Ch.51 Haunting island

The next morning at work, Aaron tried to take his mind off of what had happened the other night with Ross by drying glass cups with a rag. But now that all of his memories were back, he knew it was impossible to not think of them, especially when the woman he loves doesn't remember him and that his ex-friend is trying to steal her from him, it bothered him so much that he nearly dropped a glass that he was drying.

"That was a close one," he nearly jumped to the sound of Brooke's voice when he turned to see her in front of him.

"Oh um-" he mumbled, "Yeah."

It was the first time seeing her since he regained his memories and all he wanted to do was swoop her up and into a hug. But he knew he couldn't do it, and just thinking about it brought pain to his heart.

"So," Brooke smiled, "I'm really looking forward to this Saturday."

"Yeah um..." he responded nervously while avoiding eye contact.

"What?" she questioned, "Is everything okay?"

He tried to get his words out when he spotted Ross watching him from outside through the window, reminding him what needed to be done.

"Look-" he began in a sad sigh "I uh- I have to cancel."

"What?" she replied with a small gasp.

"I'm sorry but, something came up that I have to deal with. I was really looking forward to this Saturday, I really was."

"Hey," she said calmly, "I get it. It's okay, maybe some other time."

"I hope so," he agreed with a small smile, hoping there really would a 'next time'.

"Well then, I should get going, maybe I'll see you later."

He nodded with a smile as he watched her exit the bar when he spotted Ross waving and smiling at her as she smiled and waved back. Just seeing him near her made Aaron's face turn red as Ross entered the bar and walked up to the counter.

"I knew you could do it" he sneered while leaning his arms on the counter "Now, was that so hard?"

Not wanting to deal with him, Aaron avoided eye contact as he went back to drying the glass cups.

"You're giving me the Silent Treatment huh?" Ross snickered, "I kinda expected that. So tell me, where were you planning on taking Brooke on Saturday?"

At that moment, Aaron had stopped wiping the glass as he slowly turned his glare at Ross to expose the death look in his eyes and his face red as an apple.

"Whoa," Ross chuckled, "You look like Snow White's poison apple. You look terrible."

Aaron could feel his grip around the glass getting tight from his anger as he looked back down.

"Well," Ross spoked, "Since I wouldn't want you getting blood on the floors when you crush that glass, I best get going. And who knows, maybe I'll be able to hang out with Brooke."

All of a sudden, Aaron felt the glass slip out of his hand as it fell onto the floor with a crash that made him jump.

"Oh," Ross chuckled, "At least it didn't get your fingers."

As he walked off, Aaron let out a deep growl while grabbing onto his hair with his hands.

"Aaron," Jim entered with a concerned look "Are you feeling okay?"

"No," he grunted while dropping his arms "I'm sorry about this."

"Ross is at it again, huh?"

Aaron bit his lip while slumping on a stool.

"Hey Jim," he began in a mumble "Do you mind if I take the day off? I'm not feeling very well?"

"Let me guess, headache?"

"More like a heartache."

(Flashback) It was a long boat ride to the island of Avalon, and by the time Shawn made it to shore, it was already past midnight. Not a single star was seen in the sky as fog surrounded the island. It was dead quiet, and Shawn was already getting chills as he stepped out of his boat. After picking up a torch he had brought, he used his new magic to light it up as he began his way through the forest.

He remembered reading about the island and how beautiful it used to be. But the mysterious girl was right, it has changed since King Arthur's death, and it was really giving him the creeps. But he tried to shrug it off as he gained up his courage as he continued down the forest until he came upon an opened area that had a few gravestones. Curious, he bent down in front of one as he held the flame over the stone and read the cracked name.

"Mordred," he read the name with astonishment "No way."

"Why are you here, boy?" a feminine disembodied voice suddenly spoke which startled him as he sprang up while using his torch to see who was talking to him.

No one was in sight as he tried to keep his cool.

"Who's there?" he demanded.

"I'll ask the questions here," the voice replied which echoed throughout the island "For starters, who are you?"

"My name is Shawn Pendragon, Prince of Camelot."

"Oh, I see, you're the son of Queen Guinevere."

"I may be her son," he frowned, "But she's not my mother."

The voice gave a mocking giggle, "Oh, do I love a good family rivalry. Not to mention that she still has no idea about who your father is. Is it Arthur? Is it Lancelot? Oh, what a shame not to know."

"Are you gonna keep talking about my family drama or are you gonna ask my more question?" he demanded, "Because I can leave this dreaded island right now-"

"Patience your highness, one must never rush. So, tell me, son of Guinevere, what brings you to the island of Avalon?"

"I seek the sword Excalibur, I was told it was left here."

The voice gave a small laugh, "Oh, Excalibur, I remember how wonderful that sword was. But unfortunately for you, the sword has a new home."

"What?" he gasped, "Where is it?!"

"Only a few know. But, tell me this young prince, are you willing to do whatever it takes to have that sword?"

"Yes," he replied harshly, "Why else did I come to this haunting island at night by myself?"

"Fair point. Alright, how about we make a deal. If I help you get Excalibur, will you help me be free of this island?"

"Um... how can I free you if I can't even see you?"

"You will see me soon. So, do we have a deal?"

Shawn thought for a moment, not knowing if he should trust whoever was talking to him. But after a moment on hard thinking, he came to his answer.

"Alright," he replied, "It's a deal, whoever you are."
