Ch.78 Preparing

After hearing the news, Brooke hurried to the hospital where she saw Aaron staring through the glass at his daughter who was still in her coma in the hospital room.

"Aaron!" Brooke called out as she joined his side "I came as fast as I could. What happened?"

"I don't know" he replied worriedly, "She just fell in my arms and passed out. And she's still unresponsive."

"Do the doctors have a theory of what happened?"

"Not at the moment, and I'm getting more worried by the second."

Brooke turned her sad gaze at Shannon. She looked like she was already dead by how still her body was. And just looking at her broke Brooke's heart as she turned to Aaron.

"I'll do everything I can to help," she told him, "Shannon's a strong girl, I know we'll find a way to wake her up."

"Thanks, Brooke," he mumbled as she pulled him into a comforting hug.

As they held onto each other, Brooke looked up and kept her eyes on Shannon. Whatever happened to her, Brooke knew she wasn't going to stop until the little girl's eyes open again.

(Flashback) Doing what Brooke had told them, everyone spread out and tried to get as much help as they could to prevent the curse from happening. And as Hunter and Ashlynn went into the forest, they soon came upon Gold who was sitting at a river bank and watching the water flow by.

"Hey, Gold," Hunter called out "We need your help."

"I'm assuming it has to do with the prophecy" he smirked, "Am I right?"

"Pretty much. Morgana has freed Shawn, the prophecy is coming true. Please tell us you have some kind of magic that can prevent it from happening."

"Well... I do have these" he held up his hands to show them a pair of white elephant miniature statues "White elephants. Are you two familiar with the expression? A name we give to things that have outlives their useful lives, and yet persist. And I find that personally quite moving."

"Enough games," Hunter grunted as he took the little statues "Will this help stop the curse from happening?"

"Stop it? Oh no, nothing can stop it. But when the curse comes, that can keep your most precious relationship intact."

"So we'll remember who we are?" Ashlynn asked.

"No. It'll be like the first curse when all of your memories will be replaced. But in the random tumult of the curse, it ensures that you will still be boyfriend and girlfriend or husband and wife."

Hunter and Ashlynn gave each other glances.

"There's only two," Ashlynn pointed out, "That's mean only two couples can have them."

"I'm afraid that's all I have," Gold stated, "You guys can keep one, but you'll have to give the other to another couple."

Without saying a word, the couple gave Gold a thank you nod before turning around to head back to the palace. Even once the curse was cast, they just hoped these elephants will surely work.

Out of the hospital, Paula and Mr. Goldson took Mia into the evidence room of the police station where Mr. Goldson placed several different looking daggers in the table in front of Mia.

"Now, I've performed this test many times," he told her "Carried these blades a long way. It's quite simple. All you have to do is tell me which one of these has magic."

As she studied the blades, Mia picked up one that had a wavy edge as she examined it.

"Is that the one?" he asked.

"Mm... no" she shook her head as she set it back down.

But at that moment, the table began to rumble as everyone stood back. Wondering what was going on, they watched as the daggers suddenly rose up and flew straight into a cabinet and stabbed right through the door as the shaking stopped.

"I think it might be in there," Mia pointed with her eyes widen.

Mr. Goldson went over to the cabinet and pulled it open to find a thin box inside. As he pulled it out, it flipped it open and pulled out a familiar dagger to the one Mia held up. Like the other one, this one had a wavy edge with Gothic designs, but it appeared older than the other one.

"I don't want power if it's gonna do things like that" Mia declared a bit nervously.

"Don't be afraid," he assured, "This power can be used to help people, to heal people. In fact, there's a little girl who desperately needs your help. So if you're ready, it's time to show what you can do."

(Flashback) On Brooke's motorcycle, Shannon held onto her mother as Brooke stopped her vehicle in front of a large tree covered in moss.

"This is the oldest part of this realm-" Brooke announced as they got off her motorcycle "This tree has magic in it."

"Whoa," Shannon breathed amusedly as she held onto Brooke's storybook, "How did you find this one tree with so many regular trees around it?"

Just then, they heard footsteps approaching as they turned to see a familiar face who was carrying a rustic backpack.

"I had some help from an old friend," Brooke smiled, "Shannon, this is Destiny. She's an oracle who has helped me and my friends in the past."

"Pleased to meet you," Shannon greeted with a smile.

"Pleased to meet you, Shannon" Destiny greeted back as she turned to Brooke and pulled out an ax from the rustic backpack "Here is Hunter's ax. This should be up to the task."

"What are you going to do?" Shannon asked when Brooke's facial expression answered her question as she gave a gasp "Why are you cutting it down?!"

"Shannon," Brooke spoke gently, "This tree has magic that can open a portal to the Land without Magic, just like Storybrooke. If the curse happens, you and I go to the Land without Magic before it hits. Then we find our people."

She then held up the book that was in Shannon's hands.

"And with this book, we can help them believe again."

"It'll be dark soon," Destiny suddenly announced, "You should get to work."

"Okay," Brooke nodded, "Take Shannon to your place, okay?"

Destiny gave a promising nod as Brooke looked down at her daughter who had on a worried look.

"Hey," she spoke softly, "It's okay. Just believe in me."

Shannon gave her mom one last hug before heading off with Destiny. Once she was alone, Brooke held up Hunter's ax, took a deep breath, and began to chop into the tree.
