He Was Dared To Go Out With You (Part 2.)

Present day

Today Louis invited you over just to hang out and talk about stuff. You were really excited, because you haven't seen him for 3 months. You walked over to his house and then knocked on the door, he opened it up and you went in. "Hello babe" Louis said. "Hi Louis" You said and then you both went to sit on the couch. You guys were speaking for hours and started catching up on everything you missed for the 3 months you guys were apart. Louis got up and went to get you guys snacks, because you guys were hungry and it was a little too early to have supper. While Louis was getting you guys snacks his phone vibrated in sign that he received a text. "(Y/N) Babe could you please get that for me?" He asked. "Ok!" You yelled and opened up his phone. "Hmm and now you're all lovey dovey with her but you forgot it was all once just a dare?" A message from Harry read. You just couldn't believe what you were reading you were just really shocked at what you saw. The guy you're so madly in love with played you like a game.

"Okay... So how do you like it?" Zayn asked as he opened up your blindfold you reveal a beautiful red dress. "Aww Zayn I love it its beautiful and you're the best boyfriend ever" You said hugging him. You guys were in that hug for a while as he just started getting board and he played with your hair. "Ahh man I really love you" He said. "I love you too Zayn" You said while you guys still stood in that hug. "And to think this all started off as just a dare" He whispered to himself but you heard exactly what he said.

You and Liam were just taking a small walk in the park strolling hand-in-hand having the time of your lives. Liam just wanted to talk, because he has been busy in the studio lately and he doesn't get to spend enough time with you so he thought today was the perfect day to be with you. "So, How's everything?" Liam asked with an adorable smile on his lips. "Ahh.. Everything is fine.." You said as you looked down, but then you looked back up at Liam and smiled as his face just cheered you up. "Well.. I'm just glad everything is fine I wouldn't want my love to be upset or disappointed in anyway" Liam said. "Hey Liam!!" Niall said happily as he ran over to you guys. "Hi" Liam said. "Hello (Y/N)" Niall said as he greeted you. "Hi Niall" You said exchanging the greeting. "(Y/N) can I please just steal Liam away for like a minute it won't be anything longer than that" Niall said. You nodded and they both walked off somewhere else, but you could still hear them. "So the guys said you can leave her now.. The dare could break off today" Niall said. You were confused at first, but then you realised what he meant and then fell down to your knees and burst out in tears.

Today was Niall's one and only free off day from the studio so you guys decided to spend it wisely and go out and just do random things. You guys started off by going to get some breakfast and McDonalds. He drove you to the restaurant you guys went in and took your seats and started ordering. "I've got to go to the bathroom I'll be right back" He said and then left for the restrooms. You sat down at the table sipping on your coldrink when a fan came up to you. "OMG! Its (Y/N) (Y/L/N) can I have a picture with you?!" The fan asked in excitement. "Uhm.. Sure" You said and took a picture with the fan. She got her picture and another fan approached. "Why are you wasting your time on her? Its not like she's anything special" The fan said. "Oh come on she's Niall's girlfriend" The other fan defended you. "Oh please Niall doesn't love her.. It was all just a dare remember?" The other directioner said and it made you have an emotional breakdown inside.

So it was yours and Harry's 5 year anniversary and he took you out to a nice fancy restaurant to celebrate. "To my love" He said as he took his glass and hit it against yours. You smiled because you felt like the happiest and most special girl in the whole universe. You and Harry were talking and talking until he mistakenly said something he probably shouldn't have. "I'm so glad I took the dare or we would have never been right here now" He said smiling at you while you felt your heart shatter into millions of pieces.
