The Broken Pieces

"When two souls fall in love"there is nothing else but yearning to be close to each other. The presence is felt through a held hand, a voice heard, and the sight of the smile. Even though the simple touch. Souls do not have calendars or clocks, nor do they understand the notion of time or distance. They only know it feels right to be with one another. This is the reason why you miss someone so much when they are not around. Your soul feels their absence---- it doesn't realize the separation is temporary

Mew called an emergency number to help him take Gulf to the hospital. At that moment the doctor instructed them to take him to the operating room. The sign was on that means the doctors are on their way to operate on him.

"Nurse" He called a nurse who passed him, "if you need blood transfer, you can take mine. I have the same blood as him, you can take mine as much as you need to save him"

The nurse just gives him a slight smile, "Calm down, Sir. We have enough to save him. Please calm down, and pray for him. You can take your time to wash yourself" She left Mew who just stare at nothing. 

His shirt was covered with blood, his hand, his face. All over. But he didn't care at all. Gulf's parents and Mew's parents arrived after 15 minutes Gulf was in the operating room. Mew's mom saw her beloved son sit on the floor, covered all by blood.
She hugged him, tightly."It's okay baby, it's okay" she just hears him crying, this is the first time she saw her son crying so desperately.
"Let's take care of you first, dear" Gulf's mom said to Mew with a trembling voice. She tries to not cry

"I love him, I miss him" Mew's answered in his middle cries.
No one can calm down Mew. Even their moms hugged and patted him. He is in pain. So much pain that can kill him right now. But their love is stronger more than the pain, he must endure it.

It takes 3 hours, and now Gulf was transferred to ICU. The doctor wants to talk with the guardian. So Mew and Gulf's mom followed him to his office.

"I think, one of our nurses told you to take care of yourself," said the doctor after he saw Mew still in bad shape.
"I'm fine. I can wash it later" Mew's answered. 

The doctor gives him a wet towel and a dry towel. He won't say anything until Mew did to take care of himself. Gulf's mom helped him.
"How can you take care of him if you can't take care of yourself? Sir, can't you see, it is not just you who suffer right now" Doctor's said after Mew finished wash his hand and face. 

Mew look at Gulf's mom, he forgot. Maybe this mom is suffering more than him. He grabbed her hand softly.
"I'm sorry. You can tell us now" this time Mew is in good condition, maybe because he realizes, he does not suffer alone. And now Gulf is safe.
"No need to be sorry" the doctor showed the result of the X-Ray on his computer screen, "This" He pointing the display, "He cut off the artery, nerve, and 3 tendons. The wound is small but deep enough to get some operate procedure" the doctor takes a human hand anatomical model, and continue his explanation, by pointing the artery, nerve, and tendons that Gulf cut off. "We had done the neurological rehabilitation, arterial reconstruction, and tenorrhaphy procedure. And now, he will be fine"
"So when is he can be transferred to the medical ward?" Gulf's mom asked.
"Soon, I'll check it first after this so we can transfer him"
"But, doctor" Mew is hesitant to tell him. Gulf's mom nodding her head assign she agrees with him, "He will be okay after he wakes up, right? He has anxiety"
"I know, I have asked his personal psychiatrist, Doctor Champ to look after him. Don't worry"

As the doctor said, Gulf was transferred after he didn't get any fever and showed good condition. Their parents decided to transfer him into a VIP room, so he can more relax and get more privacy. After Mew cleans up himself, he comes back to the hospital and watches over Gulf. He asked Gulf's parents to go home, to take a rest, and come back again tomorrow morning. He caresses Gulf's left-back palm, sometimes he caresses softly the right hand the one that has been hurt.
"Hey, Gulf. Did you know? I'm so in love with you, making memories with you is my favorite thing to do" Mew hold his hand gently
"How can I live without you?"
"Am I not good enough to you for making you suffer and hurt?" He cried, "I love you" he smiled with the tears are falling like hell.

This morning Gulf wakes up, he sits on a wheelchair and stares at his right hand. Mew didn't know Gulf was woke up, he left this morning to get his first meal since yesterday after Gulf's parents arrived.
"Gulf," He said at the first time his eyes caught him from his back.
"You are back, Mew" Gulf's Dad said, and he turns the wheelchair to faced Mew. His beloved one is in front of him, he's the one and only stares at him. He can't say anything, he is so happy that can't believe Gulf still has the same air as him. He kneeling and stare at this person.

"We will give both of you sometime" Gulf's dad pat Mew's shoulder. His dad and mom are leaving this two.

"How are you?" the first sentence Mew said to him. He tries to reach Gulf's face slowly, and Gulf just lets him.
"So glad to see you again this morning, babe" The tears almost fall. He can't endure it anymore. He hugs him. Not that tight like usual. He cries. He cries like crazy. Mew feels the Gulf's left hand was on his back.
"Mew" He called him.
"yes, yes.." Mew faced him.
"Let's break up"
"No, you didn't do something wrong. I'm, I'm who is wrong here"
"No. I won't"
"But I'll"
"Please...- give me one more chance again, I'm so sorry to hurt you"
"Leave me please" Gulf turn back his wheelchair.
He can't beg anymore if Gulf said this sentence. He stands up, and smile painfully, "I'll wait, God has planned you for me. I'll wait. I love you even more" 

Mew is cried outside the room. His mom hugged him. 

Mew is hurt even more right now. Gulf's mom hugged him.

Mew is broken, he is not complete anymore

He is just an unsolved puzzle......

He wrote this before Mew back to his room

"Hey, I wanna tell you the truth

"I like you. A lot, my beloved man. more than I've liked anyone for a long time. and to be honest it kinda scares me. I don't want to screw up what we have, whatever it is, and I've fallen pretty damn hard for you. I just hope that whatever happened we don't ruin what we had before all this happened.

"The truth is I love you"
