Chapter 6: Romantic words for a kiss

A/N: Okay, so hi! In this chapter I'm going to reveal some stuff, there are going to be more plots and stuff, and I'm going to make it a little bit more... more xd

I'm sorry for not uploading this for a while, but I've been very sick, even been to the hospital, so I didn't have a chance to write that much... Now I'm being sick at home with my laptop and my cat, so that's the perfect upportunity to write, right? :) LU all :p

Chapter 6

 They kept staring at each other, untill Alexander suddenly started walking towards her. She stared at him in pure confusion, seeing the anger in his eyes. When he got to them, he took her hand and pulled her up. 'I think we need to talk, Christina. My apologies, dogs,' he spoke. Danny and the rest didn't say a thing, didn't protest against him taking her with him, they didn't even get angry when he called them 'dogs'. They only looked worried. A lot. She was shocked and angry at the same time, but he didn't seem to care, pulling her along with him to a small part between two of the schoolbuildings. He released her when they got there, but stood before the only way out of there, with furious eyes.

She looked at him with a startled expression on her face. What was he so angry about?

'Those dogs,' he hissed. 'They may not touch you. Ever! I won't allow it, never again. I've been more than fair by even letting you talk to them, letting you hang out with them, instead of with me.' She was shocked and silent for a moment, but soon anger flushed away her feelings of shock. 'Who are you to say what I may or may not do?! I barely even know you!' She exclaimed, furious. He narrowed his eyes and suddenly she was pressed against the wall of the school building, locked in his arms.

He came closer and his lips travelled over her cheek, down her neck and up again. She gasped, shocked that he was doing such a thing. His lips touched her ear in a loving kiss, and there he whispered, oh so soft: 'I am your soul mate, you are my beloved. I want you, my love, only you. Every instinct I was born with screams to me that you are mine, that I shouldn't share you. That I should take you away and never let you leave my sight, nor my side again. You are all I ever needed, all I ever wanted, and you will stay that for the rest of eternity. As much as I am born for you, you are born for me, and you shall be forever mine.'

At other times she would have laughed at his old-fashioned way of using words and the weird way he looked at this situation. But now she understood that he was dead-serious, and it scared her just as much as it touched her heart. She still thought he was completely insane, talking about soul mates and beloveds and stuff, and eternity, but it was really romantic to hear.

She gasped as his lips left her ear and she shocked the both of them when she pulled his lips towards hers and kissed him with a hunger she had never known she had before. She felt only love and longing towards him. She wrapped her arms around him in an unspoken command. He obeyed and lifted her up in his arms, pulling her even closer against him. If the world would be destroyed at that exact moment, she wouldn't care the least bit, as long as she stayed in Alexanders arms, pressed close against his chest, their lips sealed together, their souls forever bound.

Unfortunately, she was born a human being, so she had to back away to take a deep breath. Alexander laughed. 'Maybe we should head back to your dogs, Christina. They are most likely worried about you, and longing for you to return to them. We don't have to make them wait any longer than necessary, now do we? They are so... loyal to you.' He laughed again.

She smiled at him, still not knowing why he kept calling them dogs, but not caring about it at the moment, happy he was being so considerate. He let go of her reluctantly and took her hand, softly pulling her back towards the rest of the world. They slowly made their way over to the tree where Christina hung out with Danny, Adrian, Simon and the girls.

When they got there, Alexander wrapped his arm around her possessively, and pulled her closer. Danny frowned, but then smiled brightly. 'Chrissy, I was almost afraid he ate you!' Alexander growled softly. 'Not yet, Daniel, not just yet. Better be careful, wolfy boy.' What the hell did he mean by 'wolfy boy'? Where did he get that nickname? There is not really something wolfy about Danny, right? She frowned at the both of them. Danny laughed. 'Just call me Danny, corpse, that makes me feel like any normal teenager.' Corpse? This is getting stranger and stranger with every second that passes. 

She wasn't sure of it, but she thought she saw Alexander shooting a warning glare in Danny's direction, before continuing: 'Alright, Danny, call me whatever the hell you want, then, as long as you don't upset Christina.' Danny nodded.

'Don't you have a nickname, or something?', he asked. Alexander thought about that for a moment. 'Some call me Alec,' he then slowly spoke. Alec? Sounds nice enough. The others, who had been talking with each other, now looked up at the conversation between Alec and Danny and frowned, but they didn't seem disgusted or anything, like they were before by even the thought of Alec being close to Christina. She was happy about that. 

Wait... Did that situation where Alec and her kissed mean they were a couple or something now? As if hearing her thoughts, Alec looked down at her and pulled her a bit closer to him, placing a soft kiss on her forehead. 'I really do love you, even though I haven't known you for that long,' he whispered in her ear, filling her with a warm feeling. She smiled. Do I love him too? What is this feeling that I get whenever he says something to me or holds me close to him? Is this love?
