Chapter 7: Beauty and the creep

A/N: Yeah, hi guys, I'm sorry for not putting too much action in the last chapter, but I'm going to make it up with this chapter. Also, I'll try to make it longer, and I'll try to make it so good that someone will actually comment! Sounds like a plan, right?

Anyways... If you have any requests or questions, don't be afraid to ask! And don't be a stranger! :D I'm quite happy with my ideas for this story, sooo...

Also, we're going to skip some time, go forward a little, because we were still on the first day of school, and that was all getting weird.

It's when the world seems to be crashing down, people start to realise what they need the most.

Chapter 7

Since the day Alec first kissed her, they had grown much more in love with each other. Christina really felt happy being in his arms, or kissing him. But soon, Christina realised that not only Alec's love grew, but also other things. He became very protective over her, going as far as picking her up to carry her up and down the stairs bridal style, to make sure she didn't trip and fall down the stairs. It was sweet, yet very, very weird, and it always made her blush like a maniac.

He became more of a gentleman: He held open doors for her, made everyone move to form a path through the hallways for her, brought her her lunch and carried her books (or made someone else do it, like Danny). He seemed to think that she was very delicate. Sometimes that bothered her, but when she said something about it, he just smiled and kissed her, successfully distracting her.

But he also became even more possessive of her. Every time a boy even looked in her direction, he growled, and pulled her closer to his side. It bothered her that he also seemed to be almost paranoid when it came to her. No one could come near her, except himself, Danny, Simon, Adrian, or the girls. She was never alone; there was always one of them with her. The only times she was alone were when she went home or was home.

Alexander really wanted to guide her home or come over when her mom was out, but she insisted on him leaving her be after school. They did text each other a lot and Alexander called her before she went to sleep every night.

He would kiss her before she left the school, which sent shivers and sparks through her body and created a glowing, warm, happy feeling through her body. It never felt right when they parted. It was almost as if she had cut of an important part of herself every single time. She couldn't help but stare at him after those kisses. Then he would grin, pull her a bit closer and he would whisper something like 'I know, my love' in her ear. Then he would kiss her forehead and would release her. She would leave with only him on her mind, nothing else.

One day, after doing the same ritual as always, she headed back home, and suddenly, a low, amused voice called out: 'Christina, wait for me!' She turned around, almost bumping into an all too familiar person. It was Dylan, with a wide grin on his face, his eyes shining and twinkling. But it wasn't even close to a nice smile, at all.

She stepped back, her head spinning, utterly confused. What does he want from me?! She stumbled another step back, and Dylan's grin got even wider than before, now revealing two long, sharp fangs at the places where normal teeth were supposed to be. She gasped and opened her mouth to scream, but Dylan disappeared.

Unexpectedly, a cold rush of air passed her face and then a hand was put on her mouth, making it impossible to scream. An arm wrapped itself around her mid, pressing her into a hard, cold chest. It felt so wrong... She struggled to free herself and to scream for help, but it was of no use.
'Shhh...,' he spoke, 'Relax, little girl...' She stiffened, infuriated by those words. How dare he tell me what to do! He will NOT tell me to relax!

He sort of hugged her while dragging her along at an impossibly fast pace. He seemed to take pleasure in dragging her along with him, because he was chuckling -at her expense. Even tough she kicked and struggled, Dylan seemed to possess inhuman strength -and speed. In a matter of seconds, they were standing in a dark and empty alley and she was pushed against the wall. She cursed against his hand and tried to bite him, but he kept her jaws tight together, so it was impossible.

He laughed at her expense. 'Hush,' he began, 'I won't hurt you if you cooperate, beautiful. Now, I'm a vampire, accept that fact. Let it sink in for a moment... Good. Your "boyfriend",' he said sarcastically while she stared at him as if he had completely lost his mind, 'is a vampire too. Not just any vampire. He's a prince, soon to take the crown, when he finds his soul mate, that is. Your friends aren't human either. They're werewolves.

But it doesn't really matter. What matters is that your blood smells so fucking delicious and I want it... and not for just a quick moment. I'll take you, my dear, and there's nothing you can do at it.'

She stared at him with wide eyes. Yups, definitely crazy, completely insane, out of his mind, sick in his head, not thinking like the normal people, a bit woo woo, ...

Finally, he let go of her. She slowly took a breath, and then said: 'You're absolutely crazy! You really believe that you're a... a... a vampire?!' At the last words, she was yelling. He laughed. 'I am a vampire, darling.' At those words, he grabbed her wrist and brought it towards his mouth, opening it. She yelped in pain as he sank two sharp incisors into her skin, opening it to get to her blood, without hesitation. She almost fainted at the feeling of her blood being drawn out of her veins, into his mouth.

At first, it was pure torture, but that soon faded, and pleasure took over. She sighed and relaxed. When her body started to give in to his, Dylan pulled her into his arms. He growled, enjoying every single drop of blood that passed his lips. She looked at his face, and he looked back at her. Seeing his deep red eyes, she realised what was going on and pulled away with a scream. It was because of his surprise that she had the ability to pull away from him, escaping his grip. She felt tears in her eyes. O my gay! Vampires are real! Her panic with the realisation wasn't the first thing she should worry about.

She heard a deep growling, and when she looked up, she saw Dylan, his mouth covered in blood and his eyes the blackest she'd ever seen in her entire life. Instinctively, she knew he was infuriated. He jumped at her, picked her up and held her up against the wall. 'Don't you EVER. Ever. Pull away. From. Me. Like that. Again!', he screamed, and then he dropped her to the ground, where she fell down and cried out. When she looked up again, he was gone.

She crawled to her backpack and searched for her phone. If all Dylan had said was true (like the fact that he was a vampire), then Alexander was a very dangerous vampire... She dialled the number.

'Christina?' He picked up immediately, worry prominent in his voice. She didn't say anything. She didn't know what to say. Suddenly, a soft sob passed her lips.

'Christina, what happened? Why are you crying?', he asked, his voice tense and filled with worry. She sobbed again. No human being could have heard her sobs over the phone, but she didn't care about that at that moment. She needed him by her side. 'Alec... please, help me...,' she whispered.

'I'm on my way, Christina. Don't go anywhere!' He hung up after those words. She was so tired she didn't even care that she had no idea where she was, or that there was no way for anyone else to know it. She closed her eyes and lay down on the ground, balancing between consciousness and unconsciousness. Right before she felt like she was going to fall into the darkness, soft arms lifted her up, and a warmth, a feeling of safety, spread through her. He was here, her prince...
