Ch.77 Freed prophecy

Yes, another chapter today because I really want to show you guys the interesting parts, hehe.

(Flashback) On the day of Shannon's 8th birthday, everyone including most of their old friends had gathered on the courtyard of the palace where Delilah used a spoon to tap against her teacup which caught everyone's attention.

"Thank you for coming to celebrate the birthday of a special little girl" she announced as everyone turned their smiles to Shannon "And to remember how lucky we are to live in a time of peace and prosperity."

"Thank you, Aunt Delilah" Shannon smiled, "Can I light the candles on my cake?"

"Oh, no," Danny shook his head "That's my job."

And with that, he used his magic to light up the birthday candles.

"Make a wish" he smiled.

But right before Shannon could blow out the candles, the flames were suddenly put out when everyone heard the sound of wind blowing by as the sky suddenly got dark. As soon as thunder was heard, everyone pulled out their weapons and backed away.

"What the hell is going on?" Cerise demanded when lightning started to flash.

All of a sudden, everyone turned towards the statue of Shawn who had been placed in a corner when just like that, Morgana appeared in front of the statue in the blink of an eye.

"Look at all this" she sneered as everyone aimed their weapons at her "Cake, presents, family. Did you really think this would be a day of celebration?"

"Don't try anything, witch" Darling growled, "There's no way you can fight all of us alone."

"Who says I'm alone?"

Just like that, in a split second, five figures wearing black hoods appeared behind her and the statue as everyone took a step back in fright. And to their horror, they watched as the figures raised their hands as lightning continued to flash when the statue suddenly moved. Pretty soon, the statue collapsed to the floor, but instead of breaking into pieces, it had turn back into Shawn's old self as he tried to comprehend what was going on."

"That's impossible," Brooke gasped, "Blood magic can't be broken."

"Not by any single person," Morgana explained, "But together, this family can do anything."

She then bent down near Shawn's side and held him up.

"Come, Shawn," she ordered gently while pressing her hand against his cheek "In days, here, the prophecy shall be fulfilled. Your curse will be cast. The suffering shall begin."

And just like that, Shawn turned to everyone and gave them all an evil grin before he and the figures disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Once they were gone, everyone began to panic. Now that Shawn was free and was working with those mysterious figures, they knew they had to do something quickly before time runs out.

"Everyone calm down!" Brooke ordered, "We'll figure something out!"

"How?!" Delilah doubted, "Why don't even know what those creatures were! And they sure looked deadly!"

"Those weren't creatures" Faybelle suddenly spoke, "That's a Coventry."

"A what?"

"A Coventry. Kind of like a Coven of witches, but this one has both males and females."

"How do you know about them?" Brooke asked.

"Because just last month, they invited me to join them."

She reached into her pocket and pulled out a bronze medal and showed her the wheel design.

"This was left on my front porch that morning" she explained, "When it comes to magic users, they're the worse of the worst. I turned them down obviously, but I didn't think that they were working with Morgana."

"Any ideas on how to stop them?"

"We might be able to one by one, but even that seems impossible considering they work as a group which makes them more powerful."

"In that case," Danny spoke, "We're gonna need all the help we can get to prevent this curse from happening."

"You're right" Brooke agreed as she turned to everyone "Everyone, listen up! We don't know how much we have, but that why we're gonna have to make this quick! Warn everyone about the curse and try to get as much help as you can!"

They all nodded as they began to spread out and get to work.

"Mom!" Shannon ran up to Brooke "What are we gonna do?"

"You stay put" Brooke declared, "Your father and I will figure something out."

"Brooke," Danny spoke when his face lit up "I might have an idea. But I need to speak with you alone."

She gave a nod before turning to Shannon.

"Go to Delilah," she directed her, "We'll be with you in a moment."

As soon as their daughter was with their friends, Brooke and Danny stepped away from the crowd so that they were alone.

"What do you have?" Brooke asked him.

"I know a certain tree that has magic in it" he began, "Magic that can open a portal to the Land without Magic."

"Like Storybrooke?"

"Yes. But I doubt it'll take anyone to Storybrooke. But whoever goes through the portal, their memories could be safe so they can find a way to help everyone else if the curse is cast."

"Great," she remarked with a smile "Where's this tree?"

"Hold on," he held his hand up "I'm not finished yet. The portal isn't very big, it can only take 2 people."

"Oh," her smile faded "Um, what do you have in mind, exactly?"

He gave a sigh, "I suggest you and Shannon go through."

"What?" she gasped.

"You and Shannon are the biggest believers I know. You were able to help everyone get their memories back in the first curse and I know you can do it again. But this time, you'll have Shannon to help you."

"But-" she gasped as she took a hold of his hands with a scared look "I can't leave you. If the curse comes and we make it, how will we be able to find you?"

"I don't know what will happen, but don't forget."

He reached down his shirt to pull out his key necklace.

"We still have these," he reminded, "And if these were able to bring us back together, I know it can do it again."

"In the Land without Magic?"

"As I said, I don't know what will happen. For all we know, this curse could be very different from the one Raven's mother cast all those years ago. But whatever happens, we must be ready for it."

Brooke held her husband's hands tightly as she looked up into his eyes, knowing what needed to be done.

"Where's the tree?"
