Chapter 14: The Master and the Pet

~Mentions/implications of mild sexual actions, not mentioned in such words, not very literal either, but some parts could be taken as sexual (and perhaps gay).~


He walked through the long, ancient corridors of his castle, on his way to his chambers; he longed to wash away the disgusting signs of his short yet almost unbearable stay in the human world. The clueless human beings disrespected him in every possible way whenever the opportunity came. His all time favourite pet, Dylan, had joined his Master an hour earlier, after the pet went out to search and research the girl and that so-called Prince Alexander. 

As was supposed to be, the pet walked behind his Master with his head held down, following the Master wherever he went. A good and loyal pet, as all of his pets became after he picked them out and made them submit to him. 

This one was one of his oldest pets, one he had kept for a much longer time than the others. There were reasons for that, too. First of all, the Master had taken a liking towards the boy, in more than one way; secondly, the pet had become the Master's best possession/friend. Then there was the third reason, one that Dylan was not going to find out about while they were walking through the corridors.

 He still remembered picking him. It was during one of his many visits to the Royal castle, visits that he had often made with his father back then. Dylan had been a young boy, a servant just like his family had been for many generations. He was so innocent and already very obedient. He had served the Master well back then, and he had done just that for the rest of his further existence.

That night he had immediately taken a liking towards the young boy, so when he left, he had taken the boy with him. A deed which proved to be quite easy, seeing the boy was unconscious when the Master took him.

Suddenly, an unusual curiosity came over him. He stopped walking and turned towards his pet. 'Pet, Dylan, show me the night I took you. More precisely what you were thinking before I took you, when you were serving me.'

Dylan bowed his head. 'Of course, Master.'

He was walking through the hall, on his way to serve the nephew of the King, who was waiting for his drink. Even though the nephew of the King was a Prince, he would never get the crown unless the King would die or step down, followed by the King's brother. If the King would get a child, it would make it even more unlikely for the Prince to take the crown. 

Rumours were spread throughout the castle that the Queen was carrying a child finally, perhaps that was the reason for the sudden unannounced visit of the King's brother and nephew. Everyone in the castle knew that the King's brother wished for his son to have the crown...

Perhaps they were in the castle to convince the King to hand over the crown to his nephew. Nevertheless, Dylan knew that it was unlikely that the King would just give up his crown. He would certainly not discontinue his reign, which had lasted for over eight hundred years, when a child was to be expected...

'Thank you, Dylan. I only needed your thoughts about the situation, not really much more than that.' His pet bowed his head at the Prince. 'Now, I believe my sister is looking for you, pet. After all, you're her favourite toy. Go find and amuse her, pet.'

'Yes, Master,' was the eager answer Dylan gave him. He dropped down to the ground in a kneeling position, and the Master patted his head.

'Now leave, pet,' he spoke. The pet stood up, head still held down, and then he sped away to follow his Master's orders.

The Master was left alone with this thoughts. Finally, he arrived at his chambers. The massive doors opened on their own for him, welcoming him. He sighed in relief as he walked inside, glad to be home again. He was happy that he was in his own rooms again, where the formal attitude he had to keep when he was in the company if others was replaced by the wonderful informality of being on his own. 

He sat down behind his desk and patted his fingers on the smooth ancient wood the bureau was made of. The old wood remained cold under his touch, which was logical, considering the fact that the temperature of his body was much lower than that of a human being or other mammal. His icy skin only warmed up when he was close to fire or had just fed.

The Master liked to think about the stolen life force of his victims that kept him warm and made him more powerful, so that he could move on to his next victim. He liked the irony of that. He killed, even though he didn't have to, and because of all that killing, he could kill even more.

He mentally shook his head. He didn't want to think about his victims at that moment. He wanted to over think his past and future once again.

As the young Dylan had already pointed out in his young mind, the Master was the King's nephew. He could not take the crown, unless the King and that unwished for brat that the King called his son, stepped down from their reign.

He however, just like the son of the King, had to be married before he could take the crown, even if he had managed to make both the King and Prince step down. Fate had been kind towards him though, presenting him the perfect opportunity in the form of a young, defenceless, pretty and delicious human girl, whose blood was addictive as hell, and -for as the Master had observed- granted the drinker extra power. The perfect bride. Another plus on her side was that she was the soulmate of the much-hated crown Prince. Now that he'd found her, he was soon to take the crown, making the King no longer a burden.

Also, since that little girl was the Prince's soulmate, all he had to do was take her and use her safety as thing to trade for the crown. After the Prince stepped down, the Master would make the girl his bride, and take the crown himself. A simple plan, yet effective.

After he'd get the crown, he would rule over the vampiric society and use his pets, or slaves, to take over the rest of this damned planet. His pets couldn't refuse their Master's orders, seeing they were perfectly obedient and bound to him because of the special ability of his blood - the ability to bind and enslave creatures that the Master fed his blood.

Over the centuries, he had gathered many pets, making him have eyes all over the globe. A sly smirk spread over his features as he thought of that. No pet had ever been able to defy him.

And soon, the lovely Christina would join his pets in being enslaved by him. She would be just like Dylan and all the others.

Dylan (Past)

He kneeled down in front of the Prince as he offered him the silver bowl filled with the finest wine that could be found in the cellars of the castle. The Prince took it slowly and placed it on the table next to him. He seemed displeased about something, so Dylan quickly spoke: "Would you like something else, your Highness?"

"Look up." Dylan lifted his head up slowly, afraid of displeasing the Prince. He avoided the Prince's gaze and kept his eyes on something above the Prince's head.

"You're very obedient, are you not? Now look at me, into my eyes." Quickly, Dylan's gaze shot towards the eyes of the Prince. As soon as he looked into those piercing, ice-cold blue eyes, he found that he could not look away. He had been strangely drawn, attracted to the Prince before, but now the feeling was overwhelming. Those eyes were filled with power, they were dark and dangerous.

They seemed to look straight into his mind, which was perhaps exactly what they were doing. After a moment that seemed to last forever, the Prince's eyes let Dylan's go and his eyes raked along Dylan's body. "Stand up, servant."

Dylan did as he was told. "Now take your shirt off." The piece of clothing landed on the floor. The Prince suddenly stood and walked over to where Dylan stood.

He was a very intimidating height, very muscular and lean too. He looked like he was sculpted to perfection. His hands however, were almost as freaky as his eyes. They were long and his fingers were very thin. They were a porcelain colour, just like the rest of his body. His fingers ended in the sharpest nails Dylan had ever seen. The Prince also moved his hands in a weird way, as though they were claws. 

When the Prince stood in front of Dylan, he held up his claw-like hands and put them on Dylan's chest, instantly making deep wounds. Dylan shivered in pain and in fear of what the Prince was planning to do to him. Blood streamed down his chest in ten thin lines and the Prince looked at it, seemingly fascinated. He retracted his fingers and licked the blood off of them. He then placed his hands on Dylan's chest again.

"It's you, isn't it?" The Prince asked. Dylan didn't dare answer - he didn't even know what to say. "It's taken you long enough to come to me, boy. I'm not sure if I need you like that, however."

"You're muscular enough... and your blood tastes exquisitely innocent. Perhaps..." He absent-mindedly raked his nails/claws over Dylan's chest, creating more wounds and revealing more blood.

"My sister might like you to play with. What is your name?" Dylan shivered.

"Dylan is my name, your Highness." The Prince nodded. "Age?"

"Fifteen, your Highness."

"You look older than fifteen... But it does explain why I didn't know it before - and why you didn't come to me." He dipped one of his claws into one of Dylan's wounds and pressed down. Dylan hissed as he closed his eyes, trying to control the urge to push the Prince away and flee. The claw went into his chest deeper and more blood gushed out. 

The Prince then retracted his claws and licked his finger again, tasting Dylan's blood. 

"You're not a full vampire yet?" It wasn't really a question, so Dylan didn't answer. "I can fix that. I think you look perfect now and that you are very much suited to be my newest personal... pet." 

What does he mean? There's no way that the Prince is thinking about turning me, is there? I was born a vampire, turning me isn't needed! As soon as I reach adulthood, I'll be a full vampire! Turning me now... Who knows what might happen?

"Relax, Dylan. Your thoughts on this matter are irrelevant. I turned my sister when she was nine, even though she was also born a vampire. It is not needed to worry." His sly smirk grew and in that moment, a rush of power went by Dylan and all the lights went out. He couldn't see a thing - he didn't have the excellent vision that came with being a full vampire yet! He panicked and backed away, but then two blood red eyes lit up in the dark. The Prince's eyes.

He didn't know what to do. If he ran, he'd have a chance of getting away from the Prince and then nothing bad would happen, but it was still the Prince and he was merely a servant. Servants obeyed the ones they served completely. They didn't run when their masters attacked them. After all, servants had to obey. So even though he was scared to death, if the Prince wanted to kill Dylan, then the Prince had every right to do so.

A low growl came from the Prince, and if Dylan were a lesser man, he would have cried out in fear. The eyes darkened again and Dylan shuddered. He couldn't relate to where the Prince was by his eyes now, either.

Suddenly, he was thrown to the floor and he felt the Prince leaning on top of him. "So brave, so obedient..." He hissed in Dylan's ear. His tongue licked Dylan's ear. "I like it. It's a quality that is quite rare. Even in your mind, you are already obedient, and I haven't even turned and bound you. Yet." The Prince laughed - an evil, sardonic and sadistic laugh.

Dylan stiffened in fearful anticipation, yet he made no move to try and fight the Prince. Claws once again raked across his chest, and more blood was drawn. A tongue licked the blood off of Dylan's chest and sharp teeth scraped along his skin, close to, but not yet, breaking it. 

"I already love the idea of you being my pet. I love all of my pets - no matter the gender -, but I think I already love you more than I love the rest." The words briefly sent a feeling of warmth through the poor boy, but his fear returned swiftly. 

The Prince's lips went up to Dylan's neck and kissed it. "From now on, I'm your Master," he whispered, before he sank his teeth into Dylan's neck and bit down deeply. 

Dylan couldn't help but cry out in pain and he began to struggle, but the Prince sank his claws into his sides to keep him still. Dylan's powers began to decrease at a fast pace as the Prince drank his blood. His thoughts began to blur and finally, the Prince let him go by yanking his teeth out of Dylan's neck, making the wound gush out blood.

Dylan slowly opened his eyes to reveal that he still couldn't see a thing. He felt the Prince's cold hands on him once more and he was lifted up and thrown on a bed. He whimpered in pain.

"Hush... It's okay, my pet. We're almost done. You only need to drink my blood and the transition will be complete. It's okay to calm down now." 

He stiffened again as nails once more cut him, now in his face. Hands were on his face and his mouth was forced open. "Look at that! How cute; little fangs." He could almost hear the smirk in the Prince's face. He tried to close his mouth again, but the Prince kept it open.

"Tsk... Don't fight me, pet. I know it's scary, but you'll thank me for this later." Something was pressed over his open mouth and he tasted blood, which immediately made him realize that it was the Prince's wrist. 

He screamed, but the sound was smothered by the blood that filled his mouth. He almost choked on it, and swallowed it quickly, just so he could breathe again. He gasped for air, while blood was yet again filling his mouth. 

This went on for a while, until the Prince finally let go of Dylan. He fell back, finding that he couldn't even lift a finger. His body tingled and he felt tired, so tired... His eyes started to close and he soon drifted into a dreamless sleep.

He woke up in an entirely different room, feeling not at all like himself. He blinked to focus his eyes, but found that he could see more clearly than ever, even without having to blink. Smells, sounds, feelings, sights, he noticed so many new things that he stopped breathing for a while, but it didn't matter. He didn't feel like he needed to, anyway.

He was shocked as he let his new senses wander around the place. He was so caught up with all of the new things he experienced, that he didn't even hear anyone enter the room. 

"I see that you're finally awake, pet."

"Yes, Master."

A smirk spread over the Master's features. He was suddenly beside Dylan. He pushed him onto his back.

"Let's have some fun, now. I have been very patient up until now."
