You Meet Him On Tumblr

Harry: "I'm so nervous." You uttered to your mom, fiddling with your fingers with excitement. Today was the day you were going to meet Harry. "Has his plane landed?" Your mom chuckled and rolled her eyes. "It landed about a minute ago, calm down, yeah? He'll show up." She smiled, rubbing your arm soothingly. Within a few minutes a curly haired boy came into view, happy tears springing to your eyes. He dropped his bags and started running towards you, and you ran half way too, jumping into his arms. You wrapped your legs around his waist. "You're even more beautiful in person." He chuckled, you blushed, hugging him tighter. "You're taller." You laughed, he smirked leaning in to give you a long passionate awaited kiss.
Niall: "I swear to god if catfish shows up on our door I'm not going to be surprised." Your brother snickered. "I've actually skyped him, so, stop being a dick." You spat back. Refreshing your dashboard to see if he messages you back. (Niall0231 asked: Knock. Knock?) You smiled cheekly, answering "Who's there?" (Niall0231 asked: Me. I'm at your door babe, open up.) You rolled your eyes but reluctantly went to the door. "Haha, very funny-" You started to mutter to yourself, but low and behold, your internet boyfriend stood at your door with at least a dozen roses. Niall dropped the roses and opened his arms. Engulfing you in a hug that you had waited six months for.
Louis: "I love you," He whispered, spooning you in your small bed. Kissing every inch of your arm and face. His small, cold feet sliding up and down your calf. "You not going to say it back." He chuckled, moving some wondering strands of hair out of your face to see you fast asleep. He cooed, entangling his legs with yours and bringing you closer to him. (If that was even possible.) His heart started pounding as you sleepily turned to face him, wrapping your arms around his waist and burying your head into his chest. "You smell good, mm." You murmured before drifting back to sleep. It was so surreal for him that he met the love of his life on Tumblr.
Liam: "Today's the day!" You sing songed, as your applied the last of your makeup and made sure your hair was close to perfection. "Are you sure this guy is real?" Your dad muttered from the bathroom door. "Dad, I told you. We're going to find out today." You sighed, walking towards your laptop set up to skype on the kitchen counter. You sat in silence for a moment, trying not to cry, this is it. After many failed attempts you finally were going to talk to him on skype. "Are you going to call him?" Your mom asked behind you in a hushed tone. "Yea, yea." You clicked call, it was only a matter of minutes before Liam's face popped up on the screen. "Liam!" You screamed, jumping up and down in your chair. "(Y/n)! Oh my gosh I can't believe this is happening."
Zayn: The plane ride from (where/you're/from) to London was horrendous. Your back was starting it ache and your legs have cramped up more than twice. "Flight 26 to London has landed." A sigh of relief mixed with nervousness left your lips. This was it, you were going to meet the love of your life. You can't hide behind a screen now. You strutted off the plane with so much excitement and wonder. But also doubt, "What if he doesn't like me?" "What if he think your weirder in real life." You wondered around the airport for a while until a sign that said: "(y/n) here." You covered your mouth as you giggled. Zayn smiled so bug when he saw you. That's when you both started running towards each other. All of his family behind him with happy tears in their eyes. "I love you so much." He whispered, kissing every inch of your face. "I love you too."
