks so annoyed

He looks so dazed in the early morning on his way to go to work, just because his man answered him shortly and didn't even give him a good gaze

Gulf sighed heavily, he looked at the door that closed by his man.

He is annoyed, but his man didn't know it all

He is mad, but his man doesn't know why

He laid down on the couch, closed his eyes with his right arm

"It is always not easy to start again, but its almost 4 months from me back here. He still acts that the distance between them is needed"

He sat up. Gulf decide to take asleep before he really gets mad with his man

He still coughing. He walked toward their bedroom

"I think I got a fever" he placed his right palm on his forehead

"That annoying boyfriend made this getting worse" he talked to himself with a hoarse voice

Buried his body in the sheet is the best way to release his bad thought, but he is not sure if he will be okay when his man gets home tonight

At 10.30 PM

He goes to the bar as the promise with Champ, Tul, and Tong

He was late

He ran from the parking area to the bar.

"Sorry I was late" He tried to catch his breath. He sat down beside Tul, "What's are you guys talking about?"

"Your man" Tong answered bluntly

"He told me everything, and now I want to meet him. Why you didn't invite us to your home until now?" Tul asked

"Hah... I need his permission dude, I'll ask him later"

His friends laugh at him. He looked like a husband who scared of his wife. A husband who need his wife's permission to do his things

"Tong, did you bring the medicine?"

He was asked him this noon to bring him medicine for Gulf

Tong give him the medicine, "You should pay me!"

"My treats tonight"

Three of them shout happily. There are just snacks and some beer. But Mew can't drink it tonight, he brings a car alone, and he never drunk without Gulf knowing it

"I think he gets mad with me," he said after sipped his carbonate drink

"Why?" Champ with a serious face asked. It's has been 2 months ago Gulf officially stopped coming to see him. He was in really good condition now. Then Mew said he was mad at Mew, his worries showed up

"I don't know... like... maybe because my action toward him"

His friends still listen to him

"Until now since from the beginning he was back to me, I..." he is hestitated

"What? Say it completely!" Tul complained in frustrated

"I have never been doing it. I always reject him even just a deep kiss, I always stopped first and push him softly"

The three of them just staring each other.

"Why? I mean... why you should do that? Don't you want him to back to you?" Tong asked

"I don't know. I just want... I just don't want him being hurt, I just want to cherish him more than before"

No one wants to give an answer. They are busy to starred each other

"Did you pity him?" Tul, their friend. He is such a straightforward person. Between three of them, just him who can says anything without hestitated

Mew looked at him, he was confused. He wants to answer but he keeps thinking his words

"I didn't..."

"Are you pity him because he was through a hard path in his life?" Tul added even Mew didn't finish his word yet

Did I? I never feel that way, but why I can't say no

"If I'm in his position, I'll thinking that way too" Tong added, "The way you cherish him is very unfamiliar for him"

Tong looked at Champ, "How about him? Do you think he will okay this time?"

Everyone waiting for Champ's answers

"He will be okay, he much better know. Better than you think" Champ smiled proudly

Their hangout must be a happy and playful time, but because of Mew, they should solve his private matter. Again. And they are never complaint about this

Mew is a detailed person, he will talk every single thing about someone he loves the most.

And his place to talk is his friends

He is back first, and his friends still continue their hangout without him

"I'm back," he said. He always doing this since they live together even before Gulf being hospitalized

The lamps were turned off. The rooms all in the dark. This is not usual. He walked to the electric switch, then turn on the lamps

He didn't see him anywhere, but he heard Gulf's coughing from their bedroom

Mew hurriedly walked to their bedroom. He opened the door and found his man buried between the sheet

He sat at the edge of the bed, "Gulf..." he touched his hand, and feels the high temperature, "You got the fever"

He took off the sheet. Reached Gulf's forehead.

Since when he got a fever?

He is worried, but he should take care of him, "Let me cool down your fever, I bring the medicine too" he talked to himself

Gulf keep his eyes closed, with the sweat covering his body

Mew back bring a glass of water, the basin with water, and a towel

"Drink this first" He feeding Gulf with the medicine and water

"Why didn't call me if you get sick? How if it is getting worse and I'm late?" He keeps talked alone

"I'm sorry," he said while covering Gulf's body with the sheet. He caressing his cheeks, then leaving the room

He will sleep on the couch tonight. Not because of Gulf was sick, but he can't sleep beside him, the feels of guilty still hold him tightly

In the morning

Gulf wake up late from Mew's breakfast time

He sits down suddenly. A towel fell from his forehead, he stared at it, starred at the medicine on the desk

I really got sick yesterday. He took care of me

"What's time is it?" He looked at the clock. 9 AM

He really wants to back lying his body. He still bit dizzy, but the noise from the kitchen force him to take his legs to go out

He walked slowly, and see Mew in the messy kitchen. He was blown his fingers

He burns himself. What a stupid

Gulf walked hurriedly, grabbed Mew's fingers and put it under the stream water

"Oh, you are awake" He smiled brightly

Gulf doesn't want to give him a glance or a smile. He keeps stared on Mew's fingers

"I tried to make a porridge for you, but I was hungry too. So I made a fried egg" Mew told him. He knew. He knew Gulf still mad at him. He just wants to try

Finished take care of his man's fingers, Gulf took the apron and wear it

"Move," He said to Mew

Mew just take a step back in silent he watched Gulf's back

In a minute the perfect fried egg, warm rice, and soup served in front of him

"You, aren't you eat with me? The porridge" Mew grabbed his hand before he walked away

"I don't hungry at all"

He grabbed even harder

"Please eat, you look so pale"

"Let me go, I'm dizzy"

He didn't let him go

"I'm sorry," he said suddenly

Gulf froze

"Your breakfast will cold. Eat it" His words are so far from the nice tone. He was struggled to release his hand

Mew who sat on the chair pull him, grabbed his two hands. He put his forehead on Gulf's belly

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything. I just want to cherish you more than before, I didn't want you hurt"

Gulf looked at his head, he wants to caress him, but he still mad at him

"Do you think I'm a girl? Or a fragile glass?" Gulf finally talked to him, he looked at another way while Mew looks up at him

"No, never. I never see you as a girl, you are a man. I like man, I like you"

"So why you treat me like a fragile glass? You, you never being careful with me or our relationship. Is it because of me as a patient's mental illness?"

His words really hit him. Mew stood up, he shocked Gulf will saying those words

"I really never thinking that way" He answered in a low voice and desperate

Gulf closed his eyes, breath in breath out, "Let go of me" his voice shuddered

Mew shook his head

"Then kiss me"

Mew freeze. He gazed at him more than a minute

"Please.. if you keep avoiding me, I'll take steps to go out from here. So please..." Gulf's voice really make him in pain

Mew loosen his hold, release his hands that has printed Mew's fingers

He moves to his waist, wrapped it around his waist, lifting him and placed him on the counter

Gulf put his hands around Mew's neck

They look at each other quietly, but they don't understand each other's thoughts

Gulf pulls Mew's neck and whispered, "Please..."

He started it with a slight kiss. It is Gulf who force him to do more, he tried to use his tongue. Mew open his mouth, both of them are busy sucking each other mouth, and tongue both were sucking and gently biting each other lips. Their tongues started to entangle. Mew could taste the fainted scent of his own blood on Gulf's tongue. The more they kissed the more intense their desire becomes...

Gulf's fingers run through his dark hair, pulled him more and more, deeper the kiss more and more

Mew moved to his neck, licked and sucking it like a lollipop. Leaving a red mark everywhere

"Hm..." Gulf titled his head give him the full access for doing his job. He still pulled Mew closer by his neck. He wrapped his legs around Mew's waist

Again. Again

He is stopped his sucking neck, looked at Gulf's eyes that filled with lust

His hand still caressed Gulf's back, hold him so he didn't fell back

Mew slowly move his hand underneath the apron, unbuttoning his pajamas one by one

"Can I?" Mew asked as soon as he throws aside Gulf's pajamas, and showed Gulf's redden nipple

He can't answer it

Gulf arced his back, giving him permission and giving him an answer that he can do anything

He squeezed, gently rotated and kneaded it with one hand

Mew can feel Gulf's shuddered. He closed his eyes. Leaning back his head and keeping moaning in a low voice

"It's getting harder, your chest" Mew whispered to him

Gulf tightening himself

He is sure he would fell back if his man didn't hold him

"Do it... do it like you always do"

After he said it, Mew lowered his head and locked it gently with the tip of his tongue. His other hand were run under the apron and pinched the other side

"Ahh..." Gulf shivered. He tried to breathe, but he keeps pushing him even harder to his nipple every time Mew sucking it a little

Mew's hot tongue wrapped the dark nipple, he sucked it gently


He sucked it more, Gulf's back more arced like he wants to be sucked even harder

He sucked it, bite it harder

"Ahh... there is... ah... nothing comes out"

Mew giggled and looked at Gulf's eye

"But it is more delicious" He kisses Gulf's upper lip,

"I want more..." Mew whispered. His redden ears were so cute for him

"The pants..."Gulf tried to took off it by himself. Mew hurriedly help me, throw it anywhere, and the little Gulf come out under the apron

Mew gripped it

"Hmm..." Just being touched by him make him trembling so much

"You are so wet"

"I hold it for a long time, you stupid boyfriend"

Mew laughed. He hugged him tightly

While Mew hugged him the apron rubbed Gulf's thing

He groaned

"Choose one, couch, kitchen, standing or bed"

Gulf busy with his groaned, he clung onto Mew's shoulder

"If you don't choose I'll keep rubbing the apron with yours"

"Don't...hmm.. bed... bed is better"

It's been decided

Mew lift him, bring him to their bedroom

Gulf keeps leaving his kiss mark on Mew's shoulder

He bites, licked then sucked like a little boy

"Hmm..." It's Mew turn to moaned

He can feel the little Gulf's rubbed his belly through the apron and his t-shirt

He put him down gently

Mew takes a step back, Gulf just staring at him

"Did you prepared yourself?"

Gulf shook his head

"Do it now, show me how you prepare your hole for me. I'll take off my clothes"

He freezes. Gulf can't believe Mew will say those words. How can he do it in front of him? He is hestitated to start

"Hurry up, I'll help you if you doing good" his tease voice make Gulf shuddered

He doing it as Mew's asked. Slowly he opens his legs wider showed his wet ass-covering by his own liquid

Gulf stared at Mew who still standing in front of him, staring his body with full of desire

He won't take off his clothes if I don't do this. He wants to play and tease me

He licked his own two fingers

Then moved and inserted it in his hole


Gulf didn't know it is because his finger or Mew keep staring at him. The feels prepared himself more thrilling and pleasure than before

He thrust it slowly, make scissors moved

He never does it before, but today he pinched his own chest, his own nipple

He keeps moaning like he was done by his man


He tries to tease me or what

Mew took off his clothes and his pants. His pants really make it hurt, his little thing wanna comes out as soon as he sees a beautiful scenery in front of him

Mew crawled on the bed

He grabbed Gulf tight with one hand

The other hand pulled off his fingers and gets away that hand from his one of favorite hole

"Ah..." As soon as Mew pulled out Gulf's fingers, he groaned like losing something, "What do you want to do?" He looked down at him who is ready to eat him

Mew blew at Gulf's little brother. It reacts. The owner get shivering and closed his eyes tightly

Gulf feels a wet hot tongue at his dirty part. He clenched his fist. Gripped strongly the sheet

"Don't.... ah..." he felt it. His tongue was tried to enter it. Moving inside.

He can't do anything. The one that he can only do is moaned, is moaned echoing their bedroom, "That's...ah... stop it..."

Mew finally stop it but it didn't finish yet

He moves up. Staring at Gulf's little brother

"Look you are so wet" he talked and whispered at it

"You... don't tease" his voice hoarse

Mew smirked.

He ate it. Not just the tip but a whole thing was inserted to his mouth

He pulled it off again from his mouth

Licked it back and forth from the root to the top

Gulf stroked Mew's hair with one hand. The other hand was busy tightening the sheet

The next step, Mew opened his mouth and swallowed the tip, his mouth sucking rhythmically. Gulf moved his hips as Mew's sucking rhythmic

He sucked it, Gulf thrust his hips. His thing going all the way Mew's mouth

"If you keep sucked it I'll cum now," Gulf said after he can control himself

"Then cum..." Mew really doesn't want to let go of his little Gulf. He keeps sucking harder, harder than before

He can feel his man under him shuddering. His body tightening. He grabbed Mew shoulder harder

He is near

Then within a minute his mouth full of Gulf'

Gulf wake up hurriedly, take a tissue beside the bed, "Sorry, I've already told you" He wiped his man's mouth

Mew laughed

"Why are laughing?"

"You hold it well, sorry for making you wait so long. It was delicious"

Gulf blushed. His ears, cheeks are red like he can explode anytime soon

Mew took off the apron and throw it

"Shall we continue our busy schedule?" He whispered on Gulf's ear

Gulf rode him

He is on top of Mew

Rubbing each other things

Every time the two of them rubbed each other, their face is full of forbearance

Mew was rubbing them moving slowly and unhurriedly

Gulf put his hands on his shoulders, hugged him while Mew rubbing on them

"Faster... I need yours to be ready...hmm"

As he wants, Mew increasing his moving

His deep breath, trembling Gulf really make him full of thrilling sensation

Gulf stopped by hold his hands

He holds the little Mew, tried to look for his place and insert it by himself

Mew who is under him looking at this guy who showed he struggled to insert his big thing by himself

"Hold on me" He put Gulf's left hand on his shoulder

"Ah..." He slowly put it in, just from the tip, his moaned can't hold any more

"Slow down... don't insert it all at once..." he whispered and nibbled Gulf's ear

Slowly it's going in, accompanied by clear and heavy breathing sounds to the deepest place

Mew tried to calm him down and reduced his pain by kissing him, they exchanged their saliva

"Can you move?"

Gulf nodding and tried to move. He was looking at the ceiling, his hoarse moaning fully their room

Mew hold his hips and tried to help him.

His whole body was shaking, trembling, his breath getting rapid and heavy

"You...ah..too hot... big...ahh"

Shit. What's wrong with him. It's getting tight, he is squeezed me tightly,

"I can't hold it..." he takes him down and doing his main job

Moving his hip, thrust his hole

"P' Mew..." suddenly he called it

Mew paused at looked at him. Gulf rarely, no almost never called him like that from the beginning

"You call me what?"

"Hurry up ... P'Mew... harder"

This kid really going to tease me

Gulf can feel his man big thing getting bigger when he called him that way

Hearing it there is no hestitated anymore. He reemerged to the position, and the joyful moan rang through the room

"There... again...faster"

Mew work harder, the sound of physically impact increased echoing their room

Gulf wrapped his legs around Mew's waist. He wants deeper, he wants it reached his spot more and more. He gives him all, they are giving in to each other

"Once more..." He is getting rough. He can't resist it. Then

"Don't pull...ah... inside"

His man really reached his peak, shooting his sperm very hard twice

Mew collapsed on top of him. Buried his face on his crook, he is panting heavily

"Wait..." Gulf tried to wake him up by pushed his shoulder, "you... is it not done yet?"

Mew chuckled while panting heavily, "I didn't ask it, but he doesn't take a rest" he talked about his thing that didn't get limb even after his second shoot, "Once more please... you really delicious"

"If you shoot it that hard I'll get pregnant"

Mew laughed with his answer," then you will get it"

He really does it once more time, the rough one, the faster and harder than before

When he said I might be hurt you, he really means it. He really did it two round without let Gulf rest or caught his breath

It can be reached really hard to Gulf's spot more than before

"Yours too its awake" Mew keep messaging it back and forth

"It's... ahh..because you... hurry up...ahh"

He does it fast. Both of them release it at the same time. Gulf's was spreading on his belly and Mew's hand

"Ahh... it's hot. I really get pregnant for sure"

Mew hugged him from behind. He just smiled hearing his words

"It's leaking too much" Mew touched his back. His fluid really fullied him, it's leaking on the sheet. He wants to pull out while Gulf hold his hand

"Don't..." He paused a moment, like he didn't sure about this, "Don't pull out" his low voice makes Mew shocked. He buried his face on Mew's hand and covering his face my his hands

"Alright then..." he tried to not teased him back," it is all here, my liquid with your favorite big thing" he whispered while caressing Gulf's tummy, "You will get pregnant for sure" he giggled

"Stop it you stupid" He was shy. His ears become red. In his shyness, he caressed Mew's hand on his tummy

"Let's sleep...I'll help you to cleans up later" He give a big peck on his cheek from behind.

"Your breakfast?"

"We can eat it later, the late breakfast"

Mew Covering their body with the sheet and hugged him tightly. Let him took a rest before get up later
