First Date

Harry - Since the day he asked you, you kept having to pinch yourself to remind yourself that you weren't dreaming. You were really going on a date with Harry Styles. You arrived at his flat to the delicious aroma of whatever he was cooking for the two of you. You wandered through his flat to the beautifully set dining table with romantic lighting, flowers and candles. You ate, laughed and talked while he got to know you and you got to know the real Harry Styles, not the media perception of him. After you'd both finished eating and he'd cleared your plates away, he reached across the table, taking your hand in his and looked you in the eyes, "you're beautiful Y/N, you know that?" You laughed and looked away from him as you tried to hide your blush. You both stood up and made your way over to his living room and he looked at you again, his eyes staring so deep into yours it was as if he was trying to look into your soul "Can I kiss you?" he asked, and before you could answer he leaned in and pressed his lips against yours, after being taken aback at first your eyes fluttered shut and you leaned into him as he wrapped his arms around your waist and you pushed your fingers through his hair. He pulled away and you finally found your voice "Harry... this truly has been an amazing first date" you said, "First of many I hope babe" he replied as he pulled you onto the couch next to him where you spent the rest of the evening cuddling, talking and laughing.

Liam - You couldn't get over how nervous you were. You stood in front of the mirror in your bedroom as you examined your appearance wondering if you should change your outfit again when you heard a voice behind you, which startled you "You look beautiful"; you turned around to see Liam standing in your bedroom door. "Liam... how did you get in here?" You asked. "I tried knocking but you didn't answer and the door was open so I just came in, I hope that's okay he asked?" "Of course" you replied smiling, "let's go". Liam took you to the most amazing restaurant you'd ever been to, everything was so high class, you felt out of place if you were being honest but as soon as you sat across the table from Liam and began talking you felt completely comfortable. He kept asking you questions about your life making you feel like you were only talking about yourself, but every time you tried to talk about him he stopped you, telling you he wanted to learn everything there was to know about you. After you'd finished eating you both decided to go for a walk as it was a really warm evening, as you were walking he paused and looked at you, pushing a strand of your hair out of your face and behind your ear. He exhaled and looked into your eyes "I'm going to kiss you now" he said and he leaned in pressing his lips against yours as his hands cupped your face and your hands rested on his forearms. He pulled away, "I hope that was okay" he said you didn't even reply, you just smiled up at him and you walked back to your flat hand in hand while he finally let you get to know more about him.

Louis - You walked out of your flat to meet Louis at his car for your first date. He told you to dress casually so you just threw on a pair of jeans, a t-shirt, a denim jacket, a black beanie and vans. You were so embarrassed when you walked out your building to see that Louis was wearing almost the exact same thing "Hey! We match" he laughed, "Erm, I can change if you want" you mumbled looking at the ground. "Don't be stupid Y/N, I think it's cute that we match," he laughed and you smiled and went to get in his car. He took you to the cinema to see Last Vegas and you both laughed all the way through it chocking on your popcorn and soda at the funniest parts, you even had tears streaming down your face at some parts. The film ended and you both decided to go to the arcade next door to the cinema. Where you both finally had the chance to talk and learn more about each other, you continued to laugh as Louis spent a stupid amount of money trying to win enough tickets to get you a giant teddy bear. You were trying to win another stuffed animal from one of the claw machines and you groaned in frustration as you failed and as you turned round you were caught by surprise as Louis quickly pressed his lips against your lips and pulled away smiling. "Sorry, I've wanted to do that all night" you laughed and replied "That's okay, I liked it anyway" he laughed and looked cocky as he replied "good, so that means I can do it again" as he grabbed you and leaned you back over his arm and kissed you dramatically, you laughed hysterically and continued to talk as he drove you back to your flat. This was definitely not going to be your last date with Louis Tomlinson

Niall - After a while, Niall eventually got you to agree to go on a date with him. You'd always wanted to, but enjoyed playing hard to get as it made him so frustrated and you thought it was cute. You met him at a mini golf course, and you laughed, "Oh Niall, you are going down, I am the mini golf champion" "Oh really" he replied "We'll see about that princess" he smiled and you walked in. He kept missing shots while you landed them with ease, you laughed hysterically at the excuses he was making up "Y/N, you distracted me, it's not fair! I want a do-over," he said "Sorry Niall, no do-overs" you laughed. You finished the course and you beat him by a long way. He shrugged it off and swore you would have a rematch one day. "Is that your way of asking me out on another date Niall?" you smiled. "So what if it was Y/N?" he looked down obviously worried about your reply "Well if it was, I would most definitely say yes" you answered smiling. He looked up at you, "Good, that means it should be okay for me to do this" he leaned in and brushed his lips against yours, and as he went to pull away, you pulled him back in by his t-shirt and kissed him harder. "Yeah it was most definitely okay," he laughed as you pulled away. He walked you back to your flat as you continued to laugh and learn everything you could about each other.

Zayn - As soon as Zayn told you he wanted to take you for a nighttime picnic in a park you felt nervous, it would only be you, him and the stars. What if he didn't like you? What if he found you boring? You met him at the entrance to the park where you took your hand, and led you in to a cute spot under a tree and next to a lake and you looked up and saw just how amazing the stars were looking. You both sat down and he looked at you intently and you started to feel yourself getting uncomfortable until he started speaking. He put you at ease straight away, asking you lots of questions about yourself, your friends, your family and after you were all talked out you began to ask him lots of questions too. After you'd finished eating you both lay back on the blanket and he put his arm underneath your head as you both looked at the stars and continued to talk. After a while you both went quiet and you could feel him looking at you, you glanced up and after a few seconds, he put his hand on your chin and pushed your face up towards his and pressed his lips against yours. "I really like you Y/N" he said. "I really like you too Zayn" you replied, and you spent the rest of the evening wrapped in each others arms as you went from talking lots to just being content with silence and being with each other.
