Chapter 17: A familiar disagreement

Warning: Gay action and indications of sexual activities.

Chapter 17


He scurried away after his Master had dismissed him and he used his full speed to go to the Mistress' chambers. He arrived swiftly, taking the long route so he wouldn't bother his Master or his Master's family members. 

Dylan softly knocked and kneeled down before his Mistress could open the door. He heard it open, but didn't dare to look up at her. A small hand grabbed his hair and yanked his head up. It was a harsh treatment, but she had every right to threat him like that.

'Dylan!,' she squeaked. 'Look at me, my pet.' She giggled and he looked up at her angelic and young round face. 

'I meant: Look into my eyes, pet,' she spoke, rolling her eyes and sighing dramatically. 

Dylan immediately did as he was told and looked into her eyes. Just like his Master's eyes, his Mistress' eyes captured the ones that were dumb enough to look into them, and imprisoned their mind. Dylan was entranced, looking into those special eyes. They were very big, always opened wide, and a strange colour - they were purple with pink dots. 

Just like Dylan, his Mistress looked a few years older than the age her body actually was. She looked like twelve, thirteen maybe, but certainly not like a nine year old. Unlike Dylan, though, his Mistress had the rare ability to age her body beyond the point where it was turned... 

His Mistress smiled, showing her prolonged teeth - obviously, she was reading his mind.

'I want you to stop calling me Mistress, pet.' 

Dylan thought fast. 'Then what do you want me to call you, Princess?'

'By my name, Dylan. Call me Isobel,' the Princess answered.

His eyes widened in shock. He was a slave, a pet, he wouldn't disrespect his Princess by calling her by her name, a thing that would show they were equals, which they weren't.

'Dylan, oh Dylan... Obviously, my brother hasn't told you yet...' Her hands pulled him up and into her room, while her body started to rapidly age. Female forms came seemingly out of nowhere and her face grew thinner and wiser. She pushed him towards the bed and he obeyed her silent command by letting himself fall backwards onto the bed. He felt the soft, deep red and expensive fabric beneath him, cool against his skin, but quickly warming to the temperature of his body.

She smiled and climbed on top of him, straddling his waist. She now looked like a beautiful woman and Dylan stared up at her in awe. 

She bend over his ear and whispered: 'How convenient that is... Do you like what I'm doing, Dylan?'

'Yes, Princess Isobel,' he whispered back, wanting to please her.

'Good, and it's just Isobel for you, pet...' He was shocked. 

'I'm going to make you mine now, Dylan. My brother won't be here in time.' She laughed softly. 'I've liked you a lot these past centuries, I've desired you... But brother was always in the way. Do you know how frustrating it is to want something that you can't have? You are perfectly obedient to both me and my brother, so you won't get in my way like other men would. Do you want to stay with me forever?'

Dylan didn't know what to say. He had always loved his Mistress, but as a Mistress, not loved her in the way a man loves a woman. 

Princess Isobel sighed and her teeth grazed along his neck. "Dylan, I've deemed you worthy enough, alright? Fate deemed you worthy enough to be my soulmate, even though you haven't realized it yet. I knew it the moment my eyes met yours. You would have known too if you wouldn't be bound to my brother. Your reaction to seeing your soulmate for the first time was blocked, and instead of letting you know I am your soulmate, your sub-consciousness just didn't let you know."

Her eyes now shone a bright pink, showing some strong emotion, while she smiled. 

Confusion took over Dylan, and mixed emotions were battling inside his head. It was as if there was a battle going on inside of him, and Dylan didn't know what to think anymore. 

He never felt something towards Princess Isobel that indicated that she was his soulmate. The only strong emotions he had, were for his Master... 

Master... I have to stay loyal towards my Master; but the Princess... Maybe if my Master were here, everything would be clearer...

He closed his eyes and frowned at all the confusing feelings and thoughts running through him. He felt the Princess get up and heard her walking around. She then suddenly came back and he opened her eyes. She smiled down at him while she sat on top of him.

Her eyes shot towards his neck and she licked her lips. She then opened her mouth and ran her tongue over her sharp teeth. "This will only hurt a bit..." she whispered, before going for his neck as fast as an eagle.

When he felt her teeth graze his neck again, the door flew open and his Master stood there in all of his mighty glory. Dylan's eyes widened at the sight of his Master, handsome, strong and powerful as ever. The Princess stiffened on top of Dylan, but she continued.

Just as her teeth were breaking his skin and sinking down, she was thrown off him and into the wall on his left side. She made a hissing sound and landed on her feet gracefully, her eyes glowing with the fire of fury. She licked her teeth again and then smiled evilly at her brother. 

"To what do we owe this lovely interruption, brother?" Her words were obviously sarcastic, seeing her eyes practically screamed "I will kill whoever blabbed."

"Sister, haven't I made it clear that you are not to touch him in any harmful or sexual way?" Dylan's Master spoke icily, his eyes narrowing and his teeth most likely lengthened. 

"Yes, I got your point. But taking a little blood wouldn't harm him, would it? Plus, he's my mate, right Dylan?" Princess Isobel spoke, now looking at Dylan with a glee smile on her face. Dylan, still confused, shook his head in an attempt to clear his mind and think logically again.

"You know damn well he is not your mate, Isobel. If he were, you would have felt the distress he was emitting. You are only trying to get to me by taking him. You are still an insolent child, Isobel! When something does not go your way, you immediately get upset and you try to punish me for it," his Master spoke again.

"I am not just doing this for revenge, I really do want to have him! But yes, I thought it would be a good way to get to you," Princess Isobel said, her arms crossed and pouted. Her body's age started to go down again, making her look like a twelve year old again.

Master growled furiously at her words. "Try something like this again, and you'll be joining Mother!" he spat out in fury. Dylan cowered away from him, and bowed his head, feeling the power emanating from his Master. 

Princess Isobel paled even more and her eyes widened. With a frustrated yell, she disappeared and the door fell closed with a loud bang behind her. 

His Master now turned towards Dylan, who was sat against the wall now, small and frail. He knew he looked younger when he acted like that, but he didn't care. He didn't want to displease his Master by standing up or looking straight at him, which would be disrespectful.

He vaguely felt a stinging sensation at his throat, where Princess Isobel's teeth had cut his skin. He also felt the blood oozing from the two little wounds, but he didn't bother putting his hand against it to try to stop the bleeding.

His Master now moved towards him and pulled him up in his arms. Dylan's eyes widened when he was pressed flush against his Master's chest and arms like vices snaked around him. 

"Master?" he softly asked, bowing his head, but not daring to touch his Master anymore than he already did. 

"Hush, Dylan. Just let me enjoy this moment," his Master muttered. One of his hands pressed Dylan's face into his chest and Dylan sucked in his breath. Tingles spread through him and warmed his cold body. He was very content being in his Master's arms, he felt safe and pleased. If it would be allowed, or just possible, he would try to stay in his Master's arms like that forever. 

"You must be confused, pet," his Master eventually spoke. 

"I am, Master," Dylan said against his Master's chest. 

"Are you tired?" his Master asked, surprisingly tender. Dylan mumbled a soft 'yes, Master'. Truth is he was exhausted. The events of that night had taken a huge mental toll on him and he had a feeling the Princess' venom had entered his bloodstream after the short moment she bit him. He knew that a vampire's venom had some weird effects. A person that got the venom in his or her body would relax and become very tired and drowsy, just like it had a very enjoyable effect during the bite itself. 

His Master lifted him up and they were in his Master's room in an instant, after an almost unnoticeable moment of utter speed. His Master walked towards the bed and lay Dylan down on it, before, just like his sister moments earlier, sitting on top of him.

The usual sly and seductive smirk graced his Master's handsome and manly face, and Dylan couldn't help but admire his Master's features. He loved his Master in every way possible.

His Master's fingers went to Dylan's throat and his fingers caressed the bite marks. He frowned at the sight of them. "This is not right. It is not supposed to be like this, pet..."

"Master?" Dylan asked in confusion.

"Listen to me, pet. I will only explain this to you once. No one is allowed to leave marks on you. No one is allowed to touch you the way I touch you. And I hate it when other people than I touch you, so don't let them, okay? You are not to be touched by anyone except for me anymore. If I find out you allowed someone to touch you, you touched someone else, or if I even smell scents that aren't mine on you, the consequences will be severe. Do you understand that, pet?"

"Yes, Master. I will not be touched by or touch anyone except you, and I will not wear other scents than yours, Master," Dylan summarized, his eyes looking at his Master's chest, not daring to look him in the eyes.

"Good boy. You have always been my best pet, haven't you?" his Master said, sounding happy. "Now, I will leave my own marks and scent on you again, but I want to give you a command that you have to perform after that, first."

"Okay, Master."

"Perfect. Very well, when I'm done with you, you shall track down my nephew and his mate with the help of some other servants of mine, and then you will approach them. You will be on your best behaviour and invite them politely to come to me next month during the night of the full moon. If they decline, which I think they will, you will cite section 335, paragraph 17 of our law. I am sure you know what paragraph I'm talking about?"

"Yes, Master, it's the paragraph about formal meetings between Royals, right?"

"Indeed. Tell them who invites them. So, tell them Prince Caël and Princess Isobel invite them."

Dylan bowed his head.

His Master suddenly ripped open Dylan's shirt, before taking off his own. He raked his claw-like nails across Dylan's chest, successfully ripping open his chest and making blood ooze out. Dylan shivered as his Master did this, and closed his eyes. Dylan felt his Master claw at more parts of his body and every now and then, gentle touches would come instead of the rough claws. 

Soft lips touched his throat, but were soon replaced by sharp teeth. When his Master finally bit down, Dylan gasped in pleasure. The exact same moment his Master's teeth sank into his throat, the sound of ripping clothes sounded through the room and everything went lost in pleasure.

A couple of hours later, his Master decided it had been enough for a while. Growling, he lay down next to Dylan. "I hate to say this, but if you don't go now and do as I told you earlier, I might not let you go at all."

Dylan scrambled to his feet and gathered the clothes that the Master had so conveniently let a servant put there for him earlier, before hurrying to the door to fulfill his Master's wishes. 

"Oh, and Dylan?" the Master called, causing him to pause. "Yes, Master?"

"Be back soon, otherwise I'll get bored. And I want to continue what we were doing as soon as possible."

"Of course, Master."
