Chapter 10: Give him hell

A/N: Okay, this chapter is different, more of a filler, actually. But it's chapter ten already, and I'm proud of myself. I have no idea what took me so long to come up with this. I guess thinking of what Christina's attitude should be, took me a bit long.

Anyways, enjoy!

If you like it, please vote or comment. I haven't gotten my first comment, and I feel kind of awkward...


Sometimes we have no idea what to feel, what to wish for, what to do. The only thing you can do then, is trying to hold on, just a bit longer.

Chapter 10

P.o.v. Christina

She woke up suddenly and sat up with a jolt, at the same time throwing Alexander's arms off her. His arms quickly wrapped themselves back around her waist en pulled her back into his chest. She narrowed her eyes and looked at him. He looked so innocent, sound asleep. He's so good at hiding just how not innocent he really is... Why doesn't he just let go of me?!

She tried to pry his hands off of her waist, but it didn't help. He didn't move a finger. If anything, his hold on her waist became even stronger. She groaned in frustration and then decided to play this game the hard way...

She slapped him on his head as hard as she could, while screaming: 'Wake up, you ignorant prick! Let me go!' He woke up immediately, and hissed while sitting up. He pulled her closer towards him, placing her on his lap.

'What is it, Christina?', he asked, worry yet again prominent in his voice.

She turned around as far as possible while he was holding her, and slapped his hard, muscular chest. 'You are my problem. Now let go of me!', she said, anger filling her voice. He sighed, and then reluctantly let go of her. She moved away from him as soon as he let her go.

'Thank you so much,' she said sarcastically, 'You just made my day! Now I can rise and shine!' He frowned, and looked as if he really wanted to pull her back into his arms. 'Don't even think about it,' she warned.

He sighed again. 'Christina, look... I'm so incredibly sorry, please just... get over it... I know it's hard and you feel like I betrayed you, but honestly, most of my kind would have just claimed their soulmate the moment they saw him or her. I've been patient with you, so patient, yet my patience has a limit too! And it's worse for me, because the bond between a royal vampire and his soulmate is stronger than the bond between regular vampires and their soul mates.

I truly understand where you're coming from, but please, try to understand how I felt... I'm willing to take it a bit slower from now on, hell, I'm even willing to take a small break, but I can't and won't let you go, and eventually we will have to move over this, and look at the rest of our lives!' He looked at her with a look on his face that almost screamed "Deal with it!".

She just raised a brow at him, thinking whether or not she should forgive him... I should give him hell, but I just can't. This feeling he gives me, it is... unbelievably strong. I can't stay mad at him forever. But I can't forgive him either... Maybe I should partially forgive him, but make him suffer for his enormous mistake? That was it! She was going to make him regret what he did even more!

'Okay...,' she started slowly. She looked at him, and saw the look of despair and beginning hope on his face. 'I will forgive you. But!', she added, seeing his eyes starting to shine. 'I will give you hell for what you've done. And... I don't want to sleep in the same bed as you anymore. I don't even want to sleep in the same room as you! I want my own room, if you really want me to stay here, wherever here may be.'

His eyes darkened again, and he seemed to want to protest. She cut him off before he even started: 'Don't even dare to protest! I'm not the sweet little girl anymore. I have no idea why, but I've just changed.'

'But, Christina... I need you by my side! I won't be able to sleep properly without you in my arms!'

She gave him the darkest look she could give him. 'I said: Don't even dare to protest, Alexander! We are not discussing this matter. I'll stay, as long as I get my own room. Plus, I don't care whether you are able to sleep or not.'

He thought about it for a few long moments, and then he answered: 'Fine. But just because it's you, my love! No one else can go against my words, and not even you can push me too far! I'll make sure you'll get your own room, but in the same corridor as mine is, and as close to mine as possible. Also, you won't go to school for a while. It's not safe for you anymore. You will stay in this house, by my side until it's safer for you. No discussion over that either, my love. I'm a prince, I always get what I want, people always do what I say, and I'm not planning to change that anytime soon.'

She huffed, and got up from the bed. What he said, actually sounded reasonable, so she wasn't going to argue him on that. She wanted to take a shower, or even a long, hot bath. 'Where is the bathroom?', she asked, without even glancing at him.

He got up, stood behind her and lead her (not to her appreciation) towards a door across the bed. He opened it for her. It was a huge bathroom, with expensive looking, spotless furniture. It was a perfect bathroom; except for one tiny detail: There was no lock on the door.

He saw her looking at the door, and he shrugged and said: 'There is no lock, because it's my bathroom, and it only connects to my room, which has a door with a lock, so... Also, you're my soul mate, and it's not like I would ever walk in unannounced while you're in here, because I respect and love you.'

She rolled her eyes at that, and pushed him out, closing the door behind him. Then she realized something. Sighing, she opened the door, to see him sitting on the bed, waiting for her. He looked up, questioning. 'What's the matter, Christina, my princess?'

'I need clothes,' she said coldly. He smiled. 'I already took care of that.' He walked over to another door, opened it, walked in, and walked back out with a dress and some underwear. She blushed when he handed it to her, and quickly shooed him away, before closing the door again. He picked out her underwear. It was a weird thought that he would know what underwear she'd wear.

She took her time with a long bath, and washed her hair. She found it a bit creepy that everything a female could ever need, was in the bathroom. A bathroom that was his. Alexander's bathroom. He obviously prepared some stuff for her. Which was, again, creepy. Or not? She shrugged it off; not really important questions.

She dressed quickly. When she finally entered the room again, where Alexander was still sitting on the bed, obviously still waiting for her. He smiled brightly as she walked in, but she just glared at him. He had changed clothes, she couldn't help but notice that.

'Breakfast, my love? Or shall I say lunch? We slept long, and you really took your time with your bath.' She shrugged, and he walked over to her. Christina glared at him when he took her hand in his, but he didn't seem to mind it.

'Wait, before we go... I can't believe I didn't think about this before... Are my friends actually werewolves? I mean, Daniel, Simon, Adrian, Addeline, and Rachel?'

'Yes, Christina, they're all part of the town's pack. I believe Simon and Adrian are the sons of the Beta, second in command of the pack. Daniel is the future Alpha. I don't really know Addeline and Rachel, though, or their future positions in the pack.'

'Alpha is the first in position, right?'

He nodded and then pulled her outside the room, into a stunning hallway, with crystal clusters and old paintings on the wall and such. He lead her downstairs, and through double doors into a breath-taking dining room. He pulled a chair for her and made her sit down, before going through another door and coming back with a plate. He set it down in front of her, and said across her with his own plate. They ate in silence.

Suddenly, Alexander looked up and said: 'You know, my parents and my sisters are dying to meet you, Christina.'

'Do you have siblings? I didn't know that...' She frowned at that. How could she not know he had any siblings?

'Yes, I do actually. I never mentioned them though. I have two younger sisters. They're amazing and sweet girls, but a bit... overenthusiastic. I was wondering if you'd like to meet them?'

'I'll think about it. Your sisters I'd love to meet, if they are as sweet as you say they are. But your parents, they are the king and queen, right?'

'Of the vampires, yes.'

'Well... aren't they like really stiff and strict then? And busy?'

He smiled at that. 'They're very easy going actually. They are very dutiful and everything, but they are kind-hearted and nice. They already see you as a daughter, and they'd love to make some free time to meet their son and their new daughter.'

She nodded slowly. 'I'm not sure, I'd love to meet them, but in the future. Not now that we've just had such an incident and I'm still angry at you about what happened.'

His smile faltered for a moment, but he nodded in understanding. 'Very well, I'll tell them that you're not ready then. But I'm afraid that avoiding my sisters is going to be hard. They will probably stand at the front door very soon, maybe even today.'

As if his words had triggered it, the bell rang. Alexander stood up and walked out of the room, while gesturing for her to follow him. He walked to the front door and opened it. The next moment, she was being crushed and her ears were hurting from the high sounds her attackers made.

'What... what is this?', she asked, completely stunned. Her "attackers" pulled away and she observed them. They were two beautiful girls, who looked like Alexander. They had the same eyes, and their hair was curly too, but their haircolors were different from Alexander's. One of them had reddish brown hair, while the other had dirty blond hair. It was quite obvious, these two were Alexander's sisters.

The reddish-brown-haired-girl said: 'You must be Christina! It's so nice to finally meet you! I'm Anne-Marie, but you can call me Marie. I'm sorry if Alec has been an ignorant prick around you, but he's male, a vampire, and a prince, he can't help it.'

The other followed smoothly: 'Yeah, it's part of his instincts, they're totally crazy, and so dominant towards his normal behaviour. You're lucky his dark side, his instincts that'd be in his way of thinking, didn't take over yet, because they tend to do that when it concerns his mate or something that he considers his and important. I'm Arabelle, call me whatever you like, not like I care, but don't change it every time, it needs to be recognizable.'

They paused and both looked at her expectantly. Christina looked over their shoulders, to see Alec looking all amused and stuff.

'Uhm... hi?', she said, shyly. Alexander laughed, together with his sisters. 'And now you are shy all of a sudden? You didn't seem that shy when you were screaming your lungs out earlier.'

'I wouldn't have been screaming 'my lungs out' if you hadn't used your powers on me to force-bite me and then made me forget about it!'

His sisters hissed at that. 'WHAT did you do, Alexander! You idiot! You pig! You...', Marie screamed.

'You Scarefagio! Ignorant monster! She's your soul mate, for crying out loud!', Arabelle followed.

Alec frowned. 'I... we had a fight and she was so... I needed to claim her, and she wouldn't let me! I'm sorry, I regret it, really, I do, but I can't change it anymore!'

The girls turned back to Christina. 'Let's just ignore him and go upstairs to get to know each other better, good?'

'Sure, sounds like a great plan to me!', Christina answered. She followed them upstairs, but not before turning around and winking at Alexander, who started laughing at that. She giggled and felt like nothing was wrong, like nothing could be wrong.

P.o.v. Alexander

This was so weird, Christina constantly having changes of attitude and moods, his sisters just barging in like that, and the unison of his twin-sisters in an angry word-attack about how he treated Christina wrong and was such an asshole, or something. He watched amused as they pulled Christina along on their way upstairs. He smirked and raised his brow when his lovely soul mate/princess turned around and smiled widely at him, winking.

He couldn't help but feel completely and utterly happy for the happiness of his little princess. Maybe she would forgive him, after a while, perhaps a long while, but he could wait until she came around. He could wait an eternity, if that was what she needed. He would do anything for her. Anything.

He turned around, grabbed his coat and walked outside, heading towards the city. Arabelle and Marie would take care of Christina for him while he was gone. He was going to get a present for his princess. He smiled at that thought. His Princess.
