"If Today Is Our Last Day On Earth"

Zayn: "If today is our last day on earth I want you tell you that you mean the world to me. I wish I could be there right now with you but instead I'm stuck here on this tour bus. Baby I couldn't ask for anyone better for me. You truly get me. You're on of the only people I feel like I can truly be myself around. Thank you for that. You have become such a big part of me. To wake up and seeing you lying next to me is the best feeling imaginable. I'm so glad I call you mine. If today is our last day on earth then I would die knowing I had what so many people search their entire lives for. True Love. Zayn xx"

Louis: "If today is our last day on earth than I'll be really pissed that I'm on this tour bus and not with you. To just hold you in my arms and be with you. I love you more than I could ever imagine. The day I first met you I knew you were the one. The sound of your laugh, the mischief in the smile, the twinkle in your eyes. Just everything about you fits perfectly with me. If I dreamed the perfect girl for me, that girl would be you. You are my better half and I don't know what I would've done without you. I love you so much babe. So if today is our last day on Earth than I would be glad that I got to spend the last couple years in love with you. Louis x"

Niall: "If today is our last day on earth than I'm thankful that you showed me what it was like to be in love. I would do absolutely anything for you and it kills me that I'm here on tour and not by your side. I would give anything right now to be there holding your hand and kissing your lips. Nothing on this earth makes me happier than how I feel when I'm with you. You are the most amazing girl I've ever met. You are my everything and without you I'm nothing. Before you I had no idea what it felt like to love someone unconditionally but you showed me. So if today is our last day one Earth I want to thank you for everything. I love you y/n. Niall xx"

Harry: "If today is our last day on Earth than thank you for giving me the chance to love you like you deserve to be loved. You ignored all those rumors and gave me the chance. I hope that I haven't let you down. You make me a better person. You are beautiful on the inside and out. I don't think I deserve you but you keep telling me otherwise. I hope that I have succeeded in making happy like you did to me. Just hearing your name brings me joy and if I wasn't on this stupid bus I would be with you right now. So if today is our last day on Earth I love you more than anything baby. Harry xxx"

Liam: "If today is our last day on Earth I want to tell you that you are absolutely perfect to me. You are the ying to my yang. The pea to my pod. The peanut butter to my jelly. I never would have expected to fall for you as hard as I did. But now that you're in my life, I couldn't imagine it without you. Whenever I'm with you I still get butterflies in my stomach. To hold you close is what I yearn for most. I miss you sweet touch along with your tender kisses. It pains me that I'm nowhere near you at the moment. I believe we were made to be together and if today is our last day on Earth, we were meant to leave in love with each other. Liam xx"
