Chapter 2: New friends

A/N: Hey! How are you?

Chapter 2

Alone, in a dangerous jungle. Where anyone, everything was out to destroy her. High school. There were boys and there were girls, but all were very... evil. The guys checked her out, the girls looked at her with hatred. Seriously, people? Just act normal, please.

She kept her eyes staring intensely at the ground, while heading towards an empty bench beneath a tree. When she got there, she sighed relieved and sat down. Suddenly, three guys came out of nowhere and sat down next to her.

"Hey." said one of them, a blond dude with the kind of innocent face that makes you want to look at him forever. His shirt was tight around his chest and showed a very muscular form.

"I'm Danny, short form of Daniel, but don't call me that, because I will become angry." He laughed, and then went on. "And who are you? Or should I just call you Angel?" He was flirting with her. How cute.

Suddenly shy, she blushed and said. "Hi. I'm Christina."

The blond dude nodded and grinned. "Cool name, but I bet Joanne from the administration office made a Chrissy out of it. She's like the not too old grandmother of all students, she's really kind, but she can get a bit too enthusiastic at times."

He laughed, together with the other boys. Then he got serious and started talking again.

"Well, these two guys are too lame and lazy to introduce themselves, so I'll just do it. This ugly brown-haired dude is Adrian, and this even uglier redhead is his nephew, Simon."

Truth was that they were anything but ugly, in fact, they were more to the hot side. All three of them were muscular build, and beautiful in a different way. She almost started drooling over them.

She laughed. "You shouldn't humiliate them like that, I'm feeling pitiful towards them, now! In what class are you guys?"

Adrian sat a bit closer to her and smiled. "Me and Danny are in 5EcB,  Simon is in 6TA."

She smiled brightly. "I'm in 5EcB, too! So cool! I'm so glad to know someone in my class already!"

Danny grinned. "Adrian, I think we did something really good in our past lives, because man, we're lucky bastards to be in a class with such a beauty!"

Christina rolled her eyes. It was easy to classify Danny. He was obviously a player, flirting with every girl he met. It was indeed kind of cute, but she didn't fall for players or bad guys, that was something she knew and was proud of. Adrian seemed to be a bit of a nerd, but a hot, sportive nerd, then.

And Simon? Well, Simon hadn't said a word, so she classified him as the shy kind of guy. And that was, according to her, the type of guy she fancied.

She brought herself back to reality. What was she thinking? She only ever had one boyfriend in her life, and now she was thinking about how hot these guys looked? What was wrong with her?!

She wasn't ready for a serious relationship, as was clear after Timothy, her ex-boyfriend, broke her heart.

Anyways, back to earth. Adrian, Simon and Danny were staring at her.

"What?" She asked, frowning a little. "Is something wrong?"

They laughed. "Of course not, Angel." Danny said. "We were just worshipping you, if that's okay with you."

She blushed again and looked down. "Stop doing that!" She mumbled.

Danny lifted an eyebrow. "Stop doing what, exactly?" She could feel her face turning the colour of a tomato. "You know..."

"I don't know? That's why I'm asking." He grinned.

"Stop flirting with me!" she exclaimed, before turning even redder. "I'm not into players." She continued, looking down.

He started laughing. "You're so cute when you blush like that. And no, I won't stop flirting, because I want to win your heart, Angel." He spoke dramatically, while laying his hand on his heart.

She rolled her eyes while Adrian and Simon started laughing too. "I'm sorry to inform you, darling, Danny, but a guy like you could never win my heart!" She laughed and Danny looked shocked.

"How dare you say that?" He exclaimed, fake-indignant. Then he lifted a brow. "A guy like me?"

She nodded. "Yes, a guy like you. So that means an over-arrogant player, but somehow a bit funny, for as far as I can tell, but then again, I don't really know you."

Adam laughed, coughing out a "burn!".

He nodded slowly. "Well, let's do something about that later, 'kay?"

She looked at him in confusion. He sighed. "About the 'not really knowing me'-part. Duh." He rolled his eyes.

It was a bit obvious, but she wasn't really paying attention to what Danny was saying, not when she looked around and her eyes fell on this unnaturally hot guy. Her eyes opened wide while she stared at him. His features were perfect, his skin maybe slightly too pale, but that didn't matter, because he was still gorgeous.

He had golden hair, glowing in the not-so-bright sunrays of the morning.

He had a bored look on his manly, perfect face, and his half-closed eyes were of a colour that would probably suit him, but she couldn't be sure, since he wasn't facing her and she could only see the side of his face.

What she did see was his perfect jawline, accentuating his mouth, which was pulled up in a lazy grin while he was talking to whom she assumed were his friends. He was the definition of perfect. Godly beautiful. There was no way he didn't get all the attention of the ladies. He probably made thousands of girls melt while they stared at his beauty in awe. Did she mention he was perfect?

She was brought back to reality when Danny started tickling her. "Do not ignore me, Angel, that's not really nice, and Angels are supposed to be very, very, very nice, remember?"

She giggled and tried to push him off, but then Adrian and Simon joined in on his tickling-attack and it became hopeless. They didn't stop until she begged for mercy. Finally, the bell rang, and Adrian picked her up and carried her towards a building.

"Put me down, I beg you!" she pleaded. "Please put me down!" Adrian grinned.

"No can do, Christina! You're way too funny right now, you know." Danny followed them laughing, and Simon left in silence.

This isn't so bad. Turns out my day isn't going to be boring. Not with these guys around, anyways.

When they got to the door of the right classroom, Adrian put her down on her feet and walked in. Adrian and Danny walked to a couple of benches and she walked to the teacher, handing her over the paper that said she was new here.

"Alright, Christina. Welcome to our school. I'm Miss Herstain, your 'head teacher' and teacher in English and history. You can sit down next to Alexander, back there."

She pointed to a bench back in the classroom and Christina's eyes went wide as she saw Mister/Sir God, the guy she was drooling over just a few minutes ago. Or as Miss Herstain had said, Alexander. Superhot, godly Alexander.

She walked over to him, embarrassed of her own thoughts and the fact that she had been staring at him not too long ago. He didn't say a word when she sat down next to him, and seemed to ignore her. She didn't mind, she had no idea what to say to him anyways.

She noticed that the guys were staring at her, with twinkling eyes. She turned red and tried to ignore their stares. They just kept staring, like it wasn't awkward at all.

She wished they'd just stop staring and pay attention to what Miss Herstain was saying. A low, growling sound came from beside her. What the fuck? Did Alexander just growl? And did he growl because some guys were staring at her?!

~Edited (if you see any mistakes that I've missed, please do tell)
