"The talk"

Harry - "And sex, I mean it's a lovely thing, but just make sure you use these." Harry dangled a pack of condoms in front of your small sons face. Your little boy just blinked, him being 3 he doesn't know a lot about, "grown up" stuff. "Haz, I don't think he understands." You said, poking his tummy as he giggled. "Nice talk, son." Harry said, ruffling his sons hair before leaving the room, you just shaking your head and deciding to go make lunch.

Liam - "Kacie, come here for a minute!" Liam yelled upstairs, your daughter just turned 13 the other week and Liam said it was time for her to receive "that talk". "Yeah, daddy?" "Come. Sit." She looked at you and you nodded, smiling. "Am I in trouble?" "No, I think your old enough now to have the sex talk." Liam continuing. "I think I left the oven on in my room!" She said, running back upstairs. "But there's not an oven in your room!"

Niall - "Come here, son!" Niall yelled, you waddled into the kitchen, carrying a small plate of cucumbers and your seven month pregnant belly. Your 15 year old son scampered down the steps, removing his headphones. "Yeah?" "Well, your at the age now you need to know about the birds and the bees." You giggled at Niall's words. "Yeah dad, sex I know about it." Your son left, Niall looking at you. "That was easy."

Louis - "Yes darling, that's how we made you and your sister. And you can make your own children." Louis explained to your two 13 year old girls, as they sat there, their mouths open as they stared at Louis. Soon, they got up, sprinting outside. "Where are you two going?" You shouted, as they were running towards the park. "To go have sex!" "Just not with each other!" "Louis!" You said, smacking him as you ran after them.

Zayn - "You tell him!" "No you!" "Y/N, you d-" "What are you two fussing over?" Your 8 year old said, plopping on the couch with a bag of chips. "Well honey, we need to talk to you, about something." Zayn nudged you and you sighed, "Well there comes a point in two people's life when they love each other a lot and they want to make babies." Your 8 year old screamed, leaving the room. "That was easy."
