Chapter 12: Of ice-cold anger and burning love

A/N: I am so incredibly sorry for not updating for such a long time, but I've been very busy, and I did edit all of the previous chapters, making them longer and removing most of the mistakes I made :) 

I'm already half done with chapter 13, so don't worry about that one! xD

P.o.v. Christina

Alexander's sisters were deadly annoying. Not in a bad way, no, that never. In fact, they were quite fun to be around. Their biggest flaw was just that they talked, a lot, and fast. They went on and on about this famous person that she'd never heard of and how hot he was (melting hot, as they put it). They seemed to 'like' the guy a lot, in a teenager way, of course. They must have been older than Christina, yet they acted as if they were regular teenage girls. That was the annoying thing about them. Alexander had come upstairs to check on them a (long) while ago, but had fled/left the room quickly, with the excuse that he still had 'lots and lots of paperwork to do. An unbelievable amount'.

Christina envied him. He could escape his sisters. She envied him for being able to escape the perfectly, freshly French manicured claws of his sisters, but they didn't let Christina escape them. Which was too bad. They kept rambling on about how much she needed a girl-make-over - something she had never heard of before. When they brought it up, she had cocked her eyebrow, crossed her arms and said: 'Oh, really? Like I would ever let the both of you torture me with all of the torture-thingies that you use on a daily base.' 

It was like they didn't hear a word she was saying. Even though she kept wining, they pulled through with their plan, they didn't stop, and their 'fashionable' torture went on for hour, while they switched the subject of their conversations. And with subject she meant guys. Eventually she got so bored that she went into a dream-like state, ignoring their tugs on her hair and their discussions. Honestly, who cared about whose six-pack was the most lick-able? 

It felt as if they were ripping out her hair and filling her ears with enough noise to put an all-girls fan club of Taylor Lautner to shame. After they had done her hair, they began slamming a lot of powdery things in her face and smearing sticky crèmes on every centimetre of flesh they could reach. She felt as if they were painting a new face on top of her own. They weren't as harsh with her face as they were with her hair -luckily enough- but they were still a bit brutal. 

'Done!', Marie exclaimed, making her jolt up in surprise. 'You guys are done?', she exclaimed excitedly. Arabelle - Belle rolled her eyes. 'Of course not, silly! We still have to find you the perfect outfit!'

Christina's excitement disappeared as if it were snow melting away in the warm sunlight of noon. Her shoulders dropped and she sighed deeply. Moments later she was dressed in a strapless summer dress that was absolutely beautiful. 

Marie and Belle got a mirror seemingly out of mid-air and put it in front of her. She blinked a couple of times at the sight in the mirror. The person that could be seen in the mirror was not her. That was impossible. The hair of the girl in the mirror was curly and full of waves, shining like gold in the light that shone through the window. Her eyes were a magnificent blue and green, with a hint of gold in the centre. They were innocent, big and doe-like, with long, long eyelashes to surround them. A dark colour of eyeliner and a sober, dark colour above her eyes accented them even more and made them stand out in her face.

Her lips were a sift pink, they looked girly and very, very kissable. There lay a blush on her cheeks, contrasting with the creamy white of her spotless, smooth skin. The dress she was wearing seemed to be made just for her, it suited her body perfectly, accented her curves, and its silver colour made her golden hair even more bright.

Marie snapped Christina out of her dreamy state of admiration when she said: 'Okay, let's go!'

Confused, Christina looked up. 'Go? Where? Go where?'

'To Alexander, of course! Where else would we ever go to? You need someone to be completely mesmerized by your sight.' Christina giggled when they pulled her along, downstairs, through a lot of hallways, through huge rooms,... 

Eventually they stopped in front of a door made of fine mahogany wood. Belle knocked and then the sisters suddenly disappeared, leaving Christina to herself. 'Come in,' Alexander's beautiful voice sounded. She slowly pushed the door open and walked in to face him. She closed the door behind her and looked around.

On the left of her was a sitting area with comfortable looking white leather chairs. On her right side, there were a lot of bookshelves, filled with thousands of books. Right in front of her stood a huge desk, where Alexander sat, a laptop in front of him and three letters. 

'Tons of paperwork, huh?', she said, amused. Alexander looked up, and his eyes went wide in awe.

'Just an excuse to get away from Marie and Arabelle. Christina, might I tell you that you look utterly beautiful at the moment? Even more beautiful than you always look,' he spoke, smoothly. 

She laughed. 'Your sisters decided to give me a make-over.'

'Well, remind me later to thank them, then, my love,' he whispered, suddenly in front of her, his lips mere inches from her.

She backed away from him slightly, causing him to sigh. She saw a flash of hurt in his eyes, a clear sign that he had noticed her subtle rejection. She felt bad for hurting him like that. She wanted to hold him closer to her and to tell him that she loved him... She gasped, shocked at her own thoughts. She shook them off and concentrated on Alec again. 

He was studying her every move, perhaps doing something vampiric to investigate her thoughts or feelings, too. He sighed again, and then pulled her to his chest. She stiffened, but then relaxed as a feeling of belonging flushed over her. She rested her head on his chest and he held her close.

Even though she was still furious at him, and still felt betrayed, she felt content to be in his arms again. He kissed the top of her head softly and then whispered: 'I missed you in my arms today. You have no idea how much I crave you. Being without you drives me insane, my love.'

I know, I feel it too... But she didn't say it out loud. She was scared to say it. It would make it real, a known fact. Not yet, not just yet. It wasn't needed yet either. 

She heard a click and then suddenly music started playing softly. Slow dance. She looked up at Alec. 'Would you like to dance?', he asked. She nodded and smiled. He held her in his arms while they danced slowly. It was nice, just them. Peaceful.

P.o.v. Alexander

He couldn't believe that it was truly happening; he held Christina in his arms again! Just moments before he had made a mistake and she had backed away from him, flinching at the thoughts and feelings she for and about him; and now he held her in his arms and she was dancing with him.

He admired the beautiful girl in his arms that fate had so generously given to him and tried to figure out what he had done that was so good that he deserved such a perfect gift. Maybe he had saved the world once without realising it? It didn't matter. He held his entire world in his arms.

And even though she was still hurt and angry and confused she had accepted him again, much sooner than he had thought she would. 'Oh, my Christina, I love you so much.' 

He heart her heartbeat pick up speed and her breathing hitched. Too curious to contain himself, he gently looked into her mind to see her reaction. 'I love you too, Alec...' He'd never felt happier than at that very moment. She loved him, even after what he did to her!

He laid his hand under her chin and pushed her face up so he could look into her eyes. He leaned into her and touched her lips softly with his. She immediately responded by kissing him back. Fire lit up in between them and he wouldn't give a shit if the world would go down in that moment, as long as he would be with her.

His Christina.

