Change Your Life


"She captures her reflection when she throws the mirror to the floor. Her image is distorted, screaming 'Is it worth it anymore?'."

Fans had been criticizing you about your weight ever since you've started dating Niall. Born with a large appetite, you tend to eat more than the average teenage girl but that has never bothered you until the fans came in.

You couldn't take the hate that you had been receiving about your weight and that made you change your eating habits. But despite your efforts, the amount of hate never decreased.

Then one day, you finally cracked. You wouldn't dare to look at your own reflection in the mirror and if you did, you'd end up breaking the mirror. Your mind was racing as you wondered if all of the changes you've made to your life was worth it. You wondered if dieting for the fans was worth it. Was it?


"Are you scared of the things that they might put you through? Does it make you want to hide the inner you?"

Ever since young, you've always been afraid of being yourself in front of others. You were afraid that people might think that you're a freak and that they wouldn't want to be your friends anymore. And that fear has always been stuck with you for the past sixteen years.
Louis had tried to help you get out of your shell by introducing you to fans and getting you noticed. He had hoped that his efforts would help you get over this fear of yours. But it didn't.

The fans were great but some of them sent loads of hate messages to you. They played with your mind by targeting your weakness: your fear. They made you think about your relationship and if it was worth going through all this pain just so that you could be yourself in front of the world.


"You're not the only one so let them criticize. You're untouchable when you realize, oh oh oh."

People have been criticizing you about many things. Your body, your age, your relationship with Zayn.

You used to care a lot about what others think and say about you and that has made life extremely difficult for you. It was Zayn who had helped you through this. He had taught you that even if you received hate, you're not the only one in this world.

There are many other stars who are going through the same thing as you and that made you realize that you shouldn't let what other people say affect you because it's not true. The reporters don't know anything about the real you.


"They can rip you, bring you down, down to their size. But they will never get to the heart you hold inside."

Dating Liam has never been easy. There were always someone out there who would try to send hate to you.

You knew that the hate should be ignored and that it shouldn't have any effect on you because you weren't that vulnerable. You weren't that vulnerable to let a few comments hurt you and change your mindset.

And even with all the false reports that made you sound like you're a completely different person, you still remained strong. That was one of the things that Liam loved about you. You were strong enough to carry on with life despite people hating on you.


"You've got the right to show the world, something never seen. We wanna hear you scream it out, you're not alone."

Harry was a very protective boyfriend. Whenever fans sent hate to you, he would always try to defend you, saying that you're perfect and all.

You didn't care much about the hate and even with that, you still managed to surprise the fans with many different sides of you. You knew that after some time, the fans would be tired of hating you and that you were never alone in this world.

You would always have someone with you, to show you and the world what you could do to make a difference. Pursuing your dreams was never easy with all the hate but Harry would be there to help you through.
