You get into afight with one boy and go with one that doesn't like you (Part 1)

"Niall?! Really?!" "Baby girl, I'm sorry?" "For what Horan? Lying to me? Cheating on me? Or just getting my hopes up with the thought that you actually loved me?" "But I do love you!" "No ... you wouldn't have lied if you did. You wouldn't need another girls lips if you loved me." You were already crying, Niall's heart breaking by the second. He hates seeing you cry. It's the one thing he absolutely can't stand. "My love ... please." He whispers, cheeks and eyes red. "I can't do this!" You say, hands moving frantically between you both. He looks down, taking in what was just said. "I'll always love you." He whispers. The thought of him with another girl flashed across your mind, making a lump form in your throat and your stomach twist. You shake your head, running out of the flat you and Niall share. No, you weren't going to drive, that's dangerous. Why risk another life because of a fight you had? You walk. Not knowing where your legs are taking you until you stop outside of the Stylinson flat. Louis was with Eleanor ... And Harry never really liked you. You took a deep breath, ringing the bell. "Who is it?" "It's ... me. [Y/N]." You whisper and the door flings open. "Ugh," he mutters, rolling his beautiful green eyes. "What the hell do you want?" He noticed the tears on your cheeks and lightened up a bit. He may not like you, but he doesn't like seeing girls cry. "[Y/N] ... wh-" "Why? Why me Styles?" You cry out and fall to the floor, sobbing, heart breaking. "I did nothing but love him!" Harry shuts the door behind him, sitting down a few feet away. Something clicked inside of him. The way your hair your hair fell perfectly and the way it shined in the moonlight. Your small, fragile little body. He didn't hate you, he just hated you and Niall together. He was so madly in love with you. "I'm sorry. That I came here and bombarded you with my problems." You laughed, wiping tears away. "I know I mean nothing to you either, so I'll just go." You got up, but his gigantic hand cupped your wrist and pulled you inside. "I don't hate you." "Wait .. what?" "I don't hate you." "B-but ... you always goof on me. And always tell Niall how he could do better and how you wish I could-" "Shush!" He laughs. "I goof on you, call you names, say how he could do better because deep down, I know I can't. [Y/N], you're beautiful. You have beautiful eyes and a beautiful body and you're so fucking sweet, you couldn't hurt a fly. You're like Liam with a hint of Zayn, sweet and gorgeous." You feel heat rush to your cheeks and a smile plaster onto your face. "But Niall-" "He doesn't deserve you. You deserve better, not him. You're the best, no one can be as amazing as you." You hug him, the first hug you two shared in the 5 months you've known him. "Thank you." "No problem, my love." He whispered, pulling away and kissing your nose. "Well ... I don't know if I feel sad about Niall or excited that we can actually be friends!" "Friends ... ?" "Yeah ..." "[Y/N], can we maybe move onto the next level?" "Best friends?" You both giggle and he pushes his lips to yours. "That level." "But the boys would hate me for-" "They won't. Secret. Just me and you. Until the Niall frenzy blows over and we can come out." "A secret relationship with Harry Styles? ... I'm down!" You both laugh. "And between Louis Tomlinson!" Louis shouts, slamming the door closed and running up to you both. "Louis?!" You both shout. "I heard everything ... I knew you liked her." He nudged Harry's stomach. "[Y/N] and Harry ... Harry and [Y/N] ... [Y/N] and Niall ... Niall and [Y/N] ... NOPE! Harry and [Y/N] sounds about right!" "Why does Harry have to be first?" You whine and they chuckle. "Ladies first." You and Louis roll in laughter and Harry rolls his eyes. "Okay, it wasn't that funny!" You guys just laugh even more. "That's it." He picks up Louis and slams him down on the sofa. "And you ..." He points to you and kisses you again. "Are mine. Got it?" You nod, finally accepting that you and Niall are over and Harry was your new beginning.
