Chapter 8: Awoken truth

A/N: Um... yeah, what to say? Uhm... I ended last chapter with a bit of a cliffhanger (oh, joy) and now this is a very romantic and dramatic chapter. I'm planning to make a bump in the road for Christina and Alexander.

I was also thinking about some names, so any ideas are appreciated :) I'm also making a new story (not yet posting it on wattpad) about werewolves, and mates and alphas (typical, I know, but I really am inspired).

I've been very busy lately, mostly concentrating on poetry, and I'm going to write one for the school-paper or something like it and I'm so proud, because it will be the second time already! I'm very happy that they asked me to do it again.

I also have a question: What do you dream about at night?

I'll post my answer to that question in the comments when I thought about it, and if you like to comment, then just do! I love comments (I never receive any, though, but I love them!) so comment ~ or not XD

Anyhow, what some of you guys have been waiting for:

And there's heaven in every piece of hurt, even though we don't realise it at that moment. I can hear the angels singing softly while the tears are coming down, and I saw that it was good...

Chapter 8

She awoke in a big, soft bed. She felt very tired and weak, but didn't understand why exactly. When she opened her eyes after a few long moments, she saw she was in a huge, yet dark bedroom she had never seen before in her life.

'Christina, you're finally awake,' a soft voice whispered. She smiled as she recognized Alexander's voice, but her smile slowly faded as the memories of what happened began to come back, unfortunately. There was no more doubt Dylan was a vampire, but what about Alec? Was he a vampire? And even more, was he a vampire prince?! She looked at her wrist, and saw a bandage, at the exact same spot Dylan had bitten her.

A weight came next to her, making the mattress dip down a bit, and when she looked to her left, she saw Alexander, beautiful as always, but now with a worried expression on his perfect facial features. He reached out to touch her face lightly, and there were the tingles again.

'Christina, my love, I know this is hard, but can you please tell me what happened?', he asked cautiously, in a slow manner, probably trying not to scare her off. Instead of answering him, she decided to ask a question herself.

'Are you a vampire?' His eyes widened for a moment, and then an emotion she didn't recognize came in them. A long silence fell, and she was scared of what he would answer. 'Yes,' he finally said, 'I am, my love. But I would never hurt you, I could never do that. I wouldn't mentally or physically be able to hurt you.'

Her eyes went wide in both confusion and disbelieve. What does he mean? I don't understand! What's going on?! 'What do you mean?', she asked, her voice trembling, almost breaking. He sighed softly and caressed her cheek. 'Some... supernatural beings, as you humans like to call us... have this thing... it's called a soul mate. It's the person that belongs to them... A person that is born for them, meant to love and be loved for the rest of their lives, which could be a very, very long time... Christina, I know this is much, and I know this is so soon and all of a sudden and I know this is overwhelming, but I am very certain that you're my soul mate, and I love you. I need you by my side, I can't live without you anymore. I already told you this, when I first kissed you, but I don't think you believed me then...'

She was shocked, not knowing what to say, how to react. She didn't know whether she should scream, cry, laugh or kiss him.

He made that decision a lot more easy for her by leaning in and gently placing his lips on hers. She didn't care anymore about what he said, or what he was, when his lips were on hers. He pulled her closer to his chest, his arms safely wrapped around her. When he pulled away, she felt like crying and pouted. He smiled at her and put his arms back around her. She felt like nothing could ever compare with the amazing feeling she got whenever they kissed.

'Alexander?', she asked when she thought of it. 'Yes, my love?'

'That soul mate-thing, what is it exactly? Can you explain it?'

He laid his head down on her chest and was quiet for a moment, obviously thinking about his next words. 'It's what it says it is. We're mates in soul; our souls are connected for as long as we shall both live and longer. Of course, we weren't born with a full connection; there's something, a ritual if you like, we must do to be fully connected. It would have been complicated if we were already bounded fully when you were born. When we will be fully bounded, it will be very... uneasy to be away from each other. When we're fully 'mated', as the wolves like to call it, we'll love and long for each other even more, we will sense each other, and we'll live for each other. It'll be very... perfect.' He seemed to be very passionate about that. 

He laughed for a moment. 'Imagine that full bond existing from the moment you were born on. I would have probably taken you home with me to be raised by me and my family, not wanting to ever leave your side. It would have complicated things, right?'

But she was thinking about other things. She ignored that he said wolves and stuff like that, and went to a more practical thought. 'And what do we have to do to be fully connected?' He looked up at her face, his eyes searching for something. 'We must share our blood and our DNA, my love.'

She immediately tried to get out of his arms, but he frowned and pulled her back. She struggled for a brief moment, but then went still. 'Are you going to bite me then?', she asked, her voice yet again trembling and tense. He simply nodded and she fought against his hold. 'Let go of me!', she screamed, but he didn't give in.

'Christina, please, I'll wait, I'll wait! We don't have to do it right now!', he yelled, trying to calm her down. She shook her head, tears running down her face. 'Please, just calm down, I won't do anything! It won't hurt either or something!', he continued desperately. He came closer to her, but she put up her hands and tried to push him away, mentally as well as physically.

He sighed and muttered: 'I didn't want to do this, but you leave me no choice.' He said, louder this time: 'Christina, calm down, please!' She didn't, and he leaned down to her face, and whispered: 'Go to sleep, my love... I love you.' He kissed her forehead. She immediately got quiet, very, very tired all of a sudden. What the hell? Did he hypnotise me or something?! I thought he was my soul mate? What soul mate does such a thing! Her eyes fell close slowly and her breathing calmed.

She drifted away into the country of dreams. But right before she fell asleep, she felt lips touching her neck, and she wanted to cry.

Alexander's p.o.v.

Telling her she was his soul mate didn't go well, but he had to. He knew he couldn't and shouldn't keep that from her. He almost cried at her reaction, but he could -just barely- hold himself together while she was screaming at him. He felt his heart breaking over and over again even at the thought of her reaction. Please forgive me, my beautiful soul mate, please do.

He didn't want to use his powers on her, but it was his last resort when she was screaming at him. He couldn't stand the sight of her in such a state. He waited while her body went limp in his arms, before moving his lips down her jaw, towards her neck. He knew she would hate him for this, but he needed this. He couldn't let her be in such a situation again, he needed to know if she was in danger, so he could help her. His lips parted and slowly, while tears streamed down his face, he sank his fangs in her warm skin, to get to the blood that was calling to him.

It was better than anything he ever experienced. Better than anything he ever dreamed of experiencing in his long, century-lasting life. He pulled her closer towards him while he sealed their bond, their destiny.

He felt his heart open towards her, his inner being singing in joy, and he closed his eyes, engulfing in the ecstatic feeling. He felt a completely new part of himself awakening; a part only existing to please and protect her, his little soul mate, so small and lovely in his arms.

Thanks to the new part of him, he knew exactly when to retract. That part of the bond was complete, now just the other part. He couldn't force the full bond upon her, he would only start this part; they could finish this later, when she gave permission for it, and would willingly accept him.

He bit in two of his fingers, for some maybe weird, but there wasn't much blood, and the small wounds fitted perfectly on the wounds at her neck. He let his blood stream through her veins and sighed. He felt her, her emotions, her dreams, her.

And he knew she hated him for this.

He cried, pulled her closer towards him and closed his eyes, letting the peaceful feeling of his soul mate calm him, making him fall asleep quickly.


What do you think? :D

It's not really edited, just had spell control on, but it doesn't always work in my case :c
