He Was Dared To Go Out With Ypu (Part 1.)

A few years ago, His POV

"But why me..?" I asked feeling sick that I had to go out with (Y/N). There's nothing wrong with her but I just don't see her like that. I don't see a future with us both. "Because I dared you to Louis" Harry said smirking. "But that's unfair, I thought you said our dares didn't involve relationships" I said. "It doesn't involve leaving a relationship, it can involve just going out with someone" Harry said. "Mate if you don't want to continue going out with her.. Don't go out with her again" Zayn said. "I guess you're right" I said walking away from them getting my phone to call (Y/N) and ask her out.

"I dare you to call (Y/N) and ask her out" Louis said smirking. "No way am I gonna do that" I said crossing my arms. "You don't have a choice Zayn, it was a dare" Liam stated. "Fine then since I 'Have To'" I said walking away to get my jacket to ask (Y/N) out.

"I don't want to give her the wrong impression, I don't like her like that" I told smirking Harry. "Liam.. I dared you to.. You wanted to join our game now come on just ask her out" Harry said. Its not that I have anything against (Y/N).. But I don't see a future for us and anyway she's not even my type.

Okay so we're playing True or Dare the fan version. The fans give us Truths Or Dares and we have to do it no matter what. "Niall.. You picked dare.. They Dare you to ask your friend (Y/N) out since she and her ex just broke up" Louis said. Oh no.. I can't date (Y/N).. I just hope everything would happen for the best or maybe she won't like me.. I just hope she ends everything with me.

"No way I would never" I said trying to get myself out of this dare. "You don't have a say in this.. Its either 2 years or 5 years I'd choose the 2 years if you don't wanna be in the relationship for too long" Louis said. "But I don't want to be in it at all Louis.." I said looking at him while he was dialling (Y/N). What am I going to do?
