Sneaking Out (Zayn)

Zayn: "Yeah, and that's how I met Bon Jovi. Our private jets were landed next to each other..." he continues, and you sigh again. Your breath quickens as your blind date, Randy, scoots closer to you. You exchange awkward glances with Cressida, and she gives you the 'come on, get with it' look. "So, how's your pasta?" he mumbles into your ear, goosebumps arising from your skin. You let an uncomfortable cough escape your lips from his close proximity before you give him a small smile. "It's uhhh good." You say simply, taking another bite from it, as you give him a small and very uncomfortable smile. "So, Randy, Jeremy tells me you're an intern at the biggest law firm in London?" Cressida asks, almost taunts, as she secretly gives you a wink. "Oh yeah, I'm the new guy... but I mean, hey, it's the perfect job..." he says enthusiastically, and you roll your eyes at his words. "More like the worst fucking job ever..." you mumble, smirking as you take a sip from your glass, Cressida's eyes narrowing at you to cut it out. "Sorry, what did you say?" Randy asks, seeming to not have heard you. You look at him, then Cressida and back at him. "Oh nothing. I just said that is a great job..." you lie, taking another bite from your dinner as you regret ever agreeing to go on a double date, nevertheless a blind date, with Cressida and Jeremy. "Oh, it really is, because I'm pretty much guaranteed an office there, because I beat all the other interns at everything..." he says confidently, making you look away, rolling your eyes as you do so. "Oh an office? Are they nice? (Y/N) loves nice views of the city..." Cressida says, and you glare at her for a moment, before nodding in fake agreement. "Well yeah, I like the view of the skyline. Just not from some tight ass law firm window." You think to yourself, before sipping your glass again. "Oh it's great. The view is amazing. I mean we cast over every one of those small little businesses that always seem to get in the way, so the sunset is beautiful there..." he says, and you tense, his arrogance mixing in with the rest of his defiling personality. "Oh? Sounds spectacular..." Cressida exclaims, and Jeremy gives her a smile. You roll your eyes again, wishing you just stayed home, and watched a movie or something not here. His phone vibrates the table, and he apologetically looks around before checking it. "Sorry, work is just killing me..." he says, typing something back into his phone. You look around, seeing Cressida enveloped in Jeremy's semi-creepy gaze, and Randy's attention turned to his phone, before swiping your phone unlock with your right hand. "SOS. Total flake. Fuck this shit. Finch's." You hit send, before locking your phone, leaving it on the corner of the table, looking around obliviously. Soon after you send the text, Cressida is back to questioning, and hinting at how 'amazingly talented and rich' Randy is, trying to get you to like him. "So, (Y/N), where do you work?" Randy asks, his consideration almost real. "Oh I work at a record store, you know, one of those small businesses that always gets in the way..." you say kindly, your last few words slicing with sarcasm. His eyes flash with confusion, before his eyes grow big. "Oh, I didn't mean it like that, I just meant, that it's hard to see the-uhhh- beauty in nature from the streets..." he says frantically, and you look at him obliviously, trying to hide your satisfactory facial expression. "What-What I meant was: you'll have to come to my office and look at the view, I mean it's absolutely gor-" "-geous. (Y/N) you look absolutely gorgeous..." a voice says from behind you, and Cressida's eyes grow in size, before a recognizable scent of a familiar cologne fills your senses, a warm kiss placed on your right cheek. You look up and see him, relief flooding your eyes, as his amber ones spark with satisfaction. "Babe, you look stunning..." Zayn says, giving you a comforting smile. You try to hide your smile as he looks at Randy, sticking his hand out. "I'm Zayn, I'm (Y/N)'s bo-" "-Randy... and you're her boss?" Randy finishes, and you choke on your drink, trying to hide your laughter. Zayn draws back, and chuckles. "No, boyfriend. I'm (Y/N)'s boyfriend." He says before Randy chokes on his own drink. "Boyf-" "Sorry, but we have to go, Rudy..." Zayn says, helping you stand up from your seat, as you try not to smile. "It was great seeing you guys again..." Zayn says, slipping his jacket onto your shoulders, as you stand there, looking anywhere besides at Randy. "It was a pleasure meeting you, Rudolph." Zayn says, nodding at Randy, making you bite your lip in containment. "Oh, and Cressida, thanks for inviting (Y/N) on the pity date... That's so sweet of you to care for him that much... Just don't forget to pay (Y/N) the fifty you promised her..." Zayn says, giving Jeremy and Cressida a sweet smile, before grabbing your hand and walking you away from the table. "It's Randy!" Randy calls after you two, making you smile. Zayn turns around and shrugs. "Who gives a fuck anyways, Ruxin?" he asks, before waving again, leading you outside of the restaurant. You burst into laughter as the chilly wind brushes past you. "Rudy, Rudolph, Ruxin?" you repeat, your laughter continuing, as he walks next to you down the street. "I don't know, they were the first names that came to mind. You were pretty honest with his flakiness though. Looked like a total dick..." he says, and you nod in agreement, sighing in relief. "Good thing you snuck me- more like abruptly swept me from that date. He was pretty fixed on me coming back to his loft for some '1897 Italian aged wine', or to come to his office to look at the 'beauty of nature'" you mock, rolling your eyes in the process, the cold air brushing by again. "Do you know how to prevent going on shitty dates with shitty guys?" Zayn asks tauntingly, as you stop on the sidewalk, waiting for cars to pass. You look at him amused, as he turns to you, a questioning smile on his lips. "How? Have you on speed dial? Bring you along to all my dates? Have you as a body guard? Pretend that you're a ghost and the dude is just imagining you? Say that you're government confidential? Pretend that you're my-" your words stop as the cold air contrasts with the warm lips that meet yours. Your heart melts, your body heating instantaneously as you try to recollect your thoughts. Your eyes flutter open when you pull back, and a smile appears on his lips. "Go out with me instead. I've known you for years already. No worries about flakes, or douche bags, you'll get a less shitty person than those guys: me. You have me, and that's all you need, well kind of. I mean you'll need food too, but I mean I can't say I'm not going to take you on shitty dates, because sometimes I'm not creative, and it will probably end up being shitty, and you'll probably hate it because of how cliché or unformal it is, and you will actually probably hate all the dates we go on. But from the years I've known you, we can watch movies and go bowling and go star gazing and go to fairs, but that's about it, so yeah, they actually might be pretty shitty. But-" You bring your lips against his, stopping his ramble of strangely sweet words, everything feeling right, just how it's supposed to be.
