Ch.45 Dad and daughter

Over at her father's house, after searching through her closet for a moment, Shannon gave a sad sigh as she took a seat on the floor and buried her face into her arms, not knowing that her father was standing behind her.

"I thought Paula said you couldn't come here" he spoke which caught her attention "Don't get me wrong, I love that you're here, but you know it's not wise to make her angry."

Shannon let out a sigh, "She doesn't know I'm here. And I had to come."

"Well, I'm glad you are" he smiled while walking up to her and kneeling down "Because I have some news for me. This Saturday night, I have a date with Brooke."

"What?" she gasped as her face lit up "You do?"

"Well," he breathed with a grin "You were right that I do like her, and after getting to know her, I thought it was time to take that step."

"Yes!" she cheered while throwing her arms around him "I knew it was working!"

"Whoa, hold on there" he gently pushed her back "You're still not convinced about the whole 'fairy tale' thing, are you?"

She let out a small sigh while standing up as he copied her move.

"I know you don't believe me," she breathed "But I know that when Brooke needed magic the most, she would go to her book and her friends. The storybook was an enchanted thing, it basically has everyone's stories in it."

"Okay..." Aaron began "So if we find this book, will it show my story? Will I remember being a wizard?"

"You're never going to believe it" she mumbled sadly while taking a seat on her bed.

"Hey, I would love to believe I was a wizard, and having magic, and being the apprentice to Merlin, and not to mention being married to an amazing girl. That would be wonderful, but you know I don't know everything, Shannon. But look, if you can somehow prove to me that all of this is real, well, I'll believe it."

"I've been trying to do that, but it's harder than I thought."

"Well, is there anything I can do to help?"

At that moment, Shannon gave out a grin.

"Well, there is one thing-" she began, still grinning "On your date with Brooke, I know this is going to sound a bit crazy but, when you can, can you maybe um... well-"

She suddenly leaned in and whispered: "Kiss her."

"What?" his eyes widen while stepping back "Oh no."

"But if you don't, the curse won't be broken."

"Shannon," he groaned, "Nobody kisses on a first date."

"I know but-"

"Honey, I know how much you want me to be with Brooke, and look, I really do like her, but don't you think it'll be better and more common sense if we just take things slow? Now, I don't expect you to completely understand that at your age, well, unless you're doing a similar thing with Dean-"

"Dad!" she cut in with an embarrassed look "Dean and I are just friends."

"You better be," he pointed with a smirk "But if you can find some other way to get me to believe, then I'll believe it."

"But what about the photo?"

At that moment, Aaron let out a sigh as he pulled out the photo from his back pocket of him and Brooke in their teens.

"I know you're concerned about this" Shannon stated, "But that really is a photo of you and Brooke on Prom night, it's not photoshopped."

"Again, I need better proof."

"I don't know what else to tell you but, if you just believe in me, you'll know that Brooke isn't just some girl you're about to go on a date with, but she's really your wife and my mom. I just hope I could find some way to get you to believe it."

"Well," he sighed while putting the photo back "I don't know what I else I could do, but if you really do believe all of this, I don't know what I can say."

"You don't have to say anything, all it takes it time."

And with that, she got off of her bed and wrapped her arms around her father's waist and into a hug. As he hugged back, all he could think about was whether or not to really believe his daughter.


Up in the highest tower of Calvert's Tower, Ross dumped out a bag of soil in front of the prisoner as he tossed the empty shopping bag to the side.

"I got what you asked for" he stated "Fresh from that charmless little community garden."

"Thank you," she breathed in satisfaction as she sank her hands into the soil "Your mother has denied me of this for far too long."

"Then prove to me that this was worth getting my hands dirty" he ordered with a frown.

The prisoner gave him a frown as well as she picked up a middlemist flower and began to pluck off the petals and sprinkled them all over the soil as she set the stem aside and covered the petals with the soil. And as she held her hands over the soil, Ross watched with amusement as a plant began to grow out of the soil as the woman focused on her magic to make it grow. She made the plant grow until the brown colored stem sprouted out dried prickly flowers that made Ross smile as he bent down to get a better look.

"That's perfect," he grinned as he reached his hand out to pluck one of the flower spikes.

"Careful!" she suddenly grabbed onto his wrist "This is one of the most dangerous paths to take a person down.

Ross just pulled his wrist back with a scowl as he plucked one of the spikes and stood up.

"Then I guess we'll see-" he began as he held the spike over an empty vessel "If Daniel is as powerful as he thinks he is."

With the spike over the vessel, he gave the plant a squeeze as he watched as fluid dripped from the plant and into the vessel. Once he had enough, he gave a sneaky grin as he closed the bottle, knowing he had exactly what he needed to take down his former friend.
