Chapter 9: Tantrum-Throwing

A/N: Sorry for the late update, but I had some health-issues. Before that I was already feeling crappy, so that's my excuse. My other excuse is that I had lots of work to do for school, and there were suddenly so many great books to read. At least I learned a few new words in English :)

Also... I tried to make this chapter longer, but it ended up shorter than I wanted it to be. I promise I'll try and make the next one longer, pinky swear! (:

So much thoughts in our heads that we can never express. Our hearts screaming inside of us, the need to express ourselves. There's so much want in the world for communication, but it seems like all is lost inside of us, buried with our hearts.

Chapter 9

P.o.v. Christina

Confusion. She woke up slowly, feeling as if she was still asleep, but on the verge of awakening. She couldn't shake off that feeling, which made her confused. What happened? She couldn't remember what had happened, only the fact that Alec was a vampire (which didn't really seem to bother her anymore) and that she was in Alec's house.

She was awoken from a very beautiful dream, too bad she didn't remember it. She stretched out, feeling her muscles ache a bit, and feeling very weak. What happened last night? Why can't I remember?! She gasped softly when a flash of memory came to her; Dylan, with long, elongated fangs. Shit. Did he... Dylan's a vampire?! Did he bite me?

As soon as those thoughts entered her mind, she remembered what happened in the alley again. But after that, the scene with Alec, that was what she couldn't remember, even though she really tried hard. The only thing she found, was a longing towards him, the wish that he'd come to her and hold her in his strong arms, close to his chest, his lips kissing her temple.

Suddenly, the door opened. She waited for whoever it was to come in, and was rewarded after a brief moment. Alexander walked in slowly, his eyes searching her face for something, but they didn't seem to find it.

He smiled and walked over towards her, sitting down next to her. He wrapped his arms around her body and pressed her against his chest, almost as if he thought the moment wouldn't last long. She smiled and wrapped her own arms around him, crawling closer against him, cuddling her head into his neck. She gave a soft kiss there while Alec shook in pleasure at her movements and his arms pressed her, if possible, even closer against him.

This moment was pure and utter bliss, and she wished it could last forever. But reluctantly, she had to let go. Or else she'd never get the answers she wanted so badly. Her curiosity and fear were united in her next question. 'Alexander, can you... what... what exactly happened last night? I can remember about...' she shivered a bit and went on, 'about what happened with Dylan, and I can remember seeing you before I blacked out, but... after that?'

Alec sighed, moved a bit away and stared intensely at the floor, avoiding eye contact with her. 'Alec? Please?', she said, her voice soft, her mind full of questions. Why doesn't he just tell me what happened?! What did he do?! What did he do to me?

'I'm so sorry, Christina...,' he began, and she knew it wasn't something that would make her happy. Not at all. He regretted what he did, and with such a beginning, it could never mean something good. She almost said she didn't want to hear it, but something told her she had to. Tears started filling her eyes, and she almost begged when she said: 'Please, Alec, I need to know!'

He sighed and looked back at her. 'I... You got angry at me when I told you everything, and I did something I shouldn't have done then...' he took a deep breath before continuing: 'I made you fall asleep, I did something else and I took your memories away. I... I won't say what I've done, but I will give you your memories back, since it was never up to me to erase those memories, or to do such an awful thing to you.'

Her heart stopped beating for a moment, together with her breathing. A tear rolled down her face, and then she felt a wave of feelings wash over her, bringing back the memories she lost to her. She gasped and cried at the memories. How could he do that to me?! How could he just force such a thing upon me, while I was helpless! How can I love him like that? How can I? Please, don't let it be true, please don't let it have happened!

He tried to reach out for her, but she pushed him away, jumped of the bed and tried to get away from him as far as possible. Unfortunately, that meant the wall facing the door, since he was blocking that path to freedom.

'Please, Christina, let me make it up with you, I'm so sorry, but you are my soul mate and I couldn't just leave you that vulnerable! You're under my protection now, and everyone will know it,' he begged, while taking a step closer towards her.

'No, I don't want to hear it! Stay away from me, you bastard! I hate you! How could you have done that! You could at least have talked to me about it, instead of forcing me to!', she screamed, picking up a vase that was on a table and throwing it at him. He easily catched it, and put it down on the bedside table.

'Christina, don't hurt yourself!', he said, a worried expression on his face. He took another step towards her, his hands reaching out to her. That drove her over the edge. She was going to have a full-blown attack of hysteria.

'HURT MYSELF?! HÚRT MYSELF?! YOU ALREADY HURT ME!!!', she screamed. He took another step closer, and she screamed: 'I SAID STAY AWAY, ALEC!' With those words, she threw another vase at him, but he easily dodged it.

She saw he was panicking now, thinking she would hurt herself, trying to find a way to calm her down. She was so pissed at him that she would have ripped his fucking head of if she could have. Instead, she walked passed him and tried to open the door. It was locked and she turned around and said, her voice ice cold: 'Alec. Open. The. Door. Now.'

He shook his head and she launched at him, attempting to rip his head of. He let himself fall to the ground, her on top of him, kicking and hitting him, trying to get a reaction of him; the least sign of pain from his side would be fine in her eyes. But it didn't come. He wrapped his arms around her, tears in his eyes, just waiting for her to calm down.

His calm attitude only angered her more, and she kept on trying to hurt him until she was so tired that she couldn't anymore. She just rolled of him and sat down in a crying, broken heap, trying to undo the things that had been done to her. Alexander's arms once again wrapped around her and she was lifted up and laid down in the bed, still crying, her hands covering her face.

Until she fell asleep in his arms, drifting off to the world of the dreaming people.

How can I still love him, after what he did?


A/ N: What do you think will happen? Will she accept him, or will she hate him forever?
