Chapter 4: Explanations and a view

A/N: Since I'm getting such a good reaction from the superfriend Connection, I'm trying to update as soon as possible :^) (it's pinnocchio, 'kay? :^) ) 

This is gonna be slightly different, from the point of view of Alexander, which is logical after that impossible question Christina asked. How is he going to react? What kind of feelings does the guy have? And what are his intentions?

Chapter 4

P.O.V. Alexander

He was trying to avoid her questions. How could he answer her questions without exposing the secrets he was forced to keep for both of their sakes? Her strangely green eyes looked up at him in curiosity, trying to find the answers he kept from her. Then it got to him. The right answer!

"I have no idea, Christina. I don't know what they were going to do, I just got there. And why they listened to me? I have this kind of reputation, how I got that reputation is a long and quite boring story. They're just afraid of me." The first part was a lie. He knew exactly what they were going to do, and they'd get a severe punishment for that later, but first... Christina. 

She frowned, and he knew she didn't like his answer. She was so damn suspicious. But he knew that he'd be that suspicious too, if he were the human girl without an idea of what was going on here. She relaxed again, and he let his breath go. He was way more relaxed with her than at other times. She had a really weird effect on him, and he wasn't sure if that was possitive or negative.

Since the second he noticed her staring at him that morning, she made him go almost crazy. Like back in class, when those guys were staring at her, he had this overly possessive, protective feeling. He growled, like an animal growled when something threatened what was his. Christina had noticed. That wasn't good, she shouldn't notice. She didn't have a clue about what was going on around her, and he wished he could keep it that way. It was supposed to stay that way!

And after class, when Dylan, Jer and those others attacked her, did a reckless attack on her, trying to get what they wanted from her, he felt this rage going through him, running through his veins, taking over his entire being. He wanted to rip their troaths out, make them burn, suffer for the fear that they caused her to feel. He almost did, but little Christina was so scared, and he needed to make sure she was alright before doing something so ignorant.

He sent them away and held her close to him, wanting to never let her go again. And instead of the obvious reaction -the one he expected-, running away from him while screaming, she relaxed against his chest and allowed him to hug her. He smelled the almost irresistible smell of her, wanting to get to that smell, wanting to taste it... But he didn't. Even tough she smelled much better than other girls, he couldn't just take what he wanted from her. Not from her, never like that. He had more style than that. He took her away from there, bringing her to his favourite place in that goddamn school he had to attend, along with the others, even tough he was of much higher status. 

Christina kept silent while he was thinking, like she understood his need to have a silent, peaceful moment to think. He was very thankful for that. He only knew her for not even half a day, and he felt better with her than with anyone else. 'We need to get back before the next bell,' he said, slowly standing up and looking at his watch. Right on time, like always. He helped Christina to get up and got his jacket back on. He took her hand and then lifted her up in his arms in one smooth motion. She made a surprised sound and struggled to put her feet back on the ground, but he laughed, and held her close to his chest. He carried her down again and went to the door of the building they needed to be in. Right when he put her down in front of the door of a classroom, their class came out.

Daniel and Adrian rushed over to Christina and asked her where she'd been. An uncomfortable feeling filled him, and he felt angry when he saw how familiar the two dogs were with Christina. Daniel whispered something in her ear and she started laughing. They left soon, leaving him behind without a word. Anne-Sophie came to him and laid a hand on his chest. 'Is something the matter, Alexander?', she asked with her thick British accent. 'Of course not, Anne-Sophie, I was just thinking about something.' She smiled bright, her brown eyes twinkling and her pretty dollface lightning up. 'Let's go, I can't stand to stay in this building with the dogs any longer.'

Alexander's best friend headed towards the door, and Frederick started laughing, looking at her. 'Come on, man, you know how impatient she is.' They followed Anne-Sophie quickly. 'Come on, guys! I don't have all day!' She screamed. Alexander and Frederick rolled their eyes at that and then started laughing.

He followed his friends outside and sat down with them. Anne-Sophie and Frederick immediately started talking about unimportant gossips, while the rest of his friends and followers joined them.

He wasn't interested in them, though. He called them friends, but that was as far as the emotional relationship with them went. He didn't feel anything of meaning towards them. He was above them, they were his subjects. 

His mind reeled around the actions of his other subjects - more specifically the ones who had bothered Christina. What had made them act in such a sudden, brutal way? They'd never done anything outrageous, not even anything remotely "bad" before. It was weird how they had disregarded his most important rule and had just gone their own way. 

Dylan was the person who had surprised him the most. He'd always been a silent, submissive presence to be forgotten as soon as you turned your gaze away from him. In earlier days, he'd been a royal servant. For reasons unbeknownst to Alexander, he'd left the castle and had gone his own way - which made his father disown him, for serving the royal family was a family thing. 
According to the stories, Dylan disappeared for centuries, only turning up again about a year earlier to attend the school Alexander decided to attend. Which, now that he thought about it, was a little bit too suspicious. Why did he come back?

Back to the incident his mind went. Was it those brats' own idea to attempt such a thing? Had someone set them up to it? Was it the certain someone he'd been avoiding like the plague for an eternity? Could it be that that guy was planning something again? Whatever it was, he had to stop this thing before it got out of hand and people would get hurt.

His eyes searched the school yard, until he finally saw what he wanted, no needed, to see; Christina, laughing along with the dogs. He wished it was because of him that she laughed, but it wasn't. He wanted her, he needed her. She was more important than anything in the world to him.

His queen.
