Finally Found You

                     They are still covered with sheets on the white bed, crossed with their leg on each other. Gulf wearing an undone white shirt that is Mew's shirt, while leaning on Mew's shirtless. Gulf has been done told him about his past and his trauma, and Mew didn't say anything, he just comforted him by hugging him, and Gulf leaning on him. His right hand was on Gulf's chest and patted him softly. Sometimes he kissed Gulf's head lightly, he didn't get any words that can comfort him more than this. After heard all those horrible things, what's supposed Mew to do, he felt bad, he felt his anxiety, he felt his trauma just by hearing his tremble voice, his cold palm, and his difficult breath. He did his best to told him, he finished it with every struggle.

"So...." Gulf paused a moment and looked at Mew, "Are we still together?"

"Of course" Answered him instantly, "Why are you thinking like that?"

              His back leaning on Mew, "Nope.I never depend on someone before, after that incident with her. I don't like depending on people, because they are leaving all the time"

"You can depend on me, I've said before, right? That I never will be bored or tired with you and I never leave you" He hugged him tightly

              Gulf is just like this, he always smiled widely when Mew hugs him. He is not a romantic person who will hug back his beloved one, he will enjoy it with his smile, or he will just pat his backhand

"So... Did your friends come here often?"

"Who? Tong and Run?"

Gulf just nodding

"Yes, especially Tong. Why? Is he the one who gave you my address, right?"

"Hmm... I called him to ask where your medicine was, and he answered correctly"

"What's it, are you jealous or what?" Mew chuckled, "I have been friends with him for a long time, since the first year of bachelor if it is not wrong. He knew everything about me from past until now, he knew about you too"

"Hah?!" Gulf shocked, "Everything?" He sits properly and looks at Mew, "How?"

"Everything from the start I said to him that I like you, then about your incident, about me who got closed to you"

"About me..." He is hesitate

"Beaten by a man? About that night I help you? He knows all of it, he is the one who informs it all about you. He is my best informant" Mew laughed, "He is closed with his students, he has some friends too at the club field, so he can get any information"

Gulf looked worried about it, he leans his back on pillows, "How long?"


" me"

Mew tried to remember, "At the first time I saw you in the cafeteria, you with her and your friend, wearing a football t-shirt. What time is that?"Mew pulled him in his hold

"That's so long" He looked at Mew

He smiled proudly, "So, Don't worry, Tong is my best friend and you're my beloved one"

"So cheesy"

They are laughed

"Thanks for waiting for me to told you everything without asking me first, thanks for loving me when I still tasted of war with myself"

Mew didn't answer it, he just kissed Gulf's nose slightly

                Gulf feels the need to tell Techno about this. Yesterday he didn't call him if he can't come to football practice. No, it's not on purpose. When he is together with Mew, he will forget another thing. He even forgot to charge his phone, he forgot if he has an appointment with Doctor Champ, he forgot everything just like that. Just because he was with Mew.

"Where are you have been, Dude?" Techno bumped to him, "I was called you for a million times"

"Sorry I forgot to charge my phone"

"You... where are you? You didn't at home either, don't you?" He answered suspiciously

"How did you know?"

"I went to your condo. And this shirt, I don't think you have this one"

"Seriously, you're asked too much, No" Gulf left him behind

Techno grabbed him, "Tell me, what happened? Are you do weird things again?"

Gulf so pisses off, "I'll tell you, don't be late at doctor Champ. If you are late, I won't ever tell you"

"Why must at his office?"

"I didn't make it yesterday, I forgot everything"

Techno laughed hardly, "Something really happened then"

"Done already?" Tong asked while they are met accidentally on their way to their office

Mew just smiled happily

"So, now I can call him my younger brother, right?" Said Run

Mew just gave him a death glare

"Okay.. okay" He raised his hands, "I don't dare call him like that"

Tong just giggled heard those two

"This evening, do you come to your hospital?" asked Mew

"Hmm... Why?"

"I'll give you a ride, I want to go there"

"Why should I go with you if I bring my own car?"

"Oh... I think you didn't, I think Run who give you ride"

"I want!! Please give me a ride" Run intrude

"Do you want to go to the hospital?" Asked Mew

"Yes, I wanna see Tong Hyung's office too. And I want to see your boyfriend too" He chuckled

Mew just looked at Tong, and Tong just shook his head

"What's bring you to go there?"

"He has an appointment with Champ yesterday, and he forgot. So I want to take him there, and he wants to introduce me to his friend"

"Ohoo... this relationship is getting deep" Tong teased him

                Gulf arrived first at Champ's office, he let Mew go with his friends to Tong's office. Champ greets him happily. He always looks happy whenever Gulf comes to his office with a bright smile and his happy aura. Lately, Gulf always looks like that, whenever he did his counseling, the result is good. His stable emotion, good condition, and the way he slowly opened his bad memory to release the pain

"I'm sorry, I didn't call you yesterday. I really really forgot"

Champ laughed slightly, "It's okay, have a sit" He started to check Gulf condition, the blood pressure, his heartbeat, his breath. "Can I tell you something?" He tried to invite him in conversation while his stethoscope on Gulf's chest

"Yes, what's it? Something bad happened?"

"Lately you're in a stable and good condition. Did something happen? This condition makes it easier for treatment"

Gulf just smiled. He knew very well what it is the reason.

"I think I have found my natural drug of all my anxiety. It's him"

After saying those words, someone opens the door and made them look that way

"Oh, Mew" Champ looks surprised when Mew was entering his room, "What brings you to come here?" He gave a slight hug

"How have you been? It's a long time, right" Mew gave shoulder patted on him, "I'm coming here with him" Mew looked at Gulf

"What do you mean?"

"I'm his boyfriend"

Champ's surprise didn't stop there. A second after Mew said it, someone opened the door and shouted his name

"Champ... I'm....." Techno paused when he saw Mew was beside him, "What are you..." He takes his steps closer to Mew, "I mean... How..."

"You are late, No!" said Gulf

"Your friend?" Mew looked at Gulf and he nodding, "I have heard about you" He greet Techno

Techno didn't know how he was supposed to act. He still didn't believe what he saw. That person who had always been admired by everyone standing in front of him patted Gulf's shoulder, looked at him, and talked at him nicely.

"So... Are you... his... and Gulf... are" Techno can't gather the words

"Please have a seat over there, I want to start my job. So you guys can chit chat enjoyably" Champ breaks Techno's curiosity

              Techno has time to asked so many questions Mew about what he saw before. He acted so politely towards him, but Mew just giggled and asked him to act comfortably. He asked about Gulf, about Champ, about their relationship. He asked carefully, afraid that his question will make him uncomfortable, but unexpected Mew so relax and answered all Techno's question

"Hmm...Sorry for disturb both of you" Champ suddenly get up and looked at them, "But, can you come here, Mew? I think you can help him"

                Without asked Mew comes closer to Gulf and sits down beside him. He holds Gulf's hands. He holds it without Champ asked to do. Whoever who looked at both of them will be thinking if they are have been in relationship in long years.

                 Techno looked at Mew from afar, the way he looked into Gulf's eyes is so different, the way he grabbed his hands looks like he won't let that hands go. His eyes shown so much love, attention, and attraction toward Gulf. Techno has never seen that whether he was surrounded by females students nor he was with his friends.

"Maybe this is called destiny, and love. The universe takes its part to unite them who have been apart"

"Maybe he will struggle enough to hold Gulf, but I think he is the right one for him. God, please let them be happy, let my friend heal his bad memories with unexpected love from that person"

                 After his session, Champ asked Gulf and Techno to go out first. He want to talked about Gulf's condition with Mew, because Mew was declared he is Gulf's guardian since Gulf never bring his parent with him.

"I'll tell you everything, from the start, the possibility, and the worse. I want you to prepare yourself" Said Champ at the same time he takes out some documents

"Go ahead. I'll hear you first then I'll ask later"

Champ understand it, he just nodding while his eyes gazed at that documents

"I've been with him for a long time, I think you knew it well" Champ started, Mew just nodding, "At first I diagnosed him PTSD with all his symptoms a negative thought about himself, hopelessness, self-destructive. Did you know about the way he destructed himself?"

Mew nodding, his face looks different. Full of worries.

"PTSD symptoms may start within one month of a traumatic event, but sometimes symptoms may not appear until years after the event. And I never saw his symptoms about his traumatic, I just saw the others like I said before" He paused, "These symptoms cause significant problems in your relationships. I afraid if you not strong enough to hold him, he will hurt you too"

"Please continue, I'll answer you later"

Champ breath heavily, "But later, I found out. That he is not PTSD, he is BPD. Those two things have similarities it's all about past trauma, but for BPD the mood swings like feels threatened or fears abandonment, the response could look the exact same way. Gulf has it. He triggered so easily and intense"

"And the worse things..." He paused, He looked at Mew. And he has never seen that expression, it looks like he is the one who fell down deeply, "His emotional memory brings the past into the present as if it was happening right now. Maybe right now he didn't have suicidal thoughts but later this is can happen"

What should Mew do with all those information, he didn't know that Gulf has a bad condition, he just knew his smile, laugh, voice. He just can hug him without know that Gulf is in much pain. Mew blamed himself in his thought.

"Mew..." Called Champ to wake him up from his thought

"I don't know... I didn't know he is in serious condition. Is this can be healed?"

"Depends on Gulf, it maybe takes some time. It's okay, it's not your fault, don't blame yourself"

"I saw it" Mew looked at Champ, "His symptoms from his traumatic. He can't breathe, he clenched his fist strongly until you can see his skin redden, his chest hurt, he had cold sweat"

"Is it getting worse later?"

"No, I must wake him up. To get himself back. Then it will be repeated when he told me about his past or when I tried to make up with him"

"Right now, are you okay? You didn't look good, Mew" Champ asked when he gazed at Mew, he looks like will throw up in a second, he was so pale.

"So, is he who helped you?"


"Is he who spent the night with you?"


"Don't just "hmm" me, Tell me about him"

"He is good"

"Gulf!!" Techno shouted

Gulf laughed

"He was sick yesterday, so I went there"

"Tell me about him, not about yesterday"

"Okay... okay" Gulf still laughed, "He is good, so good that made me feels I didn't match with him" He looked at Techno


He smiled, "But Mew always make sure that God was planned him for me. He always makes me feels home when I'm with him"

"Are you.... sure about him?"

"Me? No" He shook his head, "I was never sure about him or this relationship"

Techno just gave him a gaze of empathy, he silent and wait Gulf finished his words

"Mew too, he didn't sure about me at first. But, you know what, No? He is the one who fell in love first with me"

"So, you will try your best right?"

Gulf smiled and nodding, "Of course. I like him. I wish he strong enough to hold me"

"Promise me!" Techno waved his pinky finger in front of Gulf, "Promise me you won't break up with him"

Gulf hesitate, "I can't promise something like that, Ai'No"

"He will take care of you, he will hold you no matter how many times you will fall. So promise me, that you will hold onto him too tightly"

Finally, he linked his own pinky finger on Techno's. But we never know the future, we never know that Gulf in the future must break the promise
