He Forgets Your Anniversary

Louis: Thirty minutes. You have been waiting in the restaurant for thirty minutes and Louis still hasn't shown up. "He's probably still at work. It's no big deal." You tried to convince yourself, but soon those thirty minutes turn into an hour. There were a few people staring at you. Probably stares of pity. Feeling humiliated, you got up and decided to go home. Before you completely walked out, you received a call from Louis. "Where are you?!?!" Louis shouted. He seemed worried but right now you were too angry and responded, "Oh, I don't know. Maybe in front of that restaurant that you made reservations for." There was a pause and then a murmur, "Crap." "Louis, of all the days." You sighed and were about ready to hang up, but he spoke quickly. "Wait!! (Y/N), I'll make it up to you I promise." "I don't know, Louis. I'm so embarrassed." I replied, but he wouldn't stop pleading. "Alright. I'll give you one more chance." You said feeling annoyed but couldn't help but think that he'll ruin that chance too. But the next day, Louis got you a dozen roses, chocolates, and even reserve an entire restaurant for you guys. It was by far the most romantic thing that has ever happened in your life.

Zayn: "Zayn, what time do you think you'll get home?" You asked while getting ready. Before he left, Zayn told you to be ready by six and wear something fancy. The thought of it made you want to scream out of joy, but you contained it. "Umm. I'll probably be there by 5:30. Are you getting ready?" He asked. "Yeah, I'm almost done." You responded and glanced at the clock. 5:15. Zayn should be home soon. "Good. I want to take you somewhere fun." He ended the call there and left you waiting. When Zayn got home, he was dressed up in formal attire and took you to the location. The place Zayn took you was a party. You weren't expecting it at all to be honest, and Zayn still hasn't mention your anniversary. After the party, you and Zayn went home. "How did you enjoy the party?" Zayn asked while going into the bedroom. "It was...great but not what I was expecting for our anniversary." You replied. There was a long pause, and Zayn came out of the room. "Our what?" He asked. "Sigh. Never mind I'm going to bed." The next morning you woke up to your favorite flowers next to you and a note that read 'sorry I'll take you to your favorite restaurant tonight. Wear the dress in the closet. LOVE YOU!!!' You opened the closet to see a beautiful dress and smiled and thanked God that you have the perfect boyfriend.

Liam: Liam was coming home from tour today, and what made it even more special was that it was on your two year anniversary. You decided to decorate the flat and gave it a more romantic atmosphere. "Perfect." You said as you put the last finishing touch. After everything was perfect, you left to go pick Liam up from the airport. You were skimming through the crowds of people for him but couldn't see him. You decided to walk around, but after a few steps, you felt strong arms wrapped around your waist. "Hey, sweetheart." "Liam!!" You yelped and turned around to hug him which he happily returned. "Let's go home. I want to spend some time with you." His whisper sent shivers down your spine and you nodded bashfully. The two of you were outside the flat about to go in. You were eager to see the look on his face when he turned on the lights and when he did you shouted, "Happy anniversary!" You gave him a peck on the lips and waited for his reaction. "Anniversary?" His eyes widened, and you knew right away that he forgot. "You forgot didn't you?" You pouted slightly but all he did was got down on one knee. "I was going to do this tomorrow but...today seems more appropriate." He pulled out a red velvet box and inside was a dazzling diamond ring. Well, it's obvious that you weren't mad after that, and many kisses and tears were shared on that night.

Niall: "Princess, I'm going out!! I'll be back later. I love you!!" Niall shouted as he walked out the front door. "Niall!" You yelled, but he already left. "He just got home." You sighed and decided to wait for him to come home. You had a present for him since it was your one year anniversary dating him. You turned on the tv to past the time. Four hours have passed, and he still wasn't home yet. It was now 8:30 pm (or 20:30). "Where is he?" You asked to no one in particular. You turned on the news and saw that there was a horrible bar fight, and what was even more shocking was that Niall was involved. "Oh no no no no!" The reporter said that he was taken to the nearest hospital so you left immediately. When you got there, there were paparazzi and fans blocking the entrance. "(Y/N)!!!" You felt someone dragging you towards the entrance; it was Paul. "Paul, what happened?" Your voice was filled with concern. "Niall got stabbed a few times. He's been asking for you." Paul asked the nurse to escort you to Niall's room. You were afraid how badly he was feeling. You stepped into the room and Niall gave you a strained smile. "Niall." You muttered and grabbed his hand. "I'll be fine." He reassured you. "I just can't believe this happened today." You replied. "What's today?" He asked with confusion. "Our anniversary." You whispered. He removed his hand from yours and placed a flower on your hand. "I'm sure they won't mind that I took it from the vase. I'm sorry. If I hadn't forgot about our anniversary, I wouldn't be here making you worry. Forgive me?" You felt like tears were going to burst out any moment and you said, "I forgive you." "Good." He kissed your hand and rested for the rest of the night with you by his side.

Harry: (His POV): I was walking home from work trying to be careful not to be spotted by any of the paparazzi. I figured it would draw too much attention having bodyguards around me so after compromising with management, I decided to wear something a little more discreet than usual. (Y/N) said that she had something special planned today, but I don't know what makes today special. "Oh well. I'll just find out when I get home."I sighed. Right before I was about to turn, I tripped and landed on a girl. "AAAAHHHH!!!!" She screamed. "I am very sorry." I apologize. I tried to get up, but she pulled me down. "YOU'RE HARRY STYLES!!" She screamed again. People started to look our way, and all of a sudden, I see bright flashes. I quickly got up and ran away. "Great!! I'll have to explain this to (y/n)." I finally made it in front of my door and panted heavily. The door opened so I looked up, but I didn't like what I saw. "Ha-arry. Why?" (Y/N)'s voice cracked. She looked like she was crying a lot. "I can explain." I breathed still exhausted from the run. "And why did you have to do that on our anniversary!!" She yelled. "It's our anniversary?" I probably shouldn't have asked that; because, her eyes slightly darkened, and she slammed the door in my face. Way to go Harry. This day just keeps getting worse. What if (y/n) breaks up with me? Oh God! I have to do something! "(Y/N), please hear me out." I turned the knob, but it was locked. I heard muffled crying and explained, "I tripped and landed on that girl. Do you really think that I would just do that in public." She opened the door slightly, and I pulled it wider. She still had tear stained cheeks so I pulled her in for an embrace. "I'm sorry. I won't lie and say that I remembered, but I'll make it up to you I promise." "How ex-actly will you make it up to me?" She asked but her voice cracked. I pulled out an air plane ticket and gave it to her. "What's this for?" She asked. "I was hoping that you would come with us on tour next week." I answered. Her eyes widened and she attacked me kisses. "Yes!! I would love to go!" "Good. Now get ready. I'm treating you out to eat." (Y/N) was in a better mood. Thank God. Now I have to buy another ticket.
